Get at me
A said a hip, hop.
A burst of prose, freestyle verb, that looks like a poem.
Indentation paradoxically clear. You do not care for rhyme or
structure. “But what about rhythm?” you ask, and I
reply, “How about grammar,” and then a long pause.
But apparently time weighs gravity so forgot about
commas, and think about karma.
Love of the Deep
They say
That if
You stay
In the deep
Too long
You'll never
And you'll drown
So if the mind
Is as an ocean
Should we not
Dive into its depths?
I think
I forget
To breathe
When I look deeply
At my self
And I stay there
For an eternity
Before I am dredged up
From the bejeweled depths
Once more
And I
In trailing
As bubbles
And bubbles
Of thoughts
My neck
And choke me
Like my future should be
But no
Like they say
It's love of the deep
Once you go down
You never want
To return
To the surface
And the oxygen leaves
But that's fine
Could spend
Within the depths
Of my mind
January has grown too big to share our twin-sized bed.
She is poised, coiled like a snake. Always ready to pounce.
This month was war-torn, and there is still more bloodshed
to come. She spins her finger through candle wax, says, this
whole world is falling apart, and I’m the only one holding
it together. This is a heavy burden, and yet she keeps
her spine straight. I try to take notes. Force my back rigid,
release the tension, pretend the flames dancing on my palm
won’t set fire to my body. As if I wasn’t born with my bones
dipped in gasoline. I ask her what to do when the ghosts
won’t stay dead. She looks at me like I'm the child, like less
than thirty days ago she didn't fit in the palm of my hand.
Says, kick them out of bed, change the locks, pretend
you don’t recognize their face until it becomes true.
Tits, Boobs, Jugs, Knockers, Air Bags, Comfy Pillows
I am a woman that is for sure
Though no oil painting any more
I have big breasts which men seem to like
But I find them annoying so hard to run or ride a bike
In Summer they get hot and underneath they smell of cheese
Sometimes after dinner in my cleavage I find fallen peas
They are heavy and cause pain in my back
It feels like I am carrying a huge potato sack
Now I always have to wear a push up bra
As now they sag much much too far
Soon I think they will tuck in to my socks
Maybe quite handy but so unorthodox
When I was young I was so often teased
Obviously I wasn´t happy or very pleased
My Christian name is Melloney you see
So at school I was called Melons CONSTANTLY!
© M.Withers/M.Strudwick . All rights reserved.
Both the name The EriduSerpent/EriduSerpent
and any written material is owned solely by the above named.
Permission granted for all written material to be shared but not for profit.
The Keeper of the Moon
She held the moon in her hands,
The fragile, glowing moon.
She held the moon in her hands,
She sang it's mystic tune.
She held the moon in her hands,
Prepared it for its flight.
She held the moon in her hands,
Bade it rise in the night.
She held the moon in her hands,
When it came down at day.
She held the moon in her hands,
The moon, pale and grey.
-Faeli Kathryn
Pale Blue Sheets
Please stay with me as we lie in my pale blue sheets.
I'm a scared little girl inside a strong woman in armor made of ice that melts when no one sees,
but that doesn't cure the frostbite in my chest that has lost all feeling.
Black, like the stains on my pillowcase from the lies that conquer my truths.
I can't explain why I would rather be alone with you than just alone.
You break me then call me stable.
Don’t Rush Me
Sweet poison raining
Inside me
I've forgotten who I'm supposed to
Feeling tingly
Ready to be me
My body is way too clingy
Because the poison has
Doused me
My perception isn't obstructed
Tonight I'm not pulling hair
My body is way too tense
Someone's absence
While my body yells out
I am quick to forget
I'm ready to climax
And no I haven't yet