To my own
To my own,
I see you and i see this ethereal beauty bursting with melodies not all would understand....but that i do.
I see you and i see that look on your eyes that believes within the impossible that others may scorn on...but that i believe in too.
I see you and i see the most beautiful of hearts judged wrong by some...but that i've fallen for deeply.
For when it beats,so does mine. For when it bleeds,so shall mine.
For if you were to dig to the depth of my soul, you'd see yourself.
Its one of the worst things-to realise and having to accept something you truly don’t want to be true.To know that sometimes these are people,sometimes events,soemtimes faith,sometimes the world,
It was appealing...warmly so. You easily felt being pulled towards it,swayed in its movements. It caught you hard but gripped you tenderly. Everything seemed right and you were part of this ;a part that became your own.Nothing could have made you feel different for you believed and you trusted. But a flicker,in a beat it spread out into a different form that which you would never have preceived,into a truer self of its own,hitting you with a hard blow and leaving you..marred...and broken.
How is it that the same thing makes you feel so right at one and so wrong at another time?
Nothing could’ve been more beautiful.The sky washed in a perfect mix of a red and golden hue and the calming rhythm of the soelmn sea made everything seem so perfect,atleast for now, and sometimes...doesnt the ‘now’ matter more?
“I wanna be with the sea”,the little girl said.
“Why,Sue,dont you like it here?”,her mother asked.
“Not that i dont”,she replied”but in a few minutes we’d have to go but i dont want to. If i could be with the sea though i could be here forever.”
The mother smiled but Sue looked intently at her and asked,“What happens mommy,after forever? Would i go where grandpa went? Would we all meet there and could forever begin again?”
“Oh,you ask too many questions Sue,that i dont have an answer to”,her mother replied,“but i can tell you this though -not all stories have an ending,not all puzzles can be solved, sometimes its better to not know,sometimes things should stay.....a mystery.”
Oh boy,could it ruin you!
I mean it,those who have been through this stage once would understand,R-U-I-N.
Once you are in this stage,you look and recheck(and recheck) your past to be left feeling the most unappreciated and lonely person in the world. You find everyone around you wrong,trying to hurt you. You focus on the bad stuffs happening that you are convinced you’ll never feel the sunshine ever again.All those unnecessary thoughts just eat you alive.(alive i say,aliiivee).
And it isnt something that goes away by a wave.
I guess what you need is,to make yourself realise(note this word) it.Make yourself see your own paranoia,looking back at the past scenarios and thoughts,your own needless whinings(and then try the waving).
Overthinking is like peeling an orange and not stopping when the peels have been removed but continuing to scrape the layers to have the juice squirted in your eyes.
Dont let it ruin you and all the beautiful things you had and have and is about to have in the future but that which you just wouldnt be able to see though(coz you have already set it in you mind that its the squished pulp you are to have).
To soar...
In a bubble of insecurity and the unknown destiny are we all trapped in this ever-so-hasty world wrapped at the mercy of time.
Like a fly do we wander in a four cornered world.
To be unnoticed and loathed by those of power and status.
Disgusted faces turn as a fly wings by,
with scorns and frowns do they get familiar.
Just another pest,an unworthy being,
arent they to eyes clouded by pride,ego,
supremacy and contempt. So long as they wander
about in their little sphere,shall they be unnoticed and swatted at.
Outside this bubble do we need to venture,
to prove your worth,to discover your new horizons
to be the dragonfly
and learn to soar rather....than just fly.
Death’s Wish
“I make people more happy”,life said.
“No,I’M the one who puts them outta their miseries .So i make em happy”,death countered.
“No you dont. No one WISHES to die,circumstances make them.”
“Circumstance as in their ‘life’. you there.”
“Life gives people a motive.Death only takes away all the goodness and wonder life has to offer.”,and life walked away.
Death sighed,having made sure life wasnt nearby,“I wish people wished to die more....i feel so unappreciated.”
Later.....after escaping the realms of time and of fate.
“Yes!!”,death yelled”i got the Essence Potion .Now i can change into something the world loves,like life.”
And he drank the whole potion.“Ah...i can feel it,everything seems-” But...he didnt feel
anything; anything he thought he was supposed to feel.“Why is there no fluroscent glow coming outta me??”
“Coz you are death.”,life said.
“You cant just change and disappear like that.”,life was saying,“If death ceased of existence who will control the population rate?If you went away,and made everything and everyone immortal,there would no longer be a purpose to my existence...”
Death caught life’s smile and returned it. He realised how life was right.
“So you dont think i’m completely worthless then?”,death asked teasingly.
“No,i dont. WE maintain a balance;we make people’s mortal souls both miserable and worth living-slash-dying for .You and me..”