Reasons I suspect my cat as a CIA agent
1. Well... Someone.... Seems to know all my debauchery before properly debauched.... A certain cat-lovin' someone.... A certainly in charge of the cat food someone.... A handler type...
2. I am also a CIA agent
3. You ever seen a nosier cat? I mean, come on.
Why did the aliens leave without bothering us?
1. Florida. Enough said.
2. Global warming. Cause we stupid and created global warming. They were too cozy.
3. Got called into work. They're a higher up, of course.
Why does the government allow alcohol/nicotine?
1. How else are we to fund the Miss America pageant
2. So we all look cool
3. Reagan. Obviously. Not THE Reagan. My cousin: Mikey Reagan. He likes to party.
Reasons to call out of work to go fishing
1. It's not a tumor.
2. Cause when I get that feeling I need sexual healing.
3. Look, man, I've had a sh*t f*ckin' night and I hate The f*ckin' Eagles, man!
Wait? What's that in the corner?
1. Tupac posters. 4623 copies of the same tupac poster that i designed and ordered the day before.... well... you know.
2. What IS that in the corner?
3. Darnell!!! Get back over here! Always playin'!
We were our own flood
We cried ourselves a hurricane
We laughed away the rain
We loved ourselves a sunny day
We drizzled out the pain
You're smile itself is a rainbow
When you frowned the blizzards came
You and I were a thunderstorm
That left as quickly as it came
You live, still, in my mind
Your tornado left debris
The love we made was volcanic
Even though the ash kept us hard to breathe
You loved me for a season
Our pressures were high and low
The monsoon that is you eased up
And took with it our hope
Now when I watch the weather
Im reminded all of you
Your beautiful fury caused a landslide for me
And now you're someone else's typhoon
We were our own flood.
We were our own flood
We cried ourselves a hurricane
We laughed away the rain
We loved ourselves a sunny day
We drizzled out the pain
You're smile itself is a rainbow
When you frowned the blizzards came
You and I were a thunderstorm
That left as quickly as it came
You live, still, in my mind
Your tornado left debris
The love we made was volcanic
Even though the ash kept us hard to breathe
You loved me for a season
Our pressures were high and low
The monsoon that is you eased up
And took with it our hope
Now when I watch the weather
Im reminded all of you
Your beautiful fury caused a landslide for me
And now you're someone else's typhoon
Last laugh
Believe it or not im alive cause of you
But you're killing me just the same
What was I thinking when I said "I do"
And let you take over my name.
Things started rough and got even worse
Im a fool for thinking you'd change
Now I am trapped and you've got the key
And im pretty sure you've thrown it away
I thought this was love and gave you my all
While you looked out for only yourself
But its crystal clear that you hate me being here
And you just want to find someone else
You've beat me down and you've given up
Leaving me with the overbearing weight
Since I've gotten sick its been such a trick
Trying to tip toe around all your hate
Im sorry im dying this was not the plan
And I know im a burden right now
But you've been this way since the day that we met
So I'm stuck with a wife with a. Frown
Maybe ill die then ill be the hero
Cant speak ill of the dead
Although knowing you that may not be true
Knowing all the hurtful things youve said
I don't want to need you I want you to leave
But then how would I make it through
So you put me down for me being sick
And I get to stay alive with you
All is fair when it comes to love but this love feels more like a war
Its hostile and violent and make me feel useless
When I can't do it alone anymore
Berrate me berrate me make sure that you sleep good at night
While im lose my life and im losing my mind
Im losing my own will to fight
So boy am I trapped with a wife full of hate
And 2 beautiful kids you ignore
I should have never given you all those chances
And died by myself on the floor.
Oh but ill win you see I havr this plan
You'll find me one day, my dear wife
And the sight of me hanging on our bedroom closet
Will haunt you for all of your life.
"Im here for you" I told him as I put my arm around him. "I know the pain and I know the sorrow but I also know you will overcome this. This is just a set back" I told him as he sobbed.
This is my best friend. He knows I am gonna do all I can to help him through this.
I know he was excited to be a father and I know he is broken now, knowing that he is not the father of this child. I just need to be here for him. So we sat talking all night. Things started getting easier to talk about. Things were looking up. He will make it through this with time and God, I told myself.
By the morning, we we're laughing and talking about the past. About stealing his moms car when we were 10 and running it through fence after fence because we didn't know how to drive. We had finally packed all of his things leaving an empty house that he, just the day before, he shared with his fiance and expected child. Just like that it was all over for him. But he was in good hands. I was there to help pick up the pieces. He was coming to stay with me and begin a new chapter of his life. He seemed excited. Im sure he was still hurting but he was strong. Honestly, he was stronger than I've ever been in every situation. We both grew up in aggressive homes. He flourished. I fell into bad habits. We both grew up with belligerent fathers. I turned to drinking but he never touched it. If anyone could do this it was Paul. Oddly enough we even shared that name. It was a middle name for me but a first name for him. We were destined to be best friends. It was clear from the start.
As he loaded up the last few boxes into my pickup I decided to call my wife and let her know we would be home soon and that he seemed to be ok. My wife, bless her heart, was all for taking him in and helping him. After all he had always been there for me. As I hung up, I hopped out the truck to go help with the last of his things.
Then I heard it. I felt it in my chest. I knew exactly what it was. My heart sank.
I couldn't bring myself to even step inside. I screamed for him.
"Paul, please answer me!!"
No answer.
Repeated calls for him echoed in the now empty home.
As I stepped in to find him i could smell the iron that now filled the home. The gunpowder was still so pungent it almost overpowered the smell of the blood.
"God, no!" I screamed as I saw his motionless legs hanging out of the bathroom. I didn't know what to do. I don't even remember calling for help. I just remember them asking if he was breathing but I couldn't bring myself to go in there. I dropped the phone with the dispatcher still on the line. I fell to my knees and prayed that i was wrong. That he hadn't done what I was thinking. Then I heard a slow gasp coming from the bathroom. A short wheezy gasp that let me know that no mAtter what has happened he needed me now more than ever.
I pulled myself together and ran towards my best friend.
There he laid, pistol in his mouth. Gasping for his last few breaths.
As i sat there with him waiting for help i prayed over him. I prayed about him. I asked the Lord to forgive him one last time. As I was holding his hand I felt him squeeze and saw him force out the last smile he would ever make. I knew he was at peace unfortunately. I knew his actions were a mistake and I knew he knew I was there to help him be forgiven. When the ambulance arrived it was over. He had already been saved. Maybe not in the sense they saw but I knew it.
It took a lot for me to get over that. It took a lot for me to pray again. It took even more for me try to accept it. One thing I did accept was that this is what he wanted. This was his way to.end the suffering. Who am I to judge. So I fought for him. Every chance I could. I changed my name so that there would only be one "Paul". And i told his mother every chance I could how he accepted God in his last moments. He wasn't alone. He wasn't afraid. He died at peace. And no one can take that from him. Ever.
Lucky Fool
All my days have been so blue
Ive been waiting on another you
I Guess I was just a lucky fool
When it was just us two
Room service and a heated pool
The flashing lights from the carnival
That ocean breeze was kind of cool
And it was just us two
Mmmmm mmm mmm
Me and you
I was a lucky fool.
Now I see I wasn't there for you
You needed me
But I had other things to do
I never noticed
What all I put you through
When was just us two
I was a lucky fool
Since you've left I can see
Every part of you
And all the things
That I refused to do
I thought it always would be me and you
Mmmmm mmm mmmm
Me and you
Guess I never knew
How I was a lucky fool
Now I can't even hum a tune
Without thinking of our living room
How we would grab a guitar or two
Oh how beautiful
And it was just us two
Me and you
Mmmmm mmm mmmm
I was a lucky fool
Who am I? What am I to do?
Its been a month and a half and things still haven't calmed. If anything they're worse. And it's killing me. Its unleashing demons I've fought before. Though I won the last time I've noticed the increased aggression and physical toll it takes on me. I won't be as successful one day. That day will be my last.
My life is one that movies could not capture. The horrible things I've been through and the horrible things I obsess over show through the gray in my once blue, vibrant eyes. I lost my soul a long time ago. Through the windshield of a car I should have never been in. Coming back from a light I never should have ran from. That was my chance. Since then I've experienced things no one could imagine. Ive been stricken with disease which restricts my mobility more each day. Pain that never ceases and sleep that never comes. The treatments require money. The money requires working. Working is impossible. I watch my two children grow up more each day. Soon they won't be able to forget me. Then I am trapped. They are the reason I stick around and fight and the reason I want to go. They don't need to lose their innocence watching their father suffer and die a slow death. My brain conjures images of my brutal and vivid end. Its playing on loop every moment im not distracted. Dreams of running in traffic and nightmares of surviving. Visions of wrists running dry in the bathtub. The sound of the belt stretching as I slide down the closet door. Then the ultimate sadness when I wake up. Suffering still. No chance at heaven; no soul to save. I missed my chance. Still I'm
, a soldier and I follow my path. I try to make this world a little better when I leave it. So, of course, when my father needed a place to stay I was there... But maybe I shouldn't have been. You see, about 4 months ago my father was stricken homeless along with his fiance. I found this odd and completely out of character but didn't question it. I invited them into my home with no room for my tribe as it was. 2 small children and a wife can fill up a house. Air mattress in the living room it is. My dad will learn to love it. Still not able to work I watch and worry as we get farther behind. I sell all I can to help make amends. But, eventually, there were no more. The two houseguests were struggling as well so no need to bother them with my woes. Right? And then it happened. Everything took a turn and I never saw it coming. It still hasn't ended and I know not what to do. You can be a soldier and battle for good but, I've found out, you sometimes also have to battle for evil to be that same soldier. To be that same follower. To uphold that same faith. I woke up a few weeks ago to find my father having a stroke. Strangely, I knew how to handle it. I understood the symptoms and relayed the urgency to the dispatch. We were able to save him after a 4 hour brain surgery. With no money we were figuring out how to make our home equipped. Due to me already limited mobility there was not much to change. I spent what money I did not have to get out home ready for my dad, the survivor! But, boy, was I way off. We discovered an addiction that triggered this stroke. An addiction I completely missed. How?? Along with this addiction came truths to come out that would forever make me regret being there to save my fathers life. What kind of person am I? How terrible. This thought makes my demons stir and take over. What kind of son am I? After all, there are only 2 of us. Me and my little brother. My bro is severely autistic and is the most loving and happy person I've had the pleasure of knowing. Most people saw my brother as handicapped but I saw him as a priveledge. The light this family needed. At least, he was. Now he is violent and depressed; a familiar pattern amongst us. He can't stand to see his father, our father, left like this. Did I do the right thing? I unearthed after the stroke which came from an overdose many things I wish I hadn't. I found out my father and his fiance were not only addicts but dealers. I found hundreds of dollars of dope lying carelessly on my children's bookshelf in the living room of my house. Which was also the area that I let them call home. I went through everything only to find uncapped syringes and burned spoons tucked away all throughout the very room where my family gathers daily. I lost all respect and love right then. I could not even grieve the brain damaged father for worrying about my children being safe in there home. I immediately sent the fiance packing. She can go be homeless. I got enough going on. And by the time we brought my dad home 3 weeks later he is able walk a little and understand most things. He cannot speak. He will never live on his own again. But he is alive. Or is he? Ive mentioned my disability and my mental health but my father has ignored it since I was diagnosed. Now that he is in a condition Im having to care for him. But all he cares about it the dope. And his fiance that brought the dope around in the first place. I am having to keep tabs on him and drive all over town to find him when he "disappears". My little brother gets more depressed and I get angrier. He doesn't deserve this. Did my father miss his chance too? My eyes have grown more gray as my life and fight fades. What kind of person am I? Did I do the right thing or did I intervene in my father's chance at redemption? Did I save his life or take it? Every day since I have seen small improvements with my fathers speech. Always about his fiance. Or asking for my money that I don't have. I can't keep this up. I know that. I'm perfectly fine deciding my own fate. Am I perfectly fine to decide others as well? Do I end suffering for myself or end it for us all? Who am I? Did my passed battles just prepare me to fight? Or show me how to lose? Or would it be winning? Who am I?
Whole ’Nother Level of Strong
Granny never expected for my grandpaw to die as soon as he did.
She couldn't write and she couldn't read and had to struggle to feed 8 kids
But she wore a smile and did what she could trying to keep those kids on track
And when they went to bed she went and set on Papaws swing out back
She would sit there sometimes a'll night long
and hum herself a couple of his favorite songs
Aint That some kind of strong.
Stronger than I could ever be
Stronger than ive ever seen
She was always there so that she could take care of everyone and everything
She would do whatever she could to be there to help
Even if it meant going without for herself
Every one better leave that woman alone
Cause she's a whole nother level of strong
After another few years I could see the fear my mama kept brushing off
I was getting on the bus making a fuss said I just wanna stay home
It had been me and her that's all that we knew and how it's been all along
Then she took my hand and helped me up the steps and like that her boy was gone
She watched the bus stirring up dust as it took me off on my own
Man. Aint that some kind of strong
Stronger than I could ever be
Stronger than ive ever seen
She was always there so that she could take care of everyone and everything
She would do whatever she could to be there to help
Even if it meant going without for herself
Every one better leave that woman alone
Cause she's a whole nother level of strong
Later in life when it was me and my wife and we were waiting on our first child
I was a mess but she was the best at calming me down every time
Then the time came and I saw the pain that the miracle of giving birth is
But instead of complaining she couldn't wait to tell me it was all worth it
She was just as nervous all along
But She always made sure I never caught on
Aint that some type of strong.
Stronger than I could ever be
Stronger than ive ever seen
She was always there so that she could take care of everyone and everything
She would do whatever she could to be there to help
Even if it meant going without for herself
Every one better leave that woman alone
Cause she's a whole nother level of strong
Yeah a whole nother level of strong
Whole ’Nother Level of Strong
Granny never expected for my grandpaw to die as soon as he did.
She couldn’t write and she couldn’t read and had to struggle to feed 8 kids
But she wore a smile and did what she could trying to keep those kids on track
And when they went to bed she went and set on Papaws swing out back
She would sit there sometimes a’ll night long
and hum herself a couple of his favorite songs
Aint That some kind of strong.
Stronger than I could ever be
Stronger than ive ever seen
She was always there so that she could take care of everyone and everything
She would do whatever she could to be there to help
Even if it meant going without for herself
Every one better leave that woman alone
Cause she’s a whole nother level of strong
After another few years I could see the fear my mama kept brushing off
I was getting on the bus making a fuss said I just wanna stay home
It had been me and her that’s all that we knew and how it’s been all along
Then she took my hand and helped me up the steps and like that her boy was gone
She watched the bus stirring up dust as it took me off on my own
Man. Aint that some kind of strong
Stronger than I could ever be
Stronger than ive ever seen
She was always there so that she could take care of everyone and everything
She would do whatever she could to be there to help
Even if it meant going without for herself
Every one better leave that woman alone
Cause she’s a whole nother level of strong
Later in life when it was me and my wife and we were waiting on our first child
I was a mess but she was the best at calming me down every time
Then the time came and I saw the pain that the miracle of giving birth is
But instead of complaining she couldn’t wait to tell me it was all worth it
She was just as nervous all along
But She always made sure I never caught on
Aint that some type of strong.
Stronger than I could ever be
Stronger than ive ever seen
She was always there so that she could take care of everyone and everything
She would do whatever she could to be there to help
Even if it meant going without for herself
Every one better leave that woman alone
Cause she’s a whole nother level of strong
Yeah a whole nother level of strong