End Times (or) The Story of Every Day
Would that I meet another day...
if world be ready for its ends.
Will I pretend against
(as passed and passing sins have shown)
how little time remains for play?
Will I obey command to love
with all of heart and mind and soul
the one true God,
and neighbor like to self?
Or dance at odds,
with pride alone as holding-stake,
forsaking warnings uttered clear
through holy Word or witness dear besides?
Why hide, like Eden’s sinners old,
each moment rotted loose from truest Vine?
His Will be mine, I plead,
and plead again,
while breath remains to meet the dawn.
No one believes...
but I’m familiar with
ashy waste.
I taste it every time
my tongue delivers
words I wish I hadn’t
said. Instead of
fessing up and changing,
maybe rearranging
words too quick
to fly the coop,
I choose to stoop,
on sinner’s knees
to please the One
who shows the way.
While hay and wattle
fill the craw; for
every wood-block
sidling jaw
I’m well aware
of faults laid
bare to bake.
A different take
perhaps, than
numbered crowds
adore. But so much
more within my
feeble power
to pray upon.
I’ll take the
scorn you cannot
hide to crush
my ever present
pride for heaven’s
benefit alone.
If this be stone
of condemnation,
feeding common
man’s frustration
mark me peasant,
mark me lover of
the cross.
Then crucify away.
How’s the Weather?
Came in like a lamb -
this month number three,
sunshine and mildness
encouraging glee.
Though Spring 'round the corner
finds snow at the thaw;
this folklore might cause some
conclusions to draw.
Some fond little voices
(the adage-ing kind)
say that's only half
of this "weather remind".
(if) "In like a lion"
brings "out like a lamb"
then current mild weather
flips month end to jamb
a roaring out-going
to balance today.
Things could get exciting.
What do you say?
Spelling Question - Just ‘Bee’ cause
Until this morning, I thought 'vilify' had two ll's.
Which started me pondering...how important is correct spelling when it comes to writing?
I've seen a meme come across my FB feed once or twice where some of the vowels/consonants are replaced with other letters. The picture, if you can read and understand it, makes the point that our brains can identify words correctly (and thus be able to communicate adequately) even when some of the letters are different than the standard dictionary spelling.
--Does it bother YOU when you see misspelled words in things you read?
--Is correct spelling only important in some contexts and not others?
--Do you try to improve your spelling abilities?
--How does it make you feel when someone corrects your writing (hopefully charitably)?
These letters that we mix around
to fashion words which foster sound?
Well-ordered need or merely close?
Which leads to understanding most?
Do you get miffed when (more or less)
mistakes abound? Does grammar stress
arrive, until you feel compelled
to correct those who have misspelled?
Your thoughts I'll not treat spurious.
Please share below. I'm curious.
The Cyclical Cynic (Petrarchan Sonnet)
Aloud and full commanding came the plea
to right the wrongs which passing days allowed,
and any who would not attend the crowd
deemed obstinate, with fervent pitch decree.
To change would serve ill omen, to the free.
To stay the same must never be allowed!
So rough and deep division lines get plowed
(obscuring path of compromise to see).
What then will come if one or other crowned
as victor? Methods meant to halt the kill?
Will heaven look with favor on the deed?
Or might, despite some best attempts to drown
out sorrow’s pool (of which we’ve had our fill)
the curse continue, while the blameless bleed?
Ashes to Ashes
Timely days
to mark away the
fears and jeers of
all we fail to be.
Instead to see
renewal strong,
with purpose
to glory Him
who calls.
falls forgotten;
freedom follows.
Path lays joined;
living what was
made to be at
Eden's dawn.
No pawn, but
child of God.
Prod of conscience,
pricked desire
for greater than
what earth lays bare.
Dare, in dying,
yet to live;
give away your
gifts as they were
to be...
brightest by
the light of
Morning Star.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
Does it feel weird to sport a beard?
I’ve wondered once or twice.
Some men I know just let it grow
regardless of the price.
It could mean kissing that they’re missing
for their lady’s ease.
But then again, there are some men
whose whiskers sweetly tease.
Does ‘grooming face’ create a space
testosterone enhanced?
When one is happy with his look
does this increase romance?
It’s really neither here nor there,
this left-field query spent.
I guess to know how these things go,
I’d have to be a gent.
How about it gentlemen? With or without beards - why did you make the choice you did?
Amber Waves
'From sea to shining sea' they sing
while I, midway between the edges
laced with waters' ebb and flow
know only miles of prairie. Grasses,
waved in wondrous motions too,
for miles and miles this mass of
golden meets the wilding winds.
I can not sink beneath its depth
nor see its shores - but oh, it carries
me, the same - away and back again.
It soothes my soul with what can be
and loses me in all that waits beyond.