I convince you to drink because I like when you laugh. I like how it reaches your eyes before it reaches my ears. I watch the smoke hit your lungs through your deep inhale and then wait for it to catch in my own on your exhale. It’s heavy, but it smells like you, so I hold onto it. I savor it. Your eyes are tired as you turn the lighter over in your hand. My fingertips close around it and your left hand as your right tugs at my waist. My eyes avoid yours, scared of what they will find. Scared that I might not catch my breath. And for a second I wasn’t lost. For a second I held on too long. Your fingertips throwing too much pressure on my rib cage. Too much pressure on my heart. Too much pressure on my mouth and my eyes. So I hold them both sealed up tight. My eyes and my mouth, closed. Because things were too clear. And I was scared. It was a kind of clarity that would have destroyed us both. I needed your hand in my hair, and I wanted to bite down on your skin. I wanted to open my mouth and close it on your clavicle. I wanted to steal what was left in your lungs and keep it for myself. And I needed you to push just a little harder. And now it’s cloudy. But for a second your hand on my hip was blindingly clear. For a second my eyes were wide open and filled with the light from the darkness.
a backpack heart
a backpack heart
it never gets settled
it never stays
cross its path
and you might sink in its warm waters
but don't get too comfortable
because it never lasts
it may carry you far
but the rest is up too you
a backpack heart
I touched it before
it brought me joy
it soothed my haggard soul
it gave me what I wanted
and then it set a new trail
a new journey to explore
another quest
another strange love
to settle for a backpack heart
will cause you pain
but to love it
and release it
that will make you whole
what do you choose to do?
Everything is as it should be.
A print on the wall hung just so,
papers to be gone through just so-so,
clothes hung in order of need,
food arranged for necessity,
and a drink handy when needed.
Nothing left to chance,
double-check the double-check,
very important.
Order is important,
and when the mind wanders;
I will find myself,
and straighten things out.
In life,
I am cool.
I am calm.
I am copacetic.
3:34 p.m. - 3:39 p.m.
my imaginary friends
have imaginary names
and imaginary roads
to imaginary frames
of imaginary houses
and imaginary games
my imaginary friends
share imaginary shames
from imaginary pasts
and imaginary blames
to imaginary thoughts
in imaginary rains
my imaginary friends
have imaginary lanes
for imaginary cars
on imaginary plains
and imaginary lines
with imaginary aims
my imaginary friends
share imaginary sames
with imaginary ropes
for imaginary claims
to imaginary gents
and imaginary dames
my imaginary friends
have imaginary brains
with imaginary digs
and imaginary cranes
for imaginary writes
and imaginary feigns
my imaginary friends
share imaginary veins
and imaginary tails
on imaginary trains
in imaginary coats...
with imaginary flames
#Aword #Challenge
Imagine you are an ant who has been trapped within a jar. The jar is made of glass and you can see everything that is occuring outside of its walls yet you can’t seem to quite understand any of it. Such a metaphor I compare to what we today call society. A prison none know that they are stuck in. The saying of ‘survival of the fittest’ is used to explain many occurances in nature and society is no different. Those who rise to the top by hardwork or simply inheriting power are those people who reside outside of the jar. Everyone else are the ants who aren’t aware they are stuck within a prison placed upon them by their superiors, though not all ants are unaware of the situation. Those few who realize what is happeing around them may fight for freedom from their prison. Almost always though those few fighters pay the price of waking up to the truth. Such is how society works in my eyes just some bugs caught by those with power and finally when they notice what has come to be it is to late.