Lost in Lonely Echo
I've been backing
From the edge of
Your pier...
It's a new mating
With your love,
And my fear...
...And the Death
From above
Is the Cherry
You crave...
Always under the
In this Home
Of the Brave!...
You make me an
I kissed your ring...
...Exhausting the
From the scorched
Trees that swing...
Switch Angel's
...Been twice
But that's how
The ball of wax
Upholds her
I've been backing
From the edge of
Your pier...
It's a new mating
With your love,
And my fear...
...And the Death
From above
Is the Cherry
You crave...
Always under the
In this Home
Of the Brave!...
...Doesn't mean,
That I gave up the
...You've lost sight,
And stumbled
Below my impulse...
And now in the dark,
Only guided by
...Where have you
Flown to?...
...I've crawled
Through the brush...
I've been backing
From the edge of
Your pier...
It's a new mating
With your love,
And my fear...
...And the Death
From above
Is the Cherry
You crave...
Always under the
In this Home
Of the Brave!...
Bunny Villaire
Olive them, olive me.
Write about an injustice:
Heart pounding, boiling, a flashing white hot rage of anger spills over, a tidal wave of
unrepentant fury. I gaze upon the golden plains, the rising mountainous crusts
that bubble and simmer from the heat of passionate hands. What have I
done? What curse has befallen me, what sin is so great and so terrible
that it should so belittle me, so humiliate me? A faint whiff, a
fading wisp of a memory flutters in front of me that frays
and fractures as my fingers stretch out, as I try and
make it whole again. Wafting, wading, will
my desire be fulfilled? Will taste rectify?
I long, I yearn as a soul craves the
loving touch of the familiar.
The tender kiss of lovers
embrace. Alas, should
dark clouds that
blossom on
the cracks
of mine
pleaded with
them. Absolutely,
explicitly, unequivocally: no olives on my pizza.
Wet Dream
If he could
She could
Dream up of galaxies
In purple did it dream, in water did it dream
In blue and pink and aquamarine did it dream
Mirrors under bridges held in the hands of dolls, reflecting his image, while bearing his sword of undying love
To the fair maiden-a girl of about eighteen
He jumped stark naked in in the water for her, to propose his love for her
She was taken aback, not by his request but by his bravery-for it was February
How cold he must of been
Their lips ate each other, so hungry they must of been
Love is funny
I want the ceiling of the bridge to be covered in paper butterflies
I want little mirrors to dangle and shine
I want the water to run over our bodies, and here it will be when we die
If he could
She could
Dream up of such things
I sigh in deep shame.
It’s the same every time;
Division, hate and loss.
Repeating history unknowingly,
There is beauty.
There is light.
There is divinity.
There is sight.
Love stretched some;
Their hearts filled to the brim.
I see a pair
So different,
Yet so in sync.
And so I take them.
Far from this world.
They have been chosen.
To guide the new world.
A man who feels just as much as he
A woman who dares just as much as she
They are not above all.
But there are exemplary;
An original,
A pure,
A revolutionized
Of humankind.
In their new home
They wander.
They admire.
They ponder;
At all the gifts
In abundance.
They create.
They grow.
They negate;
Any hate or
To the ugly past.
For he is thee,
She is me,
I am you,
And we are we.
Life is simple
Life is balanced
We embrace one another.
We embrace the light
And the ground.
We listen
For the sound
Of my beckoning;
Which will herd
This new world
Worthy of—
Nothing less.
Nothing more.
A Dot In Space
A little blue dot,
Aside a bright yellow star;
A horizon to separate land from sky.
Alone it looks,
Maybe a little company?
Boom! A Universe.
Oh! I almost forgot,
Such captivating are the curves;
Sprinkles, done with the cells.
The land! Yes the land,
A place for the magnificent to stroll;
Now, lets have a look;
Aww, the little blue dot,
Isn't just a little blue dot anymore,
The best creation of all, it is!
From Earth or from space,
Viewers, the panorama amaze;
A beauty like no other.
Even the touch and the smell,
Now that's swell;
Damn! I'm proud of myself.
Bad Magic Indeed
Not my real name, but could be.
I went through some really rough times.
Always with a small pair of eyes
Looking up at me for strength,
reason, explanation.
Finally she asked me why
All these bad things were happening.
Why did he leave us?
Why is the world turning upside down?
The only answer I could think of
was bad magic.
After that, when things went wrong
She looked at me and we laughed
Instead of crying....and she said
It's just bad magic, Mom <3
Talking Tears
I would not exist but for the emotions of the human heart
Made to express many layers from the depths of sorrow to the heights of joy
I am kin with royalty, with sages, and with the beggar boy
I dance with unequaled beauty in the eyes of a bride
I am the voice of the broken heart when words cannot be found
I am the outpouring of fullness on the cheek going down
I flood and wash the soul into a fresh new start
Giving a much sought for rest when I am finally spent
A smile breaks through and no one wonders where I went
I am the diamond that glitters a whole lifetime
A currency used by all, through a millennia of years
I am the God given gift called tears
Heaven and hell?
I knew them well!
And in between
On the glassy green,
The doldrums cast their spell.
I helped a few
--And hurt some, too.
With rigging worn,
I won and lost and grew.
I lived with pain
Like a hurricane,
And loved life so--
But let it go,
And sailed from the traveled lane.
Railroad Tracks (2017)
Step by step
I try to relax
This trek seems to never end
Walking life's railroad tracks
No end is in sight
Thinking about all my life's acts
I made so many mistakes
Walking life's railroad tracks
My mind is flooded with memories
What is myth and what are facts?
Wondering if this journey will stop
Walking life's railroad tracks
Some days I wish for a shorter trip
As my anxiety attacks
One step just leads to numerous others
Walking life's railroad tracks
Which Is It, Stranger?
You there. Stranger.
Sometimes, I think I see you more clearly than I see myself.
Or is it that I see myself, reflected?
We're a species of reflection, humans.
Didn't you know?
Hungry to glimpse something opposite of that unbearable loneliness. Maybe just to see that we're worthy of something else, sometimes.
I wonder at your point of view.
What ground your gaze covers day-in, day-out.
A voracious perspective.
Which of ours matters the most?
If at all.
Maybe the lines can blur, this moral high checked by lows of shame, but
You do not drop your eyes.
You meet my gaze,
Eyes so strong, so
The images you show me, beyond your iris,
Bear no guilt.
Flickers of regret, missed opportunity,
These I see, behind the curtain
Of your sense of self,
The light
Do you see me, stranger?
Through the windows of your glass house?
In this looking glass I call your eyes, I can't tell if you're understanding,
Or losing me in the pit of your pupils.
Do you lose time this way, too?
Wondering at those depths.
Pondering the void.
Will you find anything?
That is,
If you search.
It's now,
Staring into this
Silver-laced existence,
Boring into this
Oddly smooth uncertainty,
Looking into these
Mirrors hanging,
That I think the
Ultimate question is,
Will I?