They lay still
In the darkness
Underneath the sky
One that had—
Not a star-
Nor any moonlight
They lay still
In the small
Mostly deserted city
One that had—
Not any joie-
Not any tonight
They lay still
In the shadows
Patiently waiting for
The return of—
Their one serenity-
Chaser of sunlight
They lay still
The sound
Of the horn
Blasts forth
& they take off
Into the starless night
The Little Girl
It was a beautiful day to be walking home along a tree-lined road. Carlos hastily checked his watch; darkness was already falling, Soon, the only light will come from street lamps. Apart from Carlos, the road is empty … or so he thinks. Suddenly, he hears a strange, shrill voice coming from the darkness behind the trees.
Carlos froze. The hairs behind his neck stood up as he turned towards the source of the shrill voice. It came from behind the trees.
“Is anybody there…?” he asked into the void of the forest.
There it was again. The echo of the voice rang like a siren in his ears. The cold voice seemed to beckon him, as if it was a hypnotising spell. Carlos quickened his pace, nervously trodding through the damp grass.
Squish, squish.
He could feel his heart thumping like a bird trying to escape its cage. Taking short quick breaths, Carlos silently dashed along the road.
“Hi there, have you come to play with me?” whispered the voice, now closer. In fact, Carlos thought he had felt someone breathing down his neck...
He took a deep breath, and turned around slowly, only to face… a little girl! Heaving a sigh of relief, Carlos examined the figure. She wore a red bow on her head, and seemed to be snuggling under her cyan jacket while staring up at him. He was baffled; what was a little girl doing alone on the road at dusk?
“Hello there, where are your parents?” questioned Carlos, ” And how did you get here?”
The little girl frowned. “Answer my question first!” she grumbled.
Carlos sighed. He promised the girl he would play with her after she told him where her parents were. ‘Such inconsiderate parents’, he thought, ‘leaving their kid wandering around the streets at night’. The girl introduced herself as Mia. She explained that she went for a picnic with her parents, and got lost when she went to play in the woods. Carlos felt a pang of sympathy for the girl and decided to walk her home. Maybe his mother would know what to do.
Mia and Carlos strolled along the dark road, with only the street lamps and stars to lead them. The cheerful chatter could be heard between the two, as Carlos chatted and told jokes to brighten the little girl’s spirits. Mia looked into his eyes while giggling softly. However, he noticed that the sparkle in her eyes looked so faded and lost despite her young age. It was almost as if the flaming spirit inside of her had been extinguished.
“Look, we’re here!” exclaimed Carlos, shrugging off his thoughts.
They had just arrived at his house, and his mother was walking to and fro at the entrance, clearly anxious. Mia smiled and thanked him for all his help, as he ushered her into the house.
“Carlos, there you are! I was worried sick, what took you so long?” scolded his mother, running to embrace him in a tight hug.
“I’m sorry mom,” apologised Carlos, “ I was walking home when I found this lost girl. Her name is Mia, and I was wondering if you could call the police station to help find her parents.” he explained, nudging Mia to greet his mother.
“Hello ma’am,” mumbled Mia, staying behind Carlos.
Carlos’ mother looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “Carlos, that’s funny, but you don’t need to make up a silly excuse for being late.”
Carlos was baffled, “What do you mean, mother? I found her alone in the woods, I couldn’t just leave her there” Carlos.
Now his mother was clearly irritated, “Carlos, don’t test me. Do you take me for a fool?”
Carlos was puzzled. He turned to Mia and pushed her forward. He told his mother to let Mia explain what happened, but instead his mother backed away. Mia giggled, much to his surprise.
“Play with me,”she abruptlu said cheerily.
“Stop it, Carlos,” his mother warned, “I know this is another one of your pranks, and you can stop now,” she stammered.
“She said she was lost mom, you of all people know I wouldn’t randomly bring strangers into the house!” argued Carlos, insulted that his mother would think he did such a thing.
“Play with me,” hissed Mia, now with a hint of anger.
His mother’s face turned pale. She whisked out her phone and snapped a picture of Carlos and Mia. Baffled, Carlos opened his mouth to ask a question, when his mother showed the photo to him. Carlos felt his blood run cold. He was unable to believe his eyes, and even rubbed them before glancing again at the picture.
“PLAY WITH ME!!!” shrieked Mia.
The picture showed a furious Carlos, but Mia did not show up in the photo. Speechless, he turned around and pointed while saying, “But she’s right over-”
There was no one there.
Suddenly, Carlos heard the same shrill voice in his ear, and shuddered as it coldly whispered, “You didn’t keep your promise…”
The Land of Love
Clutch my hands and don’t let go,
Feel my breath and make me glow
Push my hair behind my ear,
And let me know, are we the perfect pair?
I see a world through your hazel eyes
Do tell me, is it paradise?
Looking at you, my heart feel light,
As you wrap me up in this hug so tight.
You make me blush, you make me warm,
As you touch my face with your tender palm.
I just can’t say how I feel right now,
So is this what they call as love?
Buried in your tight embrace,
Is really when I solace
The world is nothing when I have you,
And the whole of me is just for you.
Oh look, the stars are smiling,
And look, the trees are dancing!
Come let’s flee to the land of love
Under the sea to the land of love.
Country Recollections
Gramps and me were a team.
He’d wear overalls
and a yellow straw hat.
He’d pluck a piece of straw
from a bale of hay,
place it between his teeth just so,
stretch his hands upward to touch the sky,
eyes scanning the countryside.
For miles, whichever way you’d look;
it was all his.
I’d stand next to him, belt high,
biting my own piece of straw,
looking at the land,
mimicking his intensity.
Together, we’d board the old John Deere,
allowing me to crank it up,
and from twin pipes,
black smoke would belch into the air.
The old Deere would shimmy, rattle some,
then settle into one volume: loud.
Lindy, my collie, would bark excitement,
knowing what lay ahead.
Time to “head ’em up, move ’em out,”
Gramps would declare with his deep voice.
Before long, a mile or so from home,
John Deere bouncing steadily,
forty Guernsey’s awaited us,
as did the old red barn.
Lindy does her part,
barking out orders, giving direction,
until the cows are herded together.
We parked the old Deere,
milked the cows,
as Lindy stood watching for strays.
The morning passed.
The sun reached noon-time high,
as we herded the cows back to pasture.
Once again, sitting atop the old Deere,
Lindy, lying prone, eyes always watchful;
we made our way back home.
Billowing clouds of snow white,
backed by pure blueness,
found Gramps and me admiring the land,
and all it held.
and we knew we had done good.
Gramps is buried on the hill,
overlooking all that was his,
and another day begins.
I wake my grandson,
who, dressed like me,
is eager as I first was.
He calls to Little Lindy,
as we climb aboard the old John Deere.
We view the land which surrounds us,
and before the day is over,
we’ll know we’ve done good, too.
On This Day: October 7th … Strange Holidays
World Cerebral Palsy Day
National Day Golden Week Holiday
Sukkot V
Space Exploration Day—Germany
National LED Light Day
National Frappe Day
National Inner Beauty Day
National Walk To School Day
National Pumpkin Seed Day
National Coffee With A Cop Day
Two I looked up and one I’ll just comment on.
World Cerebral Palsy Day
Cerebral Palsy is the most common childhood disability, yet around the globe, there’s a broad lack of knowledge of what it is and how it’s caused, even in the medical field.
In addition, many children and adults with cerebral palsy are at increased risk of abuse and neglect, and in some parts of the world, murder, as communities fail to offer people with CP love and quality of life.
Through World CP Day they build awareness of what CP is, how it’s caused, and how early detection and intervention is the key to improving outcomes for people with CP.
As World CP Day continues to grow in popularity, they will continue to show the world all the incredible things that people with cerebral palsy achieve when barriers are removed.
World CP Day is an opportunity for the whole world to come together to recognize and celebrate the 17 million people around the world living with cerebral palsy.
On 6 October every year, individuals, families, and organizations celebrate by sharing stories, hosting events, and wearing the color green.
They have celebrated in a number of ways since World CP Day began in 2012.
National LED Light Day
This marks the first year aka celebration of LED Light Day. At Bridgelux Lights, they wanted to find a fun way to celebrate all things LED. They are a company that is passionate about lighting and is working to build the best and highest-quality LED lighting.
Let us hope they pay their electric bill on time, or it’s lights out for them.
Lastly, about that coffee with a cop day …
Officer: You are under arrest
Person: Can I finish my coffee first?
I would say that would end that pleasantry.
More Strange Holidays Thursday!
Bank Lines
Why are the lines at the bank always so long?
Four lanes and there’s always at least on closed.
Why is that? What’s the point? What is everyone doing here at the same time?
And what the hell is taking so long??
I have childhood memories of me sitting in the car while waiting in line at the bank.
It’s rather soul sucking to be honest.
And they don’t even give out suckers anymore.
To kill or not to kill
Mr. Ger a member of a deadly group decides to leave the crew to concentrate on spending more time with his family.
But his daughter ends up joining his former buddies~ she doesn’t tell her Dad.
When he finds out about it, it’s almost a bit too late for her to just leave.
And her first assignment is to take out an ex member of the group: her father.
What now?
How extreme will she go?
Will her father be able to save himself & her, too, from the deadly dozen?
#Tokillornottokill ©
22.09.2020 (Mardi).
am i a bother?
i’m a bother to you,
and i know it
you never even try
to not show it
that look on your face
when i’m around
you act like i belong
six feet below the ground
well guess what, friend?
i’m not going away
i can’t get rid of this life
so i’ll live another day
spite? yes please
revenge sounds good too
i’ll pepper you with both
till you take a walk in my shoes
i know i’m not perfect
in fact, i’m far from it
mistakes? heartbreaks?
check both, cuz i’ve done it.
but here’s where i win
where i’ve got you all beat
when it comes to my heart
deep down i’m sweet
i never act tough
or try to hide how i feel
all these emotions you see?
they’re best ’cause they’re real
so leave me alone
take your fake self
do me a favor
and go sit on a shelf
because you’re unimportant
and don’t matter to me
i’ll leave you up there
for the whole world to see
and when i’m famous one day
for doing my best
when others around me
would give me no rest
i’ll look down at you
smile slightly and say
“i’m here ’cause of you”
and go on with my day
Tomorrow is borrowed from today
All the worries I tend to throw your way
I’m not trying to be so hard
These scars left on my heart are not your fault
Hitting bottom didn’t help my stubborn
Miss you like a past summer; the sunburn
No regrets is my motto
Flipping cards after I’m all in
My shards have done enough damage
Building bridges and ladders
Has never been my forte
Born in June south of hell, prefer flames
Take me back, try my best to change
A counterfeit bill at the bank
Impossible to break
Forward the only way I take
Looking back will get you killed
Can’t find the moment with all my will
Blinded by the way I’m feeling
Raging like a river in a hurricane
Pop a pill, drink and smoke it away
Face more like a mask, paint
Laughing; crying, feels the same
Thank the gods for insane
Brought me to this place to escape
Flouting on a cloud with Mary Jane
Tomorrow is borrowed from today
All the worries I tend to throw your way
I’m not trying to be so hard
These scars left on my heart are not your fault
Hitting bottom didn’t help my stubborn
Miss you like a past summer; the sunburn