Dwarven Halls
In halls of stone, in halls of stone,
Our picks our quills, the Mine our tome,
With our own work, we build our World,
From rock and stone, we build our home.
In halls of stone, through layered rock,
We live whole lives needing no Sun
There’s gold which gleams, and fire of forge
The light of Day? No, we need none.
They say we Dwarves from surface came
For so we must, for so we must
They say we Dwarves the Sun disdained
And in its shine, we did not trust.
But know this well, do know this well,
And in your mind this knowledge lock:
We from no surface came; we’re from instead
Stone and rock, stone and rock.
From the Stone, we take our strength
For the Stone endures
You can carve it and shape it,
But the Stone is never yours.
From the Rock, we take our hearts,
Steady and strong, and yet as well
Dig down deep, to deepest rock
And strange things indeed do deep down dwell.
Through deep rock, we tunnel well
And there is meaning to our moil
Our lives we carve, as well as rock,
With the spirit of our toil.
In halls of stone, in halls of stone,
We build the World we make our own.
Short Story Collection Being Released
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to share that I'll be releasing a collection of short stories on February 1st. Many of the stories in this collection have been featured here, while others haven't. If anyone is interested, you can find it on Amazon here:
I'm pretty excited about this and I just wanted to thank The Prose community for being the major reason for this collection. Before I joined this community, my writing was directionlesss and you've help me find direction.
So, thanks everyone!
Last Christmas
my first Christmas with you
the big hopes and things I wanted to do with you…
the matching pjs the cuddles the cookies the excitement of giving you the gift I picked out back in October for you…
the screaming the yelling
the tears running down my face as each ornament fell from the tree
our tree…
the one we picked out together
for Christmas
our first Christmas
our last Christmas…
Time’s Silent Dance
Born to this world's stage,
Innocence and wonder bloom,
Life's first steps taken.
Youth's fervent embrace,
Dreams like stars in boundless skies,
Time's tapestry weaves.
Midlife's sunlit path,
Responsibilities weigh,
Purpose carved in stone.
Autumn leaves descend,
Reflection in fading light,
Age's wisdom gained.
Twilight whispers soft,
Curtain falls, yet spirit soars,
Cycle finds its close.
Look at me.
I’m talking
to you…
may I ask
a question?
When you read a poem,
when you look at me,
have you ever
what you are doing?
You are eating.
Each word you
look at
enters your mind.
And each word
has a life of its own
but like
a raw piece of
a bad piece of
there is a chance of a
wriggling inside
a word
hooks in your mind
consuming you…
A Poet’s Trojan Horse.
And look how much
you have eaten
I hope you
continue to read
I would love
the company~
Summer Vacation
The windup alarm clock jangles loudly, and I open my eyes. The morning sun is shining through my bedroom window, and I can hear Mom downstairs making breakfast.
It is my favorite time of year. I have a lineup built of things I want to do this summer, and I can’t wait to get started. Today, I think I will finally paint the dugout canoe that has been sitting abandoned in the garage since Dad left--kind of like us.
I jump out of bed and throw on my jeans. It strikes me that yesterday’s diamond-print shirt still smells okay, so I slip it on and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and pee. I pass Ashley in the hall, and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I do my best Big Time Wrestling impersonation, and she laughs. For a kid sister, she’s not too bad.
Downstairs, Mom is whisking batter, and the griddle is already hot. Score! She knows how much I love pancakes. Soon there is a mound of deliciousness on my plate, and a glass of cold milk next to it. Best breakfast ever!
“Gerald,” Mom says. “The dog needs a bath today, and I have to get to work early. I also need you and Ashley to get your laundry downstairs.”
My shoulders slump, but I know better than to balk. I used to pitch a fit when stuff got in the way of my plans, but like she reminds me, I’m a teenager now. Besides talking back is one error I won’t be making again any time soon.
Instead, I grab Rusty and we head out to the back yard to play fetch with his ball.
© 2023 - dustygrein
It crushes me and fills my cheeks with a flush
Coils around me until I can think of nothing more
So loud and sudden that it turns my brain to mush
I want to hug it until the blood starts to pour
I want to run a hand through your pretty hair
Until I accidentally yank it out
I want to be around to contaminate your air
Until the poisonous spores start to sprout
You're so cute I wanna squeeze you until your ribs break
Feel free to give me bruises and clot my blood
Being with and away from you makes my heartache
Kill me and I'll kill you with all this love
The Rambler’s Song
Oh the songs of the road
Through verse and chorus, stories get told
When you roam just like a rambler
Always winning, just like a gambler
The memories take me on the road again
Sometimes I'm running against the wind
While country roads may take me home
To the place I don't belong
Insisting the world keeps turning our way
Hold on cause life is a highway
As we ride, guess time will tell
Freeway of love or highway to hell
Just as free as we’ll ever be
oo many places I've got to see
This free bird you cannot change
There I go, now turn the page
At the age of five I lost my younger brother who passed away due to brain fever. I just wanted the answer to where did he go, who took him away and that how come my folks couldn’t get him back to us. They told me he is safe with God far away and well cared for. We will always remember him but he had to be there to be free from all his pains and aches. There was nothing more farther than the Sky for me at that time. Since then it kind of became my brother’s home for me. From then I never did anything without communicating with the sky because I knew no living without him then. Gradually it became a habit and it never ceases to amaze me till date.
I really did communicate with him talking to the sky. Watching the sky, the day time sky, the night sky, the hues, the clouds and each day it had a different story to tell me, all being told to me by my brother. We played with the colours in the sky, we hid in the clouds in the sky, we fooled around in the rain from the sky, we shared the glitter of the stars at night and we continued our relationship and he was still there for me always in a place which kept him pain free.
Even though I learnt the facts of life and death, it still reigns supreme in my mind for all my inspirations till date. I just love being under the sky as my roof.