Tear Talk Tango
Moist flow from my pen
transcends into tears,
lazy streams floating
through sun-lit ice.
Let your skin blush,
fling out
stinging tears,
slip into warm dew,
swim in purity of
salted tears.
Sprinkled dew drops
engraved across
your heart
a cozy damp pocket
blood from my core.
Taste my tears,
soft fingers
to your lips,
trace the scent
of love strolling
through night.
Wrap yourself
in lingering mist,
laughter dipping
in lingering tears.
Weeping rolls deeply,
sky tears of fog
sunset shadows
cleanse soul,
naked and free.
Hidden Buddies
I feel you calling me again. I stay ready for you. I am made by messages from your heart and stored in unseen places. When I wet your eyes I'm accompanied by your blood vessels enlarging around me as they too are powered by your heart (they are my helpmates). I come around when you are very happy, sad, ashamed, hurt or feeling any extreme emotion. Two of my personal favorites are when you love or are humored. You must learn not to be embarrassed by me. Most everyone understands as they too have some of me. I come with warmth, so what does that tell you? I will help you to not go insane. I will help you release the pain. I suffer when you suppress me, that just makes me come out a bit harder next time. I am self love for you. I won't stain your clothes, might get in your nose. Oh and for some, sorry about the make-up.
War of Tears
The tears she held inside were screaming to be released, choking on the droplets as they swelled up in her eyes. One escaped on the right, then one escaped on the left, then once again, she stopped them with a blink.
Fighting to break through, getting madder by the minute, these little drops of water pushed harder in hopes she'd break. If only she could believe the freedom a release of her tears would create.
Choking the ones that fell into her throat, swallowing them so not to let escape through the opening, their intended destination. Standing tall, not to surrender to her current opponent, she took a deep breath and then exhaled, putting on her armor to shield herself from any further attacks.
All the while, the tears she held inside were getting louder with their screams, setting up a strategical plan to move forward and tear down the wall that kept them barricaded within their broken tomb.
Marching one by one, lining up to take fire, aiming at their target, firing, whoosh.....the tears broke free. Like a tidal wave, the waters raced forward unable to stop, the tears ran with a vengeance down her face. Dropping to her knees, now sobbing, her tears were celebrating, cheering each other on, their victory tasted so sweet.
Reality of Sadness
I'd like to think they say the things I want to hear.
"It's okay, sweetie."
"Crying doesn't make you weak."
"Everyone does it."
"We love you."
But somehow, I know that isn't so.
I'm sure they're anticipating the ride.
Then, when they release,
I swear I can hear it.
A tiny, high-pitched "WEEE!"
The Tears Speak
Fair lady, why do you weep so?
It's night and you should be sleep, though.
Your mind is starting to creep, though,
digging into places so deep, so
you let loose with our torrent -
Others can be so ignorant
is what you're thinking;
they have no idea, no inkling
of the tears you hold black, blinking,
while your emotions are downward sinking.
There, there, our lady fair,
cry it out, get some air,
throw some dishes, if you dare,
then fall into a blank stare,
tucking us back away,
to come again some other day,
another time, we'll return to play,
but we hope not soon, we pray.
they never left a number.
it's been a while, hasn't it?
You haven't needed us for a while, ever since the breakup
and the new medication and all.
I mean, we still hang out every so often, going to the movies and stuff,
but it's...different, you know? We used to be together like all the time, sometimes weeks on end. I know people didn't really approve of us being together so much, but that 'codependence' crap is all rumor anyway.
But I'm getting way ahead of myself.
Look. I know that you think I brought out the worst in you, and I'm sorry for that. Honestly.
I shouldn't have pushed you so hard, made you feel so bad about yourself. No wonder people got so worried about you, hanging around a downer like me.
Maybe, if we ever become less dysfunctional...you'll give us a call?
Think about it.