No Tears For You
I walk barefoot on your smoldering coals
as you paint my pain in hues of crimson.
Deranged images hover on my ceiling
as I lie on bed of broken crushed dreams,
crawling on ground with clipped wings.
Sound reverberates as you twist my gut,
your black tide runs dry upon my shore -
emotionless starvation in hollow drums.
Night chaperones darkness in sobbing clouds
while you rob the diamonds from my crown,
replacing them with thorns of the damned,
tattered memories wearing mourning veil.
I trowel over the rough patches to polish hurt,
glue my heart together, absorb into my chest
gather my rasping pain to learn to live
hearing redeeming messages in my grief.
A thousand years from now, there will be
It is written
In dried blood
In the wood
At the bottom
Of my dresser,
Scratched with a safety pin
That was pulled from the dry cleaning
That he never got a chance to give me.
He wrote it there as he bled on the floor,
Where he fell when the monster took his life
He wrote the name of the monster, for he knew it well,
But he wrote something else, beneath the name,
Something he knew I would be the one to see.
It was a simple message, that wouldn't mean much
To someone who didn't know him, but it meant something to me.
It was only two letters- OK. To anyone else, this might not mean anything.
Someone else might have thought that he should have said I love you,
Or some such other platitude, but it was so much more, a symbol of our one heart.
It was our own special code, our nonverbal language. It meant we had fought,
And we were sorry, and that it was all right because we knew we still loved each other.
I look at it every day, and I cry my heart out, because I know I can never say it back.