Being waist deep in thought technically means I'm down to earth. That's what I've been telling myself, anyway.
God, The Universe, and You Part 9: Youth, Warrior, Sage
Youth, warrior, sage is a fairly new, somewhat controversial masculine counterpart to the maiden, mother, and crone archetype. Though seen a lot in hero's journey-type stories (Ex: Star Wars) it's not discussed quite as frequently in spiritual circles. Write your take on this. Tag me if you wish, but I will check in periodically.
Ended July 14, 2024 • 1 Entry • Created by TheWolfeDen in Philosophy
God, The Universe and You Part 8: Maiden, Mother, Crone
The maiden, mother, and crone archetypes are heavily tied to the stages of life, the divine feminine, and the cyclical yet synergistic nature of the planet and even of the universe itself. This theme is seen many times over in religious beliefs, mythology, and spiritual practices around the world. Write your take on this concept. Any format. Feel free to tag me, though it's not necessary.
Ended July 14, 2024 • 1 Entry • Created by TheWolfeDen in Stream of Consciousness
"I remember, I remember, when I lost my mind...there was something so special about that day..."
Write at length about your experience with mental health. It can be your personal experience (as inspired by @graceinpoetry's recent challenge), the pain of dealing with a loved one's mental health struggles, or your reflections on the attitudes toward mental health and mental health care.
Ended July 5, 2024 • 16 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen in Stream of Consciousness
God, The Universe, and You Part 7: Existential Dread
Write about a moment or moments that completely rocked your world. Be it a painful rock bottom, a milestone birthday, a big revelation or other earth-shattering process that led you to question everything, or at least one thing, that you thought you knew.
Ended July 5, 2024 • 7 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen in Philosophy
God, The Universe, and You Part 6: The Sin Eater
The practice of "sin-eating" dates back to medieval Europe. Though obscure, it is rumored to still be in practice in rural areas of Europe as well as parts of the Appalachian region in the US. If a person dies before they are able to confess their sins, food items, such as bread and ale, were placed onto the deceased. The sin-eater was hired to consume the food, therefore consuming the sins of the deceased and giving their souls access to Heaven. Despite their spiritual importance, sin-eaters were usually impoverished people, seen as outcasts, and paid mere pennies for their service. Write your take on this concept, any format, poetry or prose, fiction or otherwise.
Ended June 28, 2024 • 6 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen in Philosophy
God, The Universe, and You Part 5: The Cosmic Soup
Where do you think life comes from? Where do we go when we die? Do spirits and souls linger? Do they exist at all?
Ended March 22, 2024 • 12 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
God, The Universe, and You Part 4: Divine Feminine/Masculine
What comes to mind when you hear the phrases divine feminine and divine masculine?
Ended November 15, 2023 • 5 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen in Stream of Consciousness
God, The Universe, and You Part 3: Blessings
Mariam Webster defines blessings as "the act or words of one that blesses", " a thing conducive to happiness or welfare", or "a grace said at a meal". What do these mean to you? What is your personal definition? Have you ever experienced what you'd consider a blessing?
Ended November 8, 2023 • 12 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen in Religion
For The Departed
Samhain, All Saints/Souls Day, and Día de los Muertos originate from different cultures but occur around the same time of year. They are similar in their emphasis on the afterlife, ancestral reverence, honor for the dead, and the acknowledgement of the transitions that occur in the seasons and in life itself. Write a short(ish) piece about these themes or the holidays themselves. I am choosing the winner, so please tag me! For more info, check out this link:
Ended November 5, 2023 • 6 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
Intimate Friendships
What does this mean? What does it look like? Any format. Tag me!
Ended November 11, 2023 • 20 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
God, The Universe, and You Pt. 2: Miracles
Do you believe in miracles? Have you ever experienced one? Any format. I'm choosing the winner, so tag me!
Ended November 1, 2023 • 11 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
Mother Nature is fine as hell.
Your take. Any format. Tag me.
Ended November 1, 2023 • 11 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
What is a theme that you've noticed in your life? Any topic. Any format. Chosen by likes.
Ended October 30, 2023 • 10 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen in Stream of Consciousness
God, The Universe, and You
Write a creative non-fiction piece about a spiritual experience that changed your life. Did it deepen your faith? Shift your perspective? Or cause you to walk away altogether? I am selecting the winner, so please tag me.
Ended October 18, 2023 • 5 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
Red Flags
Take a scene from a well known romance (book, play, or movie) and turn it into the stuff of nightmares. Give your piece the same title as the story you're borrowing from. Tag me!
Ended October 31, 2023 • 6 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen in Horror & Thriller
Moving in Silence
What does this phrase mean to you?
Ended August 8, 2023 • 24 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
What writers or writing styles do you feel like you're the most influenced by?
Ended July 31, 2023 • 3 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
Imitating Art
Write a poem inspired by a work of art. Include the name of the artwork in your title.
Ended May 22, 2023 • 14 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen
"Before I die...clear my browsing history..."
Write a flash fiction story based on your search history from the past 24 hours.
Ended May 22, 2023 • 0 Entries • Created by TheWolfeDen