Father’s Day’s coming up- and so, let’s celebrate with favorite Dad Jokes. (Read or heard) :)
Poetry style, own creation, read somewhere, even actually heard from your own Dad or neighborhood Dad. Tag me @Mnezz, please. Looking forward to reading the entries. :)
Prose & Comedy.
Ready for another challenge—? Here we go- this one can be short & sweet. Well, it’s up to you to either share a funny story, or something that have written that also made you burst out laughing. You can even create your own funny quote or a poem, too. Please tag @Mnezz in the comment section. Looking forward to reading the amusing and creative post entries. Thanks! P.S. Have a lovely summer/long break. <3 xo
With Lots of Love
Love is in the air? Or is it another one of Cupid’s arrows making folks do crazy things in the name of love!
Share a story, or poem, even a tale— anything really~ tag me @Mnezz. Thanks- :) Lookin’ forward to reading the wonderful creations!
I did not see that coming!
Anything goes for this. Get your writing caps on, find a comfy spot & write away! Looking forward to reading the entries. Please tag me @Mnezz. Thanks. P.S. happy holidays! Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, too!! <3
Ended January 10, 2021 • 2 Entries • Created by Mnezz
November to Remember.
Can be used as inspiration, title, or in a poem/story. Please tag me- @Mnezz~ in your entries. Thnkx. Can’t wait to see the stories weaved. <3 B-) P.S.— To all the writers taking part in NaNoWriMo, wishing you all thee best!
Ended December 1, 2020 • 4 Entries • Created by Mnezz
Who dunnit?
Okey~ this can be a work of mystery— with a dash of creepy- & somethin’ goin’ down, maybe someone dies ‘n’ come back as a ghost to haunt the one who dunnit.
So, you could be the 1 who’s being haunted OR the person who has to figure out who dunnit.
Hmm, or even share both sides of the person being haunted, plus the one figuring out who
Any writing format/style goes. Looking forward to catch and sink myself into the tales, mysteries and stories weaved.
Please tag me @Mnezz for the paranormal entries. I’ll appreciate it.
Thanks! <3 #ReadytoFallintothestories :)
Ended November 1, 2020 • 2 Entries • Created by Mnezz in Paranormal
Someone comes knocking at the/your door. Who is it? Do you let them in?
Poetry, story format, write on~ enjoy! Don’t forget to tag me in the comments section. :) I look forward to reading the entries.
Ended August 8, 2020 • 34 Entries • Created by Mnezz
Seniors Love Posture Corrector
@JulianRace anything will go for this one lol :D poetry, short work, tale/story etc.
Ended June 25, 2020 • 8 Entries • Created by Mnezz
when (or while) the cat's away, the mice will play
~ use the phrase in a story, poem, or any format of your choosing. please tag me in the comments section when the entry’s been posted. Happy writing! :)
Ended June 15, 2020 • 4 Entries • Created by Mnezz
The snowflake landed on her nose. All I wanted to do at that point was~
Create a story using the words/phrase, senetence/s: The snowflake landed on her nose. All I wanted to do at that point was~ Have fun with it. P.S. don’t forget to tag me @Mnezz in the story you write. Cheers! =) Happy Holidays! Enjoy writing & creating what your heart, and mind wish\plan to. Note: feel free to include any fantasy creatures or magical elements in your tale. Remember to have fun!
Write a poem, story, or tale that tells about a witch, naughty kids & also involves some pets~ magical/real. Let your imagination flow! Write on... :)
Write using any format, or form. P.S. Please, remember to tag me in your entry for this challenge. Thanks. =) And remember to have fun with what you create.
Ended July 29, 2018 • 6 Entries • Created by Mnezz
There is a new person in town. They seem to be upto something. You investigate & find out that-...What happens next? What do you find out? What is the other new neighbor upto? All forms of writing accepted. Looking forward to reading what you come up with.
All forms/styles of writing accepted. Have fun! Enjoy. =)
Ended January 7, 2018 • 11 Entries • Created by Mnezz
It is the first year of the Royal Academy. Many rulers from various kingdoms all send their children to the amazing school for royals. Take the reader on an adventure. What happens there at the academy? Make it scary, fun, sad, even silly. Have fun. Please tag me @Mnezz in your finished entries. Can't wait to read, and see what you come up with.
Use a mix of characters if you like, adding in even names you have used in any of your other works and stories/tales. Feel free to use a mixture of writing formats. A spooky tale, and poem, narrative & etc.
BOOK TRAILER! Give a brief description of a book you have read, it can be from any writer/author on Prose, or a book you have recently read during your free time. Make readers hooked and capture their minds/attention. Feel free to also attach a link to the book if it’s available in the Prose bookstore.
BOOK TRAILER! Give a brief description of a book you have read, it can be from any writer/author on Prose, or a book you have recently read during your free time. Make readers hooked and capture their minds/attention. Feel free to also attach a link to the book if it’s available in the Prose bookstore.
Ended October 31, 2017 • 0 Entries • Created by Mnezz
(<Title: The Queen's Guard.>
My Darling Queen,
I write you this letter with so much adoring love. I'm afraid I will soon fall into my enemies trap. Do not worry, for even though I shall be caught soon, I leave you in safe hands. I've sent instructions to our royal guards to always keep watch over you- at all times.
P.S. I will find a way to escape from my foes clutches. Then, I'll be reunited with you my heart's most dearest.
With unending love,
Your valiant King!)
Write a story/heroic tale that begins with the short letter [in brackets] from the King to his Queen.
Create a world full of danger, magic, mystery, romance, drama, love & bravery. Have fun and write on! Please tag me once the story is complete, so that I can read your creative entry(-ies).
Story or tale formats only, please.