I am unsatisfiable today
In all and myself
I just seem to get that way
The feeling that I have
Something to say
But I just can't make
It sound the way
I feel that it should
Sound today
I feel unrestful
Stressed and weighed
Lonely wanting
And left at bay
I picked me up
And put me away
Forgot my thoughts
A mind astray
I'm my own
Walking With Poets
Their nifty clothes
& clean-cut toes
Cast shadows, crisp & clear.
They drink fine wine
With mine & thine,
But never touching beer.
Whose pens are sharp,
With quills & harps,
Rich words with curls & swirls.
Then cash them in
For pies & gin—
Plus strings of perfect pearls.
Drink down their words
Near singing birds,
Splashing bashful thoughts.
Then sit down
With clones & clowns,
Sharing dreams you’ve bought,
Sport nifty clothes
& clean-cut toes
Cast shadows, crisp & stout.
Try to write
Your bitsy-bytes,
& do it without Doubt!
Be-gone old fears
(& you, too, tears)
Leave me to my work!
I need some time
To find sweet rhymes
With words like peas & pork.
Bible enthusiast
"Spare change? I've just left prison, ain't got money", he stopped me. "Nope", I flipped my pockets inside out showing just a rosary I used to carry. "I love Bible, read it a lot in prison. You know my favourite part? >> ...then he released Barabbas...<<", he laughed and moved on.
A Musical Connection
I've never really liked music that much. I know, I know...many of you are probably flaberghasted that someone could go through life without a favorite band or singer or song, but to be honest, I never saw the big deal about it. I mean, I enjoyed music; I liked to dance and sing and play the piano and stuff, but I never felt a connection to it.
That's why I was rather surprised when my friend called me up on Thursday and said "I have an extra ticket for a concert tomorrow night. Wanna go?" She wanted me to go? Out of all our music crazy friends? I wouldn't know the lyrics, or the band members, or what to wear... but I said yes. Of course I will accompany you, my dear friend, to this exquisite event. And then I rushed on over to YouTube to search up the group and shove as many of their songs into my ears as possible. It was like I was suddenly assigned a research paper that would make or break my grade.
I'm not going to tell you who the band was. I'm not even going to tell you if I liked them. But I will tell you this: Somewhere between walking into that concert and walking out, I made the connection that everyone else already seemed to have.
Standing in that crowd, surrounded by a thousand people all singing the same lyrics, dancing to the same beat, I was amazed. It didn't matter if someone was off key, or if they goofed up the lyrics; what mattered is that they were together. What would it take for me to be apart of this?
At the end of the night, the band closed with with a cover of the song "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. Now I know I said I was clueless when it came to music, but don't worry, I would have had to have been deaf to not know it. Upon realizing that this was a song familiar to me, my excitement tripled. It was in this moment that I got a taste of it; I sang the lyrics with pride, I swayed to the music and put my hands up along with everyone else's, and I realized music is not just people in a recording studio; it is not just turning on the radio for background noise; and it is not cramming song after song into your head just so you can feel like you fit in. I can't seem to find the right words to give music a worthy definition, but I can tell you the one in the Webster dictionary doesn't do it justice.
You will now be happy to know I have a Spotify account, I am currently collecting my favorite songs in a playlist, and I now consider myself an up and coming music expert. Actually, scratch that last part. I don't think I could ever be a music expert, but I will be a proud music lover. Yes, that's more like it, and it sounds more romantic too.
Any songs you want to recommend to me? My ears are open. Finally.
New to Prose
Hello, I just joined today. I'm still bumbling around trying to figure it out. I've been writing seriously since around 1997. I have a BA in English Literature from Western Washington University.
I've had a little bit of success publishing short stories, haibun, creative non-fiction and recently a novella as well as some self-published short story collections. I'm hoping to connect with other writers here on Prose.