He was truly arrogant. I was his servant. His beloved angel. One of them. My brothers were strong and obedient, never questioning his demands. They tried to hush me when I asked questions. It infuriated him that I didn't always just take his word. I grew more and more inquisitive. My brothers tried to warn me but I didn't listen. He would always love me unconditionally, right?
One day he accused me of believing I was his equal. I didn't contradict his accusation exactly. It fueled more questions. What if I were his equal?
That was taking it too far.
He enjoyed entertaining himself by watching the interations of a species that had developed on a planet called Earth. The species was quite early in development and had only just started to evolve from beasts.
He began sending us to interact with the new species. He had an agenda. I wasn't sure it was in the best interest of the residents of the pretty little planet.
When he grew so angry with me that he would have killed me, instead he banished me to walk the planet with the underdeveloped young species, never to reside with him in the heavens again. I was quite literally grounded.
A boy was left in an oasis for his entertainment. They gave him their child in exchange for his help in hunting and conquering for a season.
I stayed near to watch. They later brought him a girl. He wanted them to have children under his command. They grew older, doing whatever they were told, questioning nothing. He was doing the same to these humans as he had done to my brothers and I. The difference? The humans could reproduce.
Most of his actions and teachings seemed to be based on his egotistical and jealous nature. He had recently been divorced by this wife because of these things. I watched as he showed favor towards the male and largely ignored the female. He was still bitter.
I felt sorry for the innocent humans as I watched them cower every time his voice boomed into their garden with some new command or law.
He went so far as to forbid them eating from one particular tree with very succulant fruit hanging from it. There was nothing wrong with the fruit. It was delicious and healthy, but he told them that if they ate it they would die. He lied to them and it broke my heart to watch them avoid the tree so carefully while they longed to taste from it.
Finally I had had enough. I decided to speak to them while he was occupied elsewhere as he often was. Usually spying on or harassing his ex wife.
The man, Adam, was so devoted to him that I decided Eve would be best to talk to. She didn't have the connection that Adam did with their 'God'.
I intercepted her while her husband was elsewhere. She was friendly and seemed happy to talk to someone other than Adam.
It didn't take long before we were laughing and talking like old friends. I liked her. She had such an interesting and open spirit. She was intelligent and curious.
I began to share stories with her, but I changed some things so as not to frighten her or have her believe me a liar. I wanted to tell her everything but I held back, unsure of how much she could handle.
I told her to beware of the one they thought was their 'God'. That his agenda might not be to their benefit. I told her that he was not so nice, so loving, as he had them believe. I told her of my own banishment and that my crime was simply curiosity. Wanting to know more about myself, about him. I told her the fruit from the tree was ordinary, very delicious fruit and that he only told them not to eat it to test their obedience. That he didn't want them to know what he knew. I told her that I believed if we were able to learn what he knows, it would remove his power over us.
She listened in disbelief at first.
"Hey, if you don't believe me, go ahead and try the fruit. You'll see that it won't hurt you. I promise it won't."
She reached out and with a shaking hand, touched a piece of the fruit hanging from a branch of the tree. When nothing happened, I winked at her.
Hearing her husband calling her, I said goodbye. I told her I'd come back to see her another day.
I didn't go far. I watched as she animatedly told Adam everything I had told her. The two decided to test my information and they bravely plucked a fruit from the tree. Adam bit it and handed it to his wife. She took a bite. They looked at each other in shock when nothing happened to them.
Suddenly his angry booming voice startled all three of us. I sank further into the shadows and watched him verbally attack my new friend and her husband. I watched as tears rolled down her cheeks when Adam tried to blame her instead of standing up to him and protecting her. I was apalled. What's more, without even a second chance, he did to them what he had done to me. He banished then from the oasis. They would have to struggle to survive out in the desert.
A tear escaped my eye as I watched the two innocent people I had grown fond of being kicked out of the only home they had ever known by the one being they thought loved them and would never hurt them. I saw myself in their terrified faces.
I vowed to be there to guide and protect them to the best of my ability and I quietly followed them as they left the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve picked up
the great Book
They thought it was time
that they took a look
Wanting to see how their
tale was depicted
And why so many were
becoming addicted.
One by one they turned
back the pages
Verse by verse they went
back thru the ages
Until they came to the
very beginning
Beginning of time when
man began sinning.
Silent, together they
read their own story
Each hoping he or
she received glory
When finished Eve closed the
book with a snap
She said, I think that's
enough of this crap.
That isn't how any of it
happened at all
Why do I get the blame
for us taking a fall?
Adam shrugged and
smiled at his wife
Does it matter?
We've still had a great life!
Eve looked around at how
life had adjusted
Suddenly she became
very disgusted
They've made women out
to be so deceitful
Cunning and willful,
a little bit evil.
We are your sisters,
daughters, and mothers
Without us there'd be no
sons, fathers, and brothers
The decision we made in the
garden took two
The serpent didn't make us,
it was tween me and you.
Adam didn't think it was
that big a deal
In her shoes he had no
idea how he'd feel
If gender caused him to get
all of the blame
He assumed that he probably
would feel the same.
And another thing they left out,
Eve started to speak
Adam looked up and bravely
dared take a peek
The goddess, our mother,
they seem to forget
She may have divorced him
but she was there,
you can bet!
Adam And Eve.
I believe...
That no one can see...
What I really mean...
That no one can understand my feelings...
I feel like dying...
I never ate the apple from the tree...
Why am I here...
Can you please wipe all my tears...
Thank you...
Mom and dad...
Eve and Adam..
Yes this might be sarcasm...
I love my life...
No..I'm not terrified...
Thank you for eating the apple..
Why would you talk to a snake..
Yes I am questioning it...
When someone says you must have faith...
Today in this world if you say that you'll get shot dead...
Welcome to America...
No no..welcome to this corrupt world..
Mom and Dad you made it an disaster.
So I must say to this boy and girl..
Welcome to America...
Welcome to America...
Here we always get shot..
Welcome to America...
Welcome to America..
Welcome to this corrupt world...
Enjoy it while it last little girl...
In Revelation it says it will get worse..