CHAOS: Chapter 2: New Year, Not a New Me
A week passes and the clock ticks down as the time as it nears 12:00 am. The cold air wraps it's chilly arms around Madeline as she walks in her despair. She left her male behind in their bedroom where furniture are broken into pieces by their intense love making.
She looks towards the moon, silently cursing the goddess that reigns her in. She knew what she done to her father was risky in itself but she couldn't help herself.
Her heart yearns to see him once more, despite the centuries of hurt and betrayal that stings between father and daughter. Madeline still yearns for the day she can see her father again without being killed on sight.
Madeline then gaze at the people who continue to party on through the parade, the week will be over soon for the new year to come.
Laughter and drunken disorder rampage the city of New Orleans as everyone celebrates in their intoxicated souls. Strong hands then wrap around her waist bringing her body closer. Lips close to her neck that inhale the sweet scent of cinnamon and death.
"Mm Nikolai, what are you doing up?" Madeline asks, she presumed he'd be dead still since she snapped his neck while they fucked.
"I heal fast, love. Did you forget already?" Her male beams a glistening smile showing off his pearly white fangs.
"How could I forget? I assumed since I took so much out of you that it would take awhile for you to come back alive."
"Now that would be impossible, you may kill me Madeline but you can never get rid of me." With rapid speed, Nikolai turns his woman around to face her. His lips smash upon hers as they kiss passionately.
"And don't forget about me," another pair of hands roam her body as a second pair of lips kiss her neck.
"Oh how could I forget Marcel?" Madeline turns her body and kisses her other male that holds onto her body tightly. Groping her ass while Nikolai fondles with her breasts.
Ripping the shirt she wears over her skin; Madeline's full breasts fall free. Both of her males gropes them harshly as Nikolai tilts Madeline's head upwards so he may kiss her, forcing his tongue inside as they battle for dominance. However, their heated passion is soon disturbed as a knock on the door is heard on the other side.
"Who is it!" Nikolai growls his displeasure as he continues to leave trails of kisses down her stomach towards the ache between her thighs while Marcel begins to mess with her breasts as his mouth latches on.
"Daddy!" The mere mention of the word daddy makes Nikolai and Marcel stop all of his actions. They groan into the softness of Madeline's neck while she chuckles as she leaves the breezy premises of her balcony.
Madeline grabs her silk robe as she strolls towards the door opening it wide to see the little girl that runs towards both her fathers.
"Papa!" Nikolai bends down lifting his daughter in the air. While Marcel tickles that little girl.
"Hello princess," Marcel comments as Nikolai holds onto his youngest. She stays quiet as she holds on by wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.
"Elle where are your sisters?" Madeline asks wondering where her other children left off to.
'I don't know' Elle speaks through her mind to her mother. Elle shrugs her shoulders as she looks towards the balcony hearing the ruckus of laughter and dancing. Wiggling down from her father's arms. She scurried out of their bedroom.
"What did she say?" Nikolai asks as he walks towards their dresser putting on a neck t-shirt and throwing one towards Marcel.
"She doesn't know where the others are." Madeline exclaims as she enters her wardrobe closet and changes into her lovely dark green dress that ensnares any man or woman's attention onto her curves.
"Let's find our children." Nikolai And Marcel follows their woman as they leave their bedroom down the corridor where they take the steps down the stairs where they enter the large opening of the house. No roof to cover the middle of the place as the water fountain springs it's water in the bright moonlight.
"Children," Madeline calls out to her family. However, it was eerily quiet.
"Something doesn't feel right." Marcel says as he notices it's too quiet.
"Elle!" Madeline yells out, nothing.
"I'll call Adessa and Abessa." Nikolai takes his cell out as he dials his other two daughters.
"I'll go find Elle and then we'll-"
In a sudden motion, all of her children come out of their hiding spot and tackle their parents onto the floor. Screams and laughter erupts as the family laugh at the joke the children pulled on them.
"Oh my goodness what the hell were you children doing?" Madeline asks as her children hug her.
"We wanted to surprise you," Wendy, her first born, explains.
"Also, we thought since it's so rare for any of us to be in the house all at the same time, why not bring the party here at home." Adessa, her third born, explains.
"No extravaganzas, no balls, or galas. Just us at home to enjoy New Years with you guys." Bay also voices who is her second born.
"Well then what are we doing here? Everyone knows the roof is where the fireworks are best seen, let's go."
Every one gets up on the floor, Nikolai lifting his youngest Elle off the floor and everyone running towards the roof top with their extreme heightened abilities to climb on higher buildings.
"One more minute everyone," Marcel exclaims as he looks down on his watch.
"Everyone ready?" Madeline asks.
"Yea!" Her children and mates exclaims as they hold onto Madeline looking into the sky waiting for the fireworks to spark to life.
"And we begin!" Wendy says.
"Five, Happy New Years!" Everyone throws streamers, laughs, blow horns and drinks passed around while their fathers kiss Madeline on the lips at their turns.
"Happy New Years love," Nikolai whispers as he kisses the woman that gave him two children, who stood at his bloody worst when he knew he did not deserve it.
"Happy New Years babe," Marcel also says as he brings Madeline's body close. Smacking her lips onto his and groping that fat ass the way he loves this woman. His damn cookie thang who also blessed him with three children.
"Happy New Years my males." Madeline whispers as the whole family looks towards the sky as fireworks erupts into the dark night. The streets of the French Courters is live with music and cheers all around.
The fireworks continue to spark to life as multicolored spring in different patterns. The eldest children take out booze and begin to drink while Elle rushes towards Marcel, being held close as they gaze towards the sky.
"May this year bring us everything we wanted love," Nikolai speaks as he holds Madeline close to his chest. Wrapping his strong arms around her waist, both couple rocking back and forth as they gaze towards the sky too.
"New year, not a new me Nikolai," Madeline turns towards Marcel as he passes Elle to her.
"I never expected you to change for no one Madeline."
"Hm, that's right,"she kisses Nikolai on the lips before jumping off of the roof.
"Come children," her kids turn around and jump off of the roof as well following their mother neck inside the house. Her two males stay behind watching over the city as their children roams and often times wreak havoc on unsuspecting humans.
Luna Made Fanfic: Odin
This is a fan fiction from the story “Grey’s Tribute” on Wattpad from whiskeyqueenn. This was written on 12/9/2017, Enjoy.
Warm summer days come to an end; the night lasting longer than the days. Soon, winter will come and we’ll be back in our homes, gathering for the long storms ahead.
You can feel the air chill through the sinew of your flesh, rattling your bones. A storm is coming, but we stay hidden, my cousin Charlie, my brother Shamus and I are gathered with our fun.
“Addy, Shamus, pay attention, throw the balloons very hard, or else they won’t pop.” Charlie explains as she gives us each several balloons with water filled in them.
We wait patiently in the warm lake, hiding our secret weapons from our cousins, the destructo twins, more like the destructo idiots.
Charlie planned this ahead of time for months, everything in motion since her preparation of the incoming attacks, she explained how the twins stole her diary and read it aloud making fun of her desires to be a healer, I think it’s noble and a wonderful dream she has.
“Ugh... they smell funny Charlie?” Shamus say, while scrunching his nose in irritation. I smell it and I find nothing wrong with it, it smells of nothing to me.
“It’s not for us Shamus, they’ve been soaked.” Charlie says while Shamus and I stare in confusion, I won’t dare ask what they’ve been soaked in, you don’t want to mess with a healer, even if they are just in training.
The twins coming in close within our radius, they don’t know it yet, they’re going to be attacked.
The element of surprise on our side.
“Let’s go! Shamus, Addy, Charlie! We’re late! The Far North And East have come and aunt Vic has sent us to come and get you three.” Keegan speaks for him and his brother Paley. Keegan wraps his arms over his chest, puffing himself up as if he’s the boss of us three, it annoys me when these two like to remind us the age difference, since they are older we apparently have to respect them. They’re becoming irritated with us three ignoring their commands. Charlie is the one who does not bend her neck for no one.
The Far North have been coming to the Exchange every two years now, the only difference this time is the Far East visiting.
From the distance, you can smell the sweet and mouthwatering aroma of food being grilled for new females coming into our pack. It’s a celebration for new mates, new pack-mates, and new friends.
“Come out you two! We don’t have all day.” The three of us stay crouched low in the water, not moving until they come within our radius.
“Wait ’til they’re near enough for us to throw these balloons, or else this plan would have been for nothing.”
We wait crouched low, our hands hold the rubbery material filled with water and whatever other substance Charlie has put in for these twins.
“If you guys don’t come out, we’ll make you!” Charlie snorts as Shamus and I stay low waiting on her command. I notice Charlie shivering, as if she senses something not right. I turn my head to see where she’s looking at but there’s nothing around us.
The twins begin to come closer, these two thinking they’re the top dogs, only because they shifted first they see us as pups needing handling and protection, especially me, it annoys me to extreme displeasure, even Charlie will be over protective of me at times. The two brothers still continue to walk closer, each step taken walking into their own trap.
“Okay... NOW!!!!” We stand up swiftly, arms filled with balloons, it’s Charlie who throws the first punch.
Shamus and I begin throwing the water balloons at the twins, while Charlie throws even harder, Shamus crunches his nose at the smell while I still can’t smell anything.
The boys fall onto the lake, smelling whatever payback Charlie had in store for them, they’re facing contorting into disgust. Even Shamus wants to gag from the smell.
“That’s for reading my diary!” Charlie, Shamus and I both laugh together as we watch the twins cough and gag, but their eyes tell a different story.
Pupils dilated, teeth coming out, lips curl into a snarl, posture in the stance of attack. They are not pleased with this joke of ours.
Immediately, Shamus and I point to Charlie that this was her idea, she looks at us in disbelief. I notice the boys instantly shift into their wolves. Charlie yells at us to run and so we run.
Charlie ahead of us, I’m behind Shamus, our hands intertwined as we run, Charlie is the fastest amongst us... I on the other hand, would rather not run.
You can feel their hot breath nipping at the soles of our feet, too close they almost caught my shirt and it would have dragged all of us down.
We fight together.
We run together.
We play together.
We lose together.
I was becoming exhausted yet Shamus and Charlie continue running as if their lives depended on it. Pushing me to the extreme, my lungs feel like they’re burning the energy my brother and cousin are exerting from me… a nice lay on the couch sounds nice right about now.
The boys have lost themselves to their wilds, no reasoning will stop them until they have us. We run as fast as we can, already ahead... we can see the celebration going on. My parents, Uncle Fin and Aunt Vic run towards us as they see the twins running after us.
I was told by my mother that we shouldn’t mess with Keegan and Paley, they’re shifting into their wolves and their emotions will be at an all time high, I think Charlie might have crossed the line this time because the twins are almost close to nipping our bottoms.
“Shamus, Addy slide under when I tell you to.” Shamus and I both nod our heads understanding what Charlie is about to do next.
Uncle Finian taught Charlie how to make a wolf immobile by snapping at the scruff of their necks. She yells at the both of us, Shamus and I fall down onto our stomachs as Charlie jumps high, hearing their scruffs snap, the boys immobile now.
All of sudden both Shamus and I have our eyes widen as Charlie is picked up from the ground at the scruff of her neck: we both whine in fright as we see a large wolf carrying Charlie in it’s mouth.
She screams out to Aunt Victoria, both her parents and my father come to our aid. This wolf will not let go of Charlie, he has her under him, she reaches out for help and I lean across to try to get to her but the large wolf snaps at the both of us, almost nipping my fingers. The wolf almost stumbles on his paws as he stares at my eyes, it happens to everyone.
The moon and the sun balancing on my face, giving everyone the startle reaction.
My father's growls is heard, he stands near by uncle Finian on his right, his eyes going wild at the thought of this wolf hurting me and Shamus.
All of us begin to cry as we have no clue what to do, how do we get Charlie? She’s terrified, calling out to her mom for help, aunty Vic’s eyes begin to glaze a bit, worry swirling around in her pupils.
My eyes begin to waver, the silver eye of mine begins to shift, double visions clouds my sight on my left eye. My glasses are off, and I can’t seem to see clearly on my left.
However one word is whispered into my ears. The wind blows against my face, tickling the lobe to softly say what everyone is trying to figure out.
Her mate.
This happens every time my left eye wants to act up. The whispers revealing the truth to me.
“It’s Charlie’s mate.” I tell Shamus.
He’s still in shock of what’s going on. Not long after, my uncle and aunt heard my whisper, realizing who this male wolf is, disbelief written on their faces.
Charlie found her mate.
The wolf begins to sniff Charlie down, Aunt Victoria’s wolf enraged by the perverse act from this male wolf. He won’t leave Charlie and we’re all scared.
The male wolf’s paw keeps Charlie down, not moving a muscle, I felt an object picking at my side pocket, lifting it, I realize I still have the pocket knife daddy gave me.
Unleashing it from its cover, I carry the little knife in my hands and whisper to Shamus to be ready to run with Charlie once I knick his paws as a distraction.
I go for the poke, the wolf growls at the small pain of my pocket knife.
Tiny but mighty.
Shamus grabs onto Charlie’s hand and grabs onto mine as well. The male wolf tries to bite down onto Charlie, stopping her from escape, instead… missing and grabbing onto the scruff of my shirt.
I scream out in terror as Shamus and Charlie look over. Charlie runs fast again, this time, daddy doesn’t stand still.
Everything comes in too fast with many body movements, uncle Fin comes in and attacks this wolf from his left.
I fall onto the ground, Charlie and Shamus grabbing my arms. This time we run towards my mother.
Uncle Fin now on daddy’s left coming at Charlie’s mate on either side, he’s relentless. They fight against this male who wants to take Charlie away from us. He will not stop, he wants his mate, he wants Charlie.
“Adeline, Shamus!” My mother rushes to Shamus and I, hugging our bodies close to hers. She brings Charlie in her embrace as we wait out daddy’s fight.
Uncle Thomas and Aunt Sophie walk into the scene speaking with the boys, but their face scrunch in disgust. What is it that they smell that I don’t smell? The twins stare at us, both Charlie and I look away, we know exactly what the other is thinking, this was probably not a good idea to begin with.
Another tall man that I recognize as the Far North alpha stands on the side.
“Enough Odin!” Alpha Borson commands but his son is relentless, standing on his own as my dad and uncle Fin continue to attack him. Alpha Borson grabs his son's neck dragging his bloody body towards the vehicles parked away from the celebration.
“Mommy what’s going on?” I ask mom, as Charlie shivers in my moms embrace. Checking her for any injuries, making sure not a scratch is on her, she kisses her cheeks calming Charlie down. I growl lowly underneath my breath, my mom pinches my ear, telling me “Enough, no need for jealousy.” I can’t help it, I don’t like sharing my mommy at times.
“Odin is Charlie’s mate Addy.” She tells me what I already know to be true, it’s simply everyone’s confirmation, no one wants to believe me first until they say it for themselves. She then grabs me, holding my waist and begins kissing my cheek, we watch as uncle Fin and daddy begin to talk. Daddy changed quickly just like uncle Fin.
“Are you okay Charlie?” Aunt Victoria comes within our radius, now fully dressed, her eyes filled with unshed tears, we’re all scared and worried for the worst, the inevitable.
Charlie nods her head, we’re tired and scared, we don’t know what’s going to happen next if we lose her. I’m not ready to be alone left with the boys, I’m scared of losing her.
“She’s not ready Meela.” Aunt Vic says to my mom, mommy continues to give me kisses all over my face. Shamus standing on dads side now. They both look angry, except Shamus looks like a scrawny chicken trying to poke through with an angry beak next to dad, uncle and the twins.
“What’s going to happen now?” I ask.
Charlie still holds onto her mom, we look at the Alphas, our pack behind us, theirs behind them, they’re discussing the issue between Charlie and her mate.
They’re still in disbelief.
“She is my mate.” Charlie’s mate, Odin says.
“How do we know you are not lying to us!” My aunt yells out, Alpha Borson’s mate Luna Bessa, comes into our view and growls out her displeasure of my aunt accusing their son a liar.
“He’s not lying.” I whisper out to my mom and aunt Vic, both looking at me in surprise.
“How do you know Addy?” My aunt asks me as she lays her hand on my shoulder.
“I just do.”
Luna Bessa unsheathes a small knife from a pocket, my aunt growls and threatens the Luna if she comes any closer to Charlie she better be quick to defend her throat. They explain they will be marking Charlie as there’s, Charlie scoots closer to me, gripping my hand behind us.
I grip hers back, promising I won’t let anything happen to her. This is the first time I’ve ever seen Charlie so worried, so scared.
She has always been the fearless one in the group, who’s going to make sure no bogie man is in my closet or underneath my bed? Who’s going to make sure that my night light is on? Who’s going to watch Saturday morning cartoons with me? Who’s going to be my partner when a new comic book comes out and helps me beg my parents to go buy the new edition of Iron man or Spider-Man? Just thinking of losing her breaks my heart for my cousin, my best friend, my sister.
“She hasn’t shifted yet. You cannot take her ’til she has shifted fully.” Uncle Fin exclaims to the men. Charlie’s mate keeps trying to look at Charlie, I don’t like it, Charlie is my cousin and anyone who stares at her funny will be stared right back! I stare down at Odin, telling him with my eyes he will not get near my sister, it was short lived however as I can’t hold my eyes towards an Alpha born.
“She will be taken and claimed as the Old Ways dictates.” Charlie’s mate growls out, he wants Charlie but aunt Vic keeps hold of us, both of us standing behind her to protect us.
Uncle Fin attack’s Odin swiftly, he is no match for my uncle, he isn’t a full grown male yet, still growing out of his juvenile ways.
They stop immediately as Odin yells he will come back for Charlie, no one will stop him.
Uncle Fin walk towards his family and holds onto aunt Vic and Charlie close to him, my dad comes towards my mother side and kisses her. He picks me up from the ground and kisses my cheek.
I hold onto his neck happily, I love both of my parents, they’re everything to me, they love me so much that they’ll do anything to have Shamus and I happy.
My mommy and I are close, I love her so much, she’s my best friend in the entire world and daddy can be funny at times, he never lets the boys rough house with me because he gets scared that I might receive an injury.
I lay my head on my dad's shoulder, exhausted from the running I had to do, he knows me so well, I no longer have to ask him to be carried if I’m tired from exceeding my strength. However my ears perk up as Charlie begins to shake and cry, my heart breaks for my cousin, I don’t want to lose her yet.
“Come Meela,” daddy grabs onto mommy’s hand as we leave them behind to let them have their moment.
Shamus and the rest of the boys walk behind us as we make our way to the ongoing celebration.
“Are you okay sunny?” My father calls me sunny which is short for sunshine, his nickname for me.
“Yes daddy.” He puts me down on my seat as Shamus sits on my left and mom on my right. Daddy filling our plate, making sure we have enough of what we need. He’s even given me extra meat, he knows I love food all around but I despise the act of—ooh I can’t even say it, it makes my skin crawl—I despise exercising, he won’t say it but everyone knows I’m his favorite.
A blonde male, older with a few wisps of grey if you were to look closely, walks towards our table, my father meeting his gaze, holding his hand out for this scruffy Alpha to shake.
“Hello Alpha Belus.” Daddy says, I lift an eyebrow in confusion, my moms confused as well.
“Hello Grey, I see your niece has found her mate.” My father nods his head yes, the alpha and my father talking amongst each other as my mother feeds the youngest pup in my family.
“You’re from the Far East yes?” My mother asks.
“Yes Luna Meela.” The Alpha regards my mother, bowing his head in a show of respect for her. His eyes then trailing along to me.
He lays his hands out in front of me. My pocket knife that I used to knick Odin fell from my hands.
I thought I had lost it for good this time.
“Seems you dropped something little warrior.” He flinches immediately by the color of my eyes. He is no different from any other wolf that has seen the colors I display on my face.
“Thank you.” I take the knife back from him, bowing my head slightly acknowledging the Alpha in respect.
“How is your family enjoying the celebration?” Daddy asks as mommy fixes the Far East Alpha a plate.
“Unfortunately, my family did not come to visit this time, it’s only me and a few of my pack members that wanted to find their mates, a few have but some may have to journey further.” The Alpha takes the plate from my mother's hand as she fills it up nicely for the male to feast.
”And has your first born found his mate?” My father asks. Uncle Fin and aunt Vic walk towards the table with Charlie looking solemn. I move from my seat to sit by my sister, comforting her in her time of need.
“No not yet, hopefully soon he will, thank you for your hospitality Alpha Fin, Victoria, Luna Meela, Grey, Charlie, Adeline.” I nod my head in acknowledging the Alpha.
“Of course, Meela, please show our guests to their destination and have several members carry their bags.” My mother nods by my uncles request, grabbing my hand.
I say my goodbyes to the Alpha, my father leans down and kisses me on the cheek, next he brings my mother close and kisses her lips softly, swatting her bottom to get going, I begin to gag slightly… too much I tell you and then he warns me to listen to my mother..
“Come on Addy.” I hold onto mothers hand tightly as we walk with the other pack members, getting into vehicles to make our way back to the long journey.
The rain has started to pour down on the earth's mossy grounds a few hours later, everyone has made it home safely. The rain allowing the lands to flourish in abundance of greens.
The view of the pack house comes in front of us. All of us get off and enter inside our home quickly. I notice aunt Vic and Charlie sitting in the living area, near the fireplace.
I sit on Charlie’s side and hold her hand.
“Are you okay Charlie?” I ask.
“I’m fine...” her voice is lying to me, I know my sister, she is not fine.
“You still have time Charlie, don’t worry baby.” Aunt Vic says this as she brings Charlie close to her chest. The two cry their hearts out as I sit on the side, feeling as if I’m imposing on them.
“Do you want some water Charlie?” She nods her head yes and I walk out of the room into the halls, entering the pack kitchen. My mother was standing near the countertops with grandma on the side.
“Mommy, can I have a glass of water for Charlie please?” I ask as grandma fixes my hair gently, it’s a tangled mess at the moment.
“Do you want water as well Addy?” My mother asks me and I nod my head no.
“Thank you.” She pecks my cheek softly, pushing my bum to the side so I can give Charlie her water. I enter the room inside once more but Charlie and Aunt Vic aren’t here.
“They’re in my bedroom Sunny.” Uncle Fin says this as I sit on the couch, worried for my dear cousin.
“Is Charlie going to be alright?” I ask, I’m still worried for her.
“She will be, for now. Who’s that for?” Uncle Fin asks me, I pass him the water to give to Charlie.
“It was for Charlie, can you give it to her please.” Uncle Fin nods his head as he allows me passage to walk out of the room.
“Here, don’t forget your glasses Sunny. How many times have we told you? They’re very delicate, your eyes need them.” Uncle Fin passes my glasses onto my face. Making sure it fits right on the tip of my nose. My dad and uncle both look so much alike. Uncle Fin is also like my father, protective and loving towards me, towards all the children. They only have one, so they treat Shamus and my siblings as their own.
“Thank you uncle.” I walk out walking up the stairs, passing Shamus’s bedroom, he sees me and stands from his bed, walking by my side now.
“Where’s dad?” I ask “In their bedroom, why?” Shamus and I walk further upstairs reaching the top.
From a distance I can hear sniffles from Aunt Vic’s room. Shamus and I look at each other knowing this will be difficult time for her.
Poor Charlie.
I knock on my parents bedroom door, hoping daddy was in already.
“Yes?” My father calls out.
“Can we come in?” I ask and he opens the door letting Shamus and I in. Our other siblings in the bedroom sleeping on the bed peacefully.
“Where’s your mother?” Dad asks “Downstairs in the kitchen.” I explain.
“I told her not to walk, your mother... always so stubborn.” Daddy says this concerned for mommy’s well-being, she’s pregnant again with another male, he then tells Shamus to read several files on his desk.
Daddy always gives Shamus opportunities to learn the pack ways and Alpha duties... haha duty’s.
“What would you do if I met my mate dad?” I ask my father as he sits with my younger siblings laying on his lap, softly snoring as he rubs their backs to sleep.
“First of all, I wouldn’t let anyone harm or touch you Sunny. Secondly, there’s only room for one male and that’s me.” I giggle as my daddy begins to tickle me, Shamus rolls his eyes at us... he says it’s annoying but I think he’s a little jealous.
“And what if he’s the most perfect Prince Charming?” I ask again, my father then passed me a book to read, something about I need to begin my studies.
“Then I better expect him to treat my daughter no less, a beautiful Moon and Sun.”
CHAOS-Chapter 1: Merry Christmas Father
“Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.”
The dark, sheer curtain separates the two people inside the confession box. The man is curious on the other side, such an unfamiliar voice yet he can see through the thin veil that she is a nun.
So peculiar, the father thought.
“Dear child, what sins do you confess for forgiveness?” A lighter flicks open, flames arise, and a light of a cigarette puffs out smokes inside this box. The father on the other side inhales the pungent smell of tobacco which makes his nostrils tickle; he scrunches his nose against the foul scent.
His stomach sinks into a bit of nausea.
A feeling of impurity tickles the skin of his flesh. Raising goosebumps on his flesh, warning him of this inherent danger that is near. A sign of Madeline smoking is already an offense to God in his house. She continues her disrespect as if she is above everything.
“I confess I have impure thoughts, father,” she blows smoke from her juicy black lips. The cloud is of tobacco swirls inside the small box. The father pulls on his color feeling constricted in the confines of his robes and the confession box together.
“What of these impure thoughts have you troubled, my child?” He asks, although his thought process had proceeded to make small protests against this woman that plays a nun. He senses that nothing is right with this woman, she brings an alarming presence within this claustrophobic space.
“I want to murder my father. I want to destroy everything he’s built and make him suffer. I also want to hurt others as well.” This fear that grew with suspicion has now become a blaring alarm that brings discomfort to the priest.
“How long have you had these i-imperfect thoughts, my child,” the calmness of his voice now waivers with nerves of distress. She inhales the cigarette that shrinks in size every time she sucks on her bud. As she inhales profoundly taking one last smoke, she lets the soft wisps of smoke blow out inside the box.
“Several centuries now, father,” she departs the small box leaving a confused and startled priest. He walks out of the box in nervous anxiety. He tries to find the nun that had finished her confession, but he could not see her. She was out of sight from the glory of the church. However, she was only a few feet away at the front of the building.
She takes a good look of the stature of the grand church and chuckles deeply.
One last smoke.
One last swirl of air.
She looks down onto the floor that reflects what she sees in the puddle of liquid. She smiles softly at the corner of her mouth to slowly rise in a satisfied smirk. Looking back at her reflection, slow memories come to mind as she remembers such bright blue eyes.
The eyes of a lost love from past trauma that will forever be tattooed on her heart. She feels the emotions tugging at the strings of her heart where it bleeds black. Dropping the little bud into the liquid that trails towards the church that stands in grand stature. It lights in flames, a swift movement of her hand raises in the air locking windows and doors shut completely.
No way of escape in anyways.
She gives a wicked simper as she hears the loud cries of agony. Smelling flesh being scalded alive. They plead to be saved by their god. At this point, when the singed flesh is smeared away revealing deep tissue and bone: they’ll commence praying for anyone who’s listening.
They always do.
“They’re not going to save you,” she whispers as she walks away with dark shades that cover her eyes.
Opening the car door of her black TransAm.
Raving the engine alive, she drives away as the distance of police sirens come after her escape. In the rearview mirror, she can see them attempt to open the doors, windows, anything that can help the people inside.
It’s no use.
They’re all going to die.
The day was not over yet, for she had plans for the night. She is going to finish a job she confessed to earlier. The darkness of the midnight glow succumbs Madeline in its divine glory as she walks through the deep trenches of the snow. Her dress drags behind her as she holds a small doll in the form of a little man.
She whispers of an incantation, a name she whispers into the air, one many will forever fear.
“Ut Vos die hoc est liberum, Hades,” she whispers softly as she twines the thread around the neck of the doll dressed in a black veil with crisscross thread for eyes and a stitched mouth.
“Sed cum venisset dies crastinus venisset, tu quoque porta scelus tuum a te manum tuam quasi male operans non plus aliis,” her eyes look towards the moon as it glows brightly in the night, for the night is the witching hour. Where curses can be performed with great ferocity. The howls of the wolves bellow out as they run across the mass forest. She watches them with great admiration, she has returned to the beginning of her story, of their history, their chaotic sacrifice.
“Squalent abductis et forment in oculis vestris sicut sanguis sanguinem iustum tuum quasi vor vadum,” as she finishes her curse, the twine begins to squeeze the doll to a vice-like grip. It encircles ’til the dolls head begins to dangle on the side of its neck.
She beams as it falls off to the snowy floor, the clouds begin to form over the lake. Soon afterward, the ground starts to roar underneath the soil. The waters ripples against the vibrations of sound. He’s angry, and this pleases her no doubt.
She burns the doll up into flames as she walks away from these lands, she was not supposed to return yet until the day of the first of Spring. She steps as if she dances on clouds, one leg in front of the other as her hips move from side to side, the emphasis of the woman that she is.
“Merry Christmas father.”
As the smoke of clouds forms encompassing her body. She reappears into the center of her homestead. No roof over the middle where a fountain stands with crystal clear water. She wipes her hands as if she’s had a good day at work. Unbothered by the act she has committed, she shuffles into the kitchen looking for a treat to serve herself.
“You will regret ever doing that Madeline.”
Oh that voice, she thought.
“Get the fuck out of my head,” She slams her fist against the marble counter. Closing her eyes shut, teeth gritting each other as her molars bite hard. She can feel her roam around her mind, leaving a ringing sensation in her ears. Sometimes leaving nicks and abrasions if the voice so chooses to punish Madeline.
“If I leave you alone, your father will come to punish you himself,” the woman continued to speak in her mind. Voice of such soft melody, it’s as if your ears are being blessed with such sanity.
“That’s the whole point, Selene,” Madeline grips the counter hard. Anger begins to course through her veins. She wants nothing more than to sink her claws in the blood of her kin that has wronged her long before time has even begun.
“Do you want to die!” Selene, such worrisome, she fears the worse for Madeline’s life. There is more to her god-daughter than meets the eye but she plays with fire even when she can get wickedly burned.
“I want him to die,” Madeline’s eyes begin to turn pitch black. The demon has awakened, and her wrath hath fury be done unto her sinners.
“We made an agreement or so help me Tartarus you will abide by our agreement,” such soft voice yet a feisty bite to her teeth.
“I know what I agreed to, but you can’t blame me for wanting a little fun.”
“Why can’t you leave things be, stop playing with fire.”
“You know fire is all I know, besides, I had to give daddy his Christmas present,” Madeline wanders to the living room as she brings a glass and a bottle of red wine.
“Bloody Hell Madeline, as much as I would enjoy seeing my nephew choke to death. I must implore you to stop these shenanigans.” Madeline rolls her eyes as she sits drinking her glass full. An oncoming headache forming if Selene does not leave the privacy of her mind.
“Must you always be a party pooper,” she gulps down the wine in one swift dunk.
“Must you always be vengeful,” Selene counters back.
“Leave,” And with that being said, Selene was gone.
She couldn’t help but wonder if her father did suffer just a little with her particular hex made especially for him. For she felt the spirit of Christmas within the marrow of her bones. She closes her eyes as she thinks of what else to use onto her father. Yet her mind had become mush once firm, strong hands begin to rub her down her body.
“Mm,” she moans as one hand slips into her blouse. Gliding into the valley of her succulent breasts. Pinching the already hardened tan nipple that points out her arousal.
“Hello love,” the man whispers into her, nipping at the skin of her neck.
“Now where have you been Nikolai?” What Madeline asks she can barely concentrate as hands roam freely on her body. The cold air was becoming hot as each breath she exhales, he inhales as if it’s his personal dope.
“Here and there, yourself?” Always cryptic as ever, barely ever divulging any details. Nor does she mind the secrecy, as long as he returns home in one piece to the family. He can plot and murder for all she cared.
“Here and there,” she opens her eyes to find the man looking down upon her with intense lust. A thirst that needs to be quenched and only the nectar between her thighs may just subsidize his desire.
“Why don’t we take this upstairs,” in a blink of an eye, he has her legs wrapped around his waist. Her arms clinging to his neck, giggling into the air as he leaves a trail of wet kisses.
“Please, allow me.” With a snap of her fingers, they’re gone from the living room only to appear into a bedroom where the night was filled with hard, lustful fucking into morning day of Christmas.
This story is something I’m working on as a fantasy erotica romance book. This is the first chapter and was inspired by my earlier small short called “Bringer of Chaos”. If you’re interested, it’s 6 chapters in on the app Inkitt.
Below the Water
Flowing through the motions.
Light that spreads between the waves as I swim mindlessly.
Everything natural to me, I see the creatures that swim next to me.
I have traveled the many seas, seen wrecked ships that have fallen by the mighty touch of Poseidon. Seen the many futures birthed into these waters.
Converse with the sea creatures of ice and water, listened to the whispers of the oceans, kissed by the waves that lather my skin in refine scales.
I've swam all the way to the freezing waters of the Arctic oceans. My skin tough against the ice, my tails smooth to swim the glide.
I notice something odd.
Something out of the ordinary. A small figure struggles to reach solid grounds as it tries to reach for the surface. It was a penguin. I can see underneath it's feet struggling to keep afloat.
This breaks my heart, as I notice from across a hungry sea lion notices the struggling creature. It swims at a speed faster than the aquatic bird.
Without a second thought of my own life. I swim faster than the sea lion racing towards the bird. Grabbing him, there's something wrapped around it's neck and immediately I know what's caused it to almost sink.
The sea lion is persistent, yet I swim faster than him. He's near at the tip of my tail but I do not falter. I then turn around to thwack him against the strength of my tail.
You can hear the sound blast off through the miles of the sea. Any mermaid within reach will know another has defended themselves by the familiar sound of a tails strength.
The seal stares into my eyes, speaking the words that I have won this round. Then he swims away as if nothing has happened, as if I hadn't just stolen his food.
Without looking back, I make my way towards the surface where light can be seen. It reflects off the large walls of large ice bergs. The freezing cold makes the hot air in my breath cool. Wind has become stronger. However, water still melts underneath the hot sun.
I move the penguin on top of the hard surface of ice. Unwrapping of the toxic chaos the clings to choke the life out of this aquatic bird.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
It squawks in a bird like sound however I understand perfectly of what it speaks. Mermaids have always understood the languages of the animal kingdom.
He explains how he's thankful I have saved his life. He hadn't realized it was around his neck. The poison that nearly killed him was none other than, trash bag, plastic. A waste that humans have created for their own use mindlessly harming the seas.
He continues on speaking; telling me how he's gotten here, how he ended up with the trash bag around his neck, and telling me how beautiful I am. We mermaids love compliments. My day ends saving a life and becoming friends listening to his gossip.
Another day of helping the sea life.
I can hear the sounds of the waves speaking to me.
Their sound is like music to my ears.
The language of dance makes my body motion between the swaying waves. My hips bobbing to the tune of sound.
Anything can be made to a beat.
Swimming behind everything, I move my body up and down. Passing by a pod of whales. The hum as they see me swim by. Their young moving near me curious to what I'm doing. I move up straight to show the small babe what my body does.
Moving to the beat of the ocean waves.
Swimming further away, I wave a goodbye to the fellow creatures that share a home with me.
Still swimming against the waves, I didn't realize the further I swam, the less the water looked clear. It became murky and unsettling.
My eyes widen to the pollution that flows across the sea. One by one, I notice some material that harms my view. I then begin to swim further in where the humans live on land.
It's everywhere.
It has become worse.
These humans have created damage to my home. A waste of plastic litters the surface. None of the sea creatures no where to go; some getting caught in the line of plastic.
A shark struggles to swim forward without being to take the plastic off. I swim towards it to help, taking it off with care. The shark bumps my tail in gratitude, then swims away into the dark void of the waters.
I reach the surface only to see more plastic floating away from inland. I watch the sailors ignoring the waste continuing to pick the fishes from the sea.
It boils my blood as they ignore the waste.
I want nothing more than to teach them a lesson. As I move my hand to attempt to manipulate the boat to overtip. My hand is held by the wrist by another hand.
It was Aqua.
"What are you doing?" I question her, she stopped me from punishing them.
"This is not the way."
"Then what is the way? They have done nothing good for our world. They've poisoned us with plastic, pollution, and death. How can you defend these murderers?" I'm perplexed, how can she say violence is not the answer? They have done nothing but kill each other and everything around them.
They are destructive creatures!
"They do not know better. But we can teach them Marina, there are still good ones in this world." She tilts my head to watch the beach lines. Our visions are much precise and clear that can see further of many miles. I turn around to see what she points.
I realize she is right.
A group of humans in bright colored shirts walk the shorelines with a contraption that picks the trash up. They throw it in a circular thing that eats up the plastic that creates havoc in our homes.
This brings a smile to my face.
I realize we still have a chance to fight, with kindness.
These are what I live by.
Swimming in the endless cast of continuous adventures. Slowly, I rock motionless of my accord.
Allowing the waters to take me wherever I go.
I'm a slave to the waters.
I can never leave my home for anyone.
I live and breathe water.
My home.
However, today is different. The water has changed the course of my journey once again. Why is that I wonder.
I then feel something smooth yet rough that touches my scales. I wake up, I look over and notice it's nothing more than plastic.
What have I gotten myself into?
I am up, I am awake, and I am mourning.
Plastic is everywhere.
Damaging the ocean wildlife.
Destroying my home once more.
A small gold fish swims slowly towards my way. It almost looked like he was lumpy if you weren't paying close attention.
It's little nose bops against my own. Smile weakly looking up to stare into my eyes. My heart pounds as I feel the sorrow this little fish feels.
It opens its mouth and there lay small waste of mistakenly eating a plastic for food. I attempt to help by removing the content out of its mouth. Once removed, it brightens a lot more better and swims away until the deep, blue abyss.
I can hear chatter from a distance.
Anger rolling off of other mermaids. We can sense each others emotions, were natural born empathy. I swim towards the other two girls, Aqua and Marina.
"They do not know better. But we can teach them Marina, there are still good ones in this world," I tap onto Aqua's shoulder and she tilts her head to the side noticing me, with a broad smile, she brings me close in for a hug.
"How are you Celeste?"
"I am fine, what are you guys arguing about?" We know each other as we are all connected to one source.
"The humans have let their plastic overrun the oceans hurting the wildlife here." Aqua answers.
"I was going to tip the humans boat over there for not attempting to clean up their mess until Aqua had stopped me," claims Marina.
"I do believe we need to do something, this has gotten out of hand. It's making everyone sick." I look around my surroundings of the surface. Nothing but plastic bags, bottles, and spill litter these waters.
It's made everything feel sickly.
However, I do not lose hope yet.
"We May have a way to clean this up."
"How?" Marina asks.
"We must find Nina."
We nod our heads agreeing unanimously of what our next work shall be. We need to find Nina, she knows these humans best unlike any other mermaid for she had encountered them more than any of us in our whole lives.
We swim away into the dark, murky waters. Traveling the long miles of our fellow mermaid. I hope dearly in my heart we end this drastic change the course of ocean home.
I have become the embodiment of pain.
Pain that has hurt our creatures of the sea.
What would our god, Poseidon, think if he sees what has happened to our home? My back is now attached to the seagull that died in the entrapment of a sailors net.
My tail no longer shimmering in the oceans light. Now the embodiment of a dead shark that has drowned by the shark catchers that kill for its fin for a bowl of soup.
The horrors of the oceans reality now stuck to my skin. I have no words of any kind to make anyone feel any better about this. I can only imagine what other animals are going through as these human contraptions have been made to hurt us.
As I swim across the waters below the sea. I see from a far distance that a baby turtle struggles to keep afloat. It attempts to swim to the surface only to be dragged down by the plastic that suffocates it from oxygen.
I swim faster with every force into my tail. Finally reaching the small turtle, I cradle it and coo at it as if it's my own. Unwrapping the plastic away from the turtle. It swims away thanking me continuing on its journey finding its way home.
I begin to swim back onto the path of cleaning. Saving any animal from harms way of these trash called plastic.
However, I sense other fellow mermaids coming towards me. I recognized each of their echoes. Swimming towards their sound, I make my way towards them.
Once I'm close, I see them all. Aqua, Marina, and Celeste. All three of them here. How it's been so long since I've been around them. The many years we have known each other and finally we are here in one place at the same time.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.
"We came to find you. We need your help Nina." Their eyes travel to the length of my new body. I know I must look hideous to them. I have become what every worst mermaids nightmare is, a desecration of the sea.
"What for?"
"These humans have done too much damage onto these waters. It's time we take matters into our own hands." Marina exclaims.
"We were wondering if you can help us since you have a much deep sensory of the deprivation of these animals pain." Celeste speaks.
I think for a moment and wonder if there is anyway I can help, and there is.
"The only way we can help is if we can convince these humans that plastic should no longer be used. We must warn them of how this deeply affects everyone, how this kills us, how they are killing themselves."
"What are you suggesting?" Aqua asks.
"We must go to land."
We all turn to see the land that awaits us. Swimming across the waters, our hands touched solid ground and we can all feel our tails disappear.
We are here.
We will help.
And we will be rid of plastics forever.
Because I can
I write because it’s a form of expression. It may not have beautiful pictures but what’s more beautiful then the ones created in imagination.
Writing is a gift to the world.
Writing is a reflection of your vulnerability.
Writing to me is as if I share a piece of me to the reader.
Also, I write because why the hell not?
I write because I can and because I won’t stop. Even if I take my last breath, my works will live on beyond time.
I am found
Cinched with gusto.
The feeling of the rope is not tight yet it leaves a firm sensation. Holding me in my place as I am entangled in the long snake like vines that will be crossed in sections of my body.
She pegs my hand open to hold on a bullet vibrator. My hands tied and immovable, she places them with the bullet between my legs. Vibrating my core as I'm forced to hold it there against my will. We begin as equals, my hand cups her full breasts as she brings the red rope around my body.
Teasing me with simple gestures of the rope tickling my skin as she wraps it around. She tightens in the reigns of the rope with a cinch. Pulling my body against hers, I feel her hot breath on my neck.
The air makes the hairs on my neck stand, I shiver and tense from the different impressions on my flesh. My skin prickling at the sensation of Shibari; the Japanese art of rope play.
“How does this feel?” She asks me as sh continues to place the rope carefully around my body.
“I feel fine,” she then tugs me harshly. I had forgotten to address her proper name.
“I feel fine mistress.” She leans in to whisper in my ear.
“Good girl.”
She wraps the rope around me once more, walking to the front of my peripheral vision. She pulls on the rope with her teeth as she gazes into my eyes with an intense glint. A cheeky smirk to her lips as she takes full control of our dynamic.
The sound of a dusting of roughness sings a lullaby to my ears. Rubbing on my skin as it blemishes in light red complexion.
A form of a V shape sits on my neck that travels between the valley of my breast. She loops the rope once more. Then pulls it hard jilting my body awake coming next to her.
One minute she pulls my body in flexion of relaxation. Then the next I am forced to be on my toes. Keeping me on the edge of stress and serenity.
“You are lost in social norms that have kept you boxed in.” She says this as if it were a fact. How she found me sitting in a corner of a kink party where I stood as a shy lamb. I consented to this, speaking before hand of what I truly desire.
“Yes mistress.”
“It is now time to free what you've been boxed in.” She walks around me, feeling the softness of my skin. Her raven hair bouncing on her sleek back. The lights shinning on her latex dress. The clicking of her heels making a sound that lets everyone know she is here and is not going anywhere.
“I am lost mistress.” I whisper as she now stands in front of me again.
“I will find you.”
Combinatorics of a semantic rhythm that forces my mind to be wary of what comes next. With the exception that only she decides what I must endure. On my toes to keep up with her games.
Once the rope is wrapped around my body from the neck down to my hips. She then places the rope between my legs that is soaked with anticipation and frustration.
She ties it hard so I am unable to move my arms but my feet are still mobile to walk at her will. She pulls the string hard which makes me tilt over on the heels of my foot. However, her hands keep a tight grip on the rope between the breast that I am held in place because of her.
My head tilts back feeling as if I am falling yet floating at the strength of her hands. She grabs the extra red rope that is wrapped securely around my thighs. She gently pushes my body down on the ground. Then the rope near my crotch is pulled in the loop of the extra rope. Forcing my legs to bend at the knees and my feet to touch the side of my ass.
Bringing the rope in between the toes of my feet that wiggle at the tickling sensation. My body jolts in response to her mimics of a light feather. More bullet vibrators are brought in.
Slipping each one in the opening holes she left down the trail of my stomach. From the top to the bottom it is set from low to high. My cunt being tortured at the highest setting.
Multiple vibrations buzzing in the skin.
My movements pulling on the rope that now kisses my skin with red welts. Vibrators making my skin feel alive and on edge.
Tilting between erotic and insanity.
She laughs at my fail attempts to not show her I am getting off on this. She gives me a deep laugh as my cunt now throbs at the expansion of vibrators that awakens the nerve endings vivaciously.
I gasp as she forces my body to sit up straight. Forcing the bullet to enter deep inside me. I close my eyes shut as the mixture of the rope and vibration combined in a toxic sensation of euphoria.
She then squats in front of me, her heels clicking on the sides of me as they sink their edges into the skin of my thighs.
“Hi,” she says, I can hear the smile to her sound that rings out into the four corners of the walls.
I open my eyes to her face, her sweet minted breath hitting the skin that changes my cheeks into a rosy hue. I feel flirty and light, cheeky almost. The need to throw a fit of giggles is prevalent.
She then rocks my body as she sits on my crotch with her pantiless pussy as she unzips the back of her skirt. Revealing garter belts and sexy panties.
We rock back and forth as she tugs on the front of my ropes that bites into the soft flesh of my nipples. They peek at the touch of her skin on my own. Our bodies melting together as one.
Rocking to the harmonious sounds of vibrators that sing to our souls. Our cunts soused at the vibrations between my legs. Skin rubbing back and forth as we careen into an oblivious state of mind. My head tilts back as I feel all of the blood circulate in rhythmic tantra of a burning fire within us.
My mind lost within the deep valley of sensual rhapsody. The rope that clings to my skin, her hands of strength that hold onto my body. Rocking me in a fashion of a babe being lulled to sleep.
I am asleep.
Yet I am awake to the world around me, opening my mind, body, and soul to a human connection so deep. I am lost yet I am also found with this human that sits on me as her throne.
I am her victory.
She is my sanctuary.
She then moves my body upwards to only sit behind me. She removes the vibrators, everything is now quiet.
In the silence, our breaths are slow. A beat of patience and power becoming into one body. Her hands glide on my skin as if to kiss the pink blushes away.
Her hand then lays on my chest, the slow beats of my heart sings a melody of calmness. She makes me soul relax in the state of submission.
I am found.
She has found me when I had been lost in the waves. We feel each other's soul, the beginning of aftercare has started even though I am not of the ropes. Tears of happiness in this sweet intimacy as I am vulnerable with this human being.
Our souls connect.
Our souls are found.
I am found.
This is apart of my new story Erotica Romantica on Inkitt. I simply wanted to share the first chapter once read and see what readers thought of it. I hope you all enjoyed.
The definition of thieves is a person who steals another person’s property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence. For this instance, I’ve been fooled into thinking that anyone still has honor.
Thieves can be anyone you may or may not know.
Thieves can be co-workers, friends, families, or even fellow writers.
The betrayal of someone who you may have grown fond of, enjoyed their company, or even shared similar ideas (pssh, I should say we shared my ideas). They will be the ones to hide behind a fake smile and snatch your beauty and mind if it benefits them.
I must say keep your friends closer, and your frenemies closer.
Bringer of Chaos
“You were born from the two individuals with dark souls. But the birthplace is earth. Your first breath taken on the dark, flush of greenery, knowing then you were meant for more.”
“How much more?” She asks as she walks along the sides of her father.
“More to become the bringer of chaos.”
The look down upon their castle as they watch humans passing by without realizing who is watching above.
Confused by this meaning, she holds onto her fathers hand tightly as she watches humans being human.
“The goddess to their end.”
The end of judgement day.
A Mother’s Love
They called her crazy. They called her strange. They painted her unfit. She was a mother. A courageous mother. Played both roles for her child.
The second she broke free from society's standards, she became happy. The minute she was happy, they called her the anti christ. The hour she was called the anti christ, they made her unfit to be a mother in the eye of god. The day had turned to weeks that had turned to months. Plotting how to ruin her happiness.
The only way to hit her is the where heart lies. Her only child she had cared for since inside her womb. They took her without a second glance. There her child goes inside a car where the child cried to sleep no longer near the warmth of a mother arms.