“Have A Nice Day”
I truly just want everyone to have a nice day. The world would be a much better place if everyone focused more on helping others and less on helping themselves. Maybe we should all be held accountable for our actions and influences instead of pointing fingers while blaming others? Then we might all have a nice day.
Answered Payers
The mother sat thinking about what her son was doing in the Marine Corps. He had just returned from Iraq and volunteered to go back. Would she lose her son this time? Will he actually make it home again? Why would he put himself in that position knowing how it was going to make his mother feel. So many unanswered questions clouded her mind.
The young Marine had come home to visit with friends and family on pre-deployment leave. As the day for his deployment neared, the mother worried more and more. What could she do? She didn’t want him to go but how could she stop him? Maybe prayer will work. Wouldn’t hurt to try, would it?
Since her son would be going back to base the next day, she prayed that night so he would not have to deploy again. All the mother wanted was her son to not go overseas. Due to her religious views she prayed to the God of the Bible. Mercy was her main desire but like the saying goes. God works in mysterious ways. This time would be no different.
The following morning she was woke up to the phone ringing. What followed was the answer to her prayer. Her son would not be deploying to Iraq.
In the early morning of the day the son was going to return to base, there was a car accident. The son was trapped in the car as it burned. His legs were burnt so bad that only bilateral above knee amputations would save his life. He also suffered a broken neck and will be a quadriplegic for the rest of his life. It also meant that he could no longer serve in the Marine Corps.
Ultimately the mother did get what she prayed for but in a way that no one would ever wish for.
P.S. I’m the son. Semper Fi!
Is it Cheating if Used for Good? Yes.
This isn’t the first time I thought about this. Should I pick super strength or telekinesis? Super speed and super intelligence? If I get to choose my own, I’ll only want two. Omniscience(all knowing) and omnipotence(all powerful). The two worst super powers a being could have. Why would it be? The absoluteness of those make them chaotically neutral or tyrannically selective. Especially in relation to human life. That’s why they’re never used in comic books or manga. Stop a crime, you’re a hero. Kill a genocidal manic as a kid with brutal death and you’re a villain. Cure a disease, you’re a savior. Wipe out a village that would produce nothing but terrorists by trapping them inside and burning them alive makes you a monster. Cure a disease, put an end to world hunger and create world peace and you’ll be seen as a God. Let everyone know you could have stopped the problem before it started but didn’t because you wanted everyone to recognize your power and you’re a psychopath. Like I said. Worst powers ever.
Bright Lights at Night
Chuck the Mantis Shrimp emerged from his burrow and tuned his vision for the bright lights shining through the ocean’s surface. An overwhelming sense of doom overtook his mind.
“Why is it so bright right now? It’s nighttime” he thought to himself.
There were lights and colors that are far beyond what any other animal can see. For some reason he could see more light then ever before. The ultraviolet lights were beautiful but the infrared lights hurt like nothing he had felt before. It was to much. Nothing could block out these bright lights at night.
He knew but the rest of the animal kingdom had no clue of the terror unfolding atop the Bikini Atoll.
Dear Water
Thank you for everything. I can barely imagine what you have seen on Earth. The places you have been, things you have touched and beauty you have created. You have truly left me in awe, Water. I need to ask a question that is on everybody’s mind though. Which came first; gas, liquid or frozen water? You make up most of me so I want to know the original you. Thanks again for everything.
The Human Race
Why are humans such a detriment to life on Earth? When thinking about this question, some people will probably blame greed in one form or another. I don’t think it’s that simple though. What could be the root source of our problematic behavior then? Evolution of life on Earth is a good possibility when you think about it.
Would the world become a better place and stay that way by simply removing humans though? I doubt it. Humans are not the only problem.
The evolutionary processes that led to most animals living on Earth today were lazy. Consider how a large portion of animals on Earth get their energy. Ending the life of other living organisms. When a living organism ends the life of another in order to consume it, the remaining organisms accept that in order for them to more easily survive, they will need to end the lives of others. This diminishes the value that is placed on life overall by that species.
Can this problem be fixed completely? Highly unlikely. Humans are far from the only animals to evolve like this. You’re not going to be able to convince polar bears to not eat baby seals, baby seals to not eat fish or fish to not eat worms.
As far as humans making a difference. I can think of one major step. Stop killing other organisms to live. Actually treat life like it is as precious as it truly is. Since we know the entire chemical makeup of the human body and the necessary vitamins & minerals to keep it alive and healthy, we really don’t need to continue to kill things to get adequate nutrition. We can synthesize everything that we need in order to stay alive and be healthier than when consuming other living organisms for sustenance while gaining an appreciation for a life.
Just trying to think outside of the box since obliteration is not a feasible option.
Monetary Systems… and Laser Beams
Monetary systems are typically created to benefit an entire group of people. Sadly, they are inevitably manipulated to mostly benefit only a portion of that group. One of the many reasons the human race is horrible in my mind.
Now let’s talk about what I think should come to everyone’s mind when asked such a question. LASER BEAMS! They can do things like give the family a great show or show the family to a great enemy. Correct a person’s vision or blind them. Remove tattoos from skin or emotional support animals from the living. Kill deadly bacteria or happy, healthy kids. Show what bullet your talking about during a presentation or present where the bullet you’re firing will show. We would all love to think that lasers are only going to be used for good but like the wheels on a bus, they go round & round…. and sometimes kill kids.
Just Be a Good Person
That is difficult to answer because someone’s knowledge or denomination of that religion makes it entirely subjective. My maternal grandparents were Missionary Baptists and genuinely good people. Did that make them true Christians? I don’t know. My grandfather was overweight and my grandmother ate shellfish. Both are no-no’s mentioned more than homosexuality in the Bible. Did that make them fake Christians? I still don’t know. They tried to be what they thought a good Christian is.
In my opinion, anyone that teaches their children a story about a God committing the most thorough act of genocide in their version of human history are more likely to knowingly or subconsciously accept atrocities committed against other humans as long as they believe that it is justified by their religion. Does that make all of its followers bad people. No. Just more likely to be compliant with bad leaders.