“I’m holding up, so much more than I can carry.”
Ended April 15, 2021 • 16 Entries • Created by Aks
Ended March 14, 2021 • 1 Entry • Created by Aks
How you what to be vs Who you are
Ended April 10, 2021 • 5 Entries • Created by Aks
A star came sneaks in your room tonight. Write a cute poem on what happens next. Make me go awww :D
Ended February 25, 2019 • 21 Entries • Created by Aks
How the moon betrayed the sun to dance with the stars. Tag me, I’m curious to know what you write :)
Ended December 20, 2018 • 47 Entries • Created by Aks
You just met Shakespeare, how will you keep up with his witty remarks?
Ended July 20, 2018 • 10 Entries • Created by Aks
Conversation between life and death. Poetry and prose both are welcomed but I look forward for poetry more. Don’t forget to tag me so I could read them all!
Ended July 14, 2018 • 46 Entries • Created by Aks
What is madness to you?
Ended July 11, 2018 • 73 Entries • Created by Aks
Create your own version of Mad Hatter, let me know what your madness looks like~
Ended June 22, 2018 • 14 Entries • Created by Aks
How do you think the angel of death looks like?
Ended June 4, 2018 • 65 Entries • Created by Aks
Did you ever come across an incident where you realized how much you really love your life? I’d like to read some interesting real life incidents. Make it dramatic if you want, write something that’d stop the reader’s breath.
Ended January 28, 2018 • 26 Entries • Created by Aks
Describe vividly how you feel the emotion 'Anger'. Does it spread like wildfire in your body or does it start with the slow increase of your heartbeat. Does it urge you to create chaos or do you push your demon down back into its cage. I'd like to read all responses :)
Ended December 1, 2018 • 155 Entries • Created by Aks in Poetry & Free Verse
Agape (unconditional love) or Eros (sexual love)? Love that is infinite or love demands pleasure after another? Write a paragraph of not more than 500 words to make me convince which one holds more value and why. It can be in a narrative form, a convincing story or an argument between the gods Agape and Eros. Let your love flow~❤️ tag me so I could read them.
Ended December 12, 2016 • 13 Entries • Created by Aks
"I forget all my qualms when I see a smile on your face..."
Ended December 3, 2016 • 19 Entries • Created by Aks
What does being a writer mean to you? Letting out emotions and stitching your soul on the blank paper creating a wondrous tapestry of words. That's what we do when we write, right? What makes the blood and ink flow together in your veins? Explain as vividly as possible! Prose and poetry both are accepted~
Ended October 18, 2016 • 11 Entries • Created by Aks
"He was the epitome of beauty, his eyes crystal clear, his hair darker than the night sky. His jaw perfectly sculpted. He stood there wearing white which made him seem like an angel. He asks you to join him in a dance, what were your thoughts when you set your eyes on him, what did you feel? Was your heart racing? Were you reluctant? Did you accept his dance offer or was there something in your heart that made you feel uneasy? How did it all end? Was he truly an angel? Or the devil alluring you towards him?" Write a short prose on the given situation, it could be simple sweet romance or take a dreadful turn of horror. Let your imagination run wild. Tag me so I could fall in love with your love story too~"
Ended November 1, 2016 • 10 Entries • Created by Aks
Write about a friendship that has been slowly drifting apart. A friendship where on gave his/her 100% while the other barely tried to put efforts, where one understood the other with one glance of the face while the other couldn't distinguish the simplest emotions of the first one, where the first one cared less because s/he already has many other friends while the other one barely had anyone to depend upon. Cover all these aspects and write a poem filled with angst. See if I could feel the pain in your words. Don't forget to tag me~
Ended October 16, 2016 • 19 Entries • Created by Aks
A beautifully demented mind....
Ended September 27, 2016 • 24 Entries • Created by Aks in Stream of Consciousness
"Bound to chains that do not make the slightest sound..."
Ended September 14, 2016 • 35 Entries • Created by Aks in Poetry & Free Verse