It is what it is.
Making plans that don't work out. Friendships that fall apart. Heart getting broken despite me doing my damned best to save it. I hang onto the edge of the cliff with my fingertips, hoping that something will change and pull me back up. I fall down, straight to the rock bottom and I have to get back up on my own two feet. I look at that cliff and head out again, because I am stubborn enough, hopeful enough, stupid enough to do so. I am bruised and broken, crying at night, begging someone to come and fix me, but no one is coming. I have to do it myself and damn it, I will. Life sucks. It is what it is. I still want my happy ending.
“Hold my beer and watch me.”
I’ve tried a lot of things in my life, trying to be what I need to be at the time. I like to stretch myself outside of my comfort zone quite a few times. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I land straight on my duff. But at least I’m trying, right? So let me put down my drink and see what I can do.
"You've made it this far, keep going"
One of the things I do sometimes is try to figure out why there's a point to all this. But you know, sometimes it's a matter of eh. I'm here now. Got through the past eighteen years so... Why not, you know? What's the worst that can happen when I've survived every other thing I've ever been through so far? Only way I'm getting out of this is Death and as they've decided they don't want to see or save me thus far, it is what it is until it simply isn't anymore.
“Have A Nice Day”
I truly just want everyone to have a nice day. The world would be a much better place if everyone focused more on helping others and less on helping themselves. Maybe we should all be held accountable for our actions and influences instead of pointing fingers while blaming others? Then we might all have a nice day.
“Be a Simple Man”
The old Lynyrd Skynyrd song is my motto.
When I hear be a simple man, I also hear love God, love your woman, love your family, do what is right, and treat others with respect.
I'm a married man now and my wife is my world. I don't want to get caught up in the drama. I just want to reach my goals as fast as possible while staying true to myself.
You’re okay.
You always have been and you always will be.
If things don’t turn out how you planned,
if everything’s goes wrong,
if you say the wrong thing,
if you fall,
if you win it all,
if you say the right thing,
if everything goes right,
if you achieve all your wildest dreams,
if you’re so very happy,
you’re okay.
Me - in a Nutshell
Be kind and hold tight to your faith.
We are all fighting battles in life...a kind word and a smile can make such a tremendous difference to someone. I agree with the statement, "In a world where you can be anything - be kind". Why not smile, speak words of encouragement and be kind?
We are all going to have struggles and in times of joy it is easy to walk in faith but when hardships come - we need to dig our heels in and cling to our faith. God is faithful and walks before and with us in all our trials.