I was youngish. Ready to die. Impulsive. Sporadic. So filled with self-loathing. A deep, deep hatred for myself and anyone who dared to say anything nice about me. Look at me with anything close to kindness in your eyes and I would belch venom. People liked me anyway. Called me friend. Looked out for me. Wore out their knees saying prayers. I pushed and pushed until they went far enough away I didn’t feel threatened by their caring.
And then I met him. Dreadlocked and haunted, broken but pretending to fly. I knew he couldn’t hurt me. I let him in. Unprecedented access. Except my past, my sorrow, my trauma, I hid all of that. It was easy back then. I was so checked out from reality, so far from caring about myself and detached from my inner truths, any sense of grounding, that it hardly hurt at all.
I had to go away for a while. Couldn’t call him until the day I was released. He took a bus to where I was and we stayed in a hotel that night. Made a baby. Not on purpose. I wasn’t allowed to take my birth control where I was and I wasn’t smart enough to insist on protection.
Y’all I was so lost. I was so close to death every day, and I wanted it so badly. Not enough to take an action, but enough to not prevent harmful action and to put myself in danger at every opportunity. Then I figured out I was pregnant. It changed, well, everything.
For the first time in my life, I cared for myself. I cared about what I ate, how much I slept, how I felt. I cared about making amends and building bridges over the skeletons of the burnt. I mentally and physically transformed into a vessel worthy of bringing another human onto this earth. Thank god I had 9 months. That’s not some overnight shit.
This isn’t my birth story, so I’m going to skip all that and get to my first time seeing and holding this little man who took a self-absorbed, nihilistic asshole and turned her heart into more than a muscle that pumps blood. He is the reason I am alive today, he is my everything.
His name is Abacus. And he’s not talking to me right now. He’s 20 at the end of August. And every moment of every day I regret not doing a better job of letting him know that he is my everything, because it feels so lonely, to have everything and then watch it walk out of your life. It feels so empty, but he is my son. I am his mother. And nothing will ever change it. That’s forever.
my forgotten lover
I started with just some clothespins
As I gleefully began her totrture
Then clamps and needle to pierce her skin
As my game began an overture
This tedious selective punishment
Earned for ignoring her master
With each cry I reach a climax
With each new implement she begs faster
As each thrust of my manhood excites us
And the pain gives her to climax
I stop abruptly to tease her more
And add to this of which I tax her
The sheer excitement draws me to her closer
As the pain sweeps through her
She swiftly returns a kick to the groin
Knowing I enjoy the the torture
As we reach our joined climax
And the end of our first round
I flip her over roughly
And more aggressively go to town
Where this night will lead
We can only surrender
To greater depth of debauchery
As we fill another’s need
As this our last night may be
The fear immobilizing
The thrill galvanizing
The joy electrifying
The pain exquisite
The screams divine
There’s a pause in her breath
Just a moment she held it
And a firmness in her breast
As I lightly brush it
A crop meant for her ass
Now used elsewhere
As her back arches in ecstasy
And I use it to tap her nipple
Gently at first
Then slowly to glancing blows
As with each harder tap
Deeper within she goes
Giving me her all
Totally in trust and surrender
As she whispers the words I feared
And I realized I too did fall
I love you she whimpered
With her last breath explodes it all.
As I remove all of the sensory devices
Unbind her hands and feet
Admire her beauty and niceness
And fall by her side to weep
The releases are monumental
The hours take their toll
The emotions indescribable
As holding her I unfold
The submission to her now begins
As I lay impotent holding her tight
Her softness is now the win
As we relish the rest of our night.
Panflute Woos Me, Panic Betrothes Me, Terror Consummates Me
What can't be seen is everything else
A panoply of a universe unconnected to me
A blind panorama I enter, imperceptive
Of that everything
And those everythings
Who/that await me
Nocturnal footsteps are mine
By the grace of lunar guidance
Shafting through the canopy
In staccato flashes syncopating with
Twig snaps and panicky creature-scurrying underfoot
Like me
Mine--not the only steps
Must move forward so
I can't put my back toward it
My soft-side, exposed for punches to come
Into the unknown smells and sounds
And fears
A chilled, shard-filled ambiance
Hangs, horizontal, posting right-angle triggers
With Damocles poised, smiling
To shred my quest
Before passing unmolested, unharmed,
And--breathing still?
A pan flute calls the vector to forward me
I raise each step to purchase tentative footway
And listen to each unconfirmed movement
Mine or, otherwise, caprine
A metered journey, carefully slow
And terrifying
So alone but, alone, not
A horned shadow mirrors each displacement
Of gravelly footfalls that announce
My tentative march toward the unknown
Entity who receives me expectantly
And angrily
Can vengeance come before I
Did-what-I-do to provoke it?
Can effect-precede-cause
And conclude-before-arrival?
Am I walking into a predetermination
Of peril, out of any rational order?
The pan flute sounds as the music of panic
Weaves fugued with the sounds
Unseen-but-heard, heard-but-unrecognized
My center of gravity is fluid, unanchored
I'm in tesseract territory, none of it really here
Or friendly
There is an everything that threatens
In the dark and dank and unseen
Yes, seeing navigates the world--
But dark's hearing invites what's to come
From a world unseen and flows everywhen
Toward me
Everything and everywhen and everyone
Call to me from their horrific singularity
On a number line's eddy currents
Where both sides of zero cancel but don't forgive
Here-to-there is preposterous, yet there-to-here
Is what is the coming-for-me
You cannot be a bulwark to everything
You can only join the cacophony and mayhem
To teach those who follow
That every conquers any
And each-of-us are any who must yield to the every
Until we forget, careless, and thus perish
Turn around!
Put your back to it
You cannot/will not see it, happening
Unfathomed in panic
And Lovecraftian dreads
Pull the covers over your head!
Brace your soft-side 'gainst terra firma
And suffer what onslaughts come
By wedding the unknown
And making your conjugal bed
On the down of uncertainty
CHOOSE ONE: Hell or Heaven
Two ways a person can go.
One is to Heaven where the angels rest
and where the swans crow.
Where the beds made of cotton finer than silk
and where the rainbows end.
The roses and the marigolds
held close to the heart of a cupid.
For love that is held here
where nothing can interfere.
The second is to Hell where all the demons awake.
Where you can find not one but many
catastrophes that stay are revealed from the sand.
The red walls of fire that cannot seem to end.
If you've learnt how to read hell is not for you
because only robbers and people like you-know-who
set their first and last step in hell.
That's my everything, all I know
and all I dare to think.
All that triggers my mind
and all I've got to cry about is
Heaven or Hell.
There’s Something About Putski
Hello, Writers and Dear Readers.
A quick nod to one of our new talents, whose post is featured in our Exclusive Spotlight showing on the channel. Tune in, and give this writer a couple of minutes of yourself and your ear on this Sunday's high noon, or afternoon, or whatever it is, wherever you are. The link sits just below the period that ends this sentence.
As always.
-Thank you for being here.
-The Prose. team
I tiptoe the line between compliance and rebellion daily.
I will walk the tightrope and then ever so delicately allow one of my demons to drag my foot through chaos.
Brief. But impactful.
Compliance is critical.
But only on my terms.
Rebellion is a necessity to keep the lambs on their toes.
For without rebellion, there would never be a need for compliance.
And without compliance there would be anarchy.
I have no desire to overthrow anyone.
I just like to periodically, remind them that I’m still here.
The Secret in His Smile
With his usual nonchalant stride, Peter shuffles down the front steps in his wife’s fancy gold slippers. His robe flowing swiftly behind. Their private drive is lined with perfectly manicured red and yellow rose bushes, in-bloom, and as flamboyant as he is. That usual pompous smile dons his face as he prepares to grab his beloved Forest Hills Bulletin, which I watched Jimmy from Cedar Street, deliver at 5:30 this morning. It is the same fake smile that I can't stand, while he bends over like an old man with a herniated disk. He winces in pain as he visibly struggles, which is puzzling, as he is only forty-five, an active runner, and health nut. I tap my foot rapidly with impatience for what seems to be eternity until he finally aligns himself upright. He stretches his hips forward, and arches his back to re-calibrate, then takes in one long inhale of the dry spring air and again smiles from ear to ear; But as I sit here eating my dry toast, with no butter, all I can think is, just hold the happy thought Peter, because I know what you did.
One Day
I can't begin to tell you,
How good these feel to write,
To finally express my anger,
And let out all of my fight.
I am not one for confrontation,
That's why my parents don't know,
But I think that's okay,
Because out of my anger I will grow.
I'll learn to deal with my past,
Past that I cannot change,
And then I'll move on,
But not forget,
Because I will never be the same,
Without my pain.
I'll turn into a woman,
Start a family of my own,
And learn to set my soul free.
I'll meet someone new,
Someone charming and sweet,
Someone who I like so much,
He'll sweep me off my feet.
I need to let go of this anger,
But I'm not ready to yet,
Because I know when I will,
It will not be pretty.
The time will come,
Too soon,
I'll say,
But eventually,
They'll know,
One day.
I'm supposed to write a poem,
About resilience,
So I'll tell you the story of a girl,
Who got pushed against a fence.
The girl was small,
And weak though she seemed,
She had a fierce attitude,
And really big dreams.
She sat in her classes,
Her eyes focused on the board,
While her mind flew far away,
Imaginative nations at war.
She was teased,
Made fun of,
For her obvious difference,
But she never minded,
She was strange in that sense.
And as she grew,
She came anew,
Too beautiful,
To be ignored anymore.
Yet she stayed away,
From popularity,
For she knew that nothing could be true,
If it relied only on how you're cute.
And that's what resilience is,
At least to me,
Because I see resilience in her,
For taking the teasing,
And I see it in her,
For not reaching out her hand,
And clasping it in someone else's,
Despite them being her fan.
This girl knew that she could be strong,
She could be brave,
And tough all day long,
Because she had more,
Than anyone else knew,
So she chose to be an outcast,
And into a flower she grew.