That is what I thought he was, until that day. He said we were traveling to our dream destination, Lisbon. “Pack up, hon”
Let us go.
I fell asleep on our way to the airport and woke up in what it seems an abandoned factory. Still on the passenger seat. Where was he? I think I saw this coming? Did he leave me here? Should I be glad I was alone? Should I just start the car and leave him behind? Save what could be saved.
I was wrong. I was not alone in the car. I heard the breathing. He was right behind. He did it.
We got her just on time,
Our cute, tiny and loud girl.
It was in 2017, we lost our uncle,
we won her.
She makes waking up more hopeful,
she makes our days more fun,
she likes Doritos and tangerines.
She barely sleeps,
always alert. I don't know why,
we are safe. Our floor is covered by her toys.
Stuffed, high pitch ones, a Teddy bear.
We recently changed the mattress. It made our bed taller,
and now we need to help her come up.
She does not try. But, when she forgets, and is very excited,
she just jumps, by herself. Naughty, our baby, the littlest of 5 siblings.