I want to know if you can taste it...
That guile riddled poison pouring from your lips.
Does it stain your tongue and corrode your teeth?
Or have you gained immunity
With every vile lie you've swallowed with pride?
You are whispering obscenities,
And splattering walls with your filth.
You are seeping poison from your pores,
And begging me to savor your skin.
You are spilling lies like truth in glass cups
And urging me to drink.
But I have no taste for it, my dear.
I have no taste for it.
#poetry #freeverse
A Snake in the Grass
I was unwanted
called serpentine
a prima donna
of primates....
in the garden plot
where certain bipeds
were once weeded up...
with faith on the palate
from a lone guarantee:
“That the first shall be Last;
and the last shall be First.”
but how, what, or why?
I query to coil & unravel
knowing something
is within me....deep
if I could but
sink some teeth
in to describe...
how I’d draw that Life Blood
I’ll never have enough of...
I am the First
and the Last
for sacrifice...
I’ve prayed for me
...and on my sanity...
I’ve crawled from Void
returning belly up
back to the In-fin-not
no parable to unparcel
from this scaly muck...
just the loss of a mind
with consciousness
buried by doubt
...as human pain
in the grass
#SnakeInTheGrass #Challenge
I Aspire
to be raw and bloody elegance
to expose flesh under dainty fingertips
to sweat the daily two cent sense
to sow and sew and reap and rip
to measure to all the measures a woman was ever measured
to then conquer all ideas of man as well
to pack away the paper walls of people quite assured
to be the girl that ascended, flew, but never fell
to search for not reigning gold, nor raining silver, but working bronze
to know to taste the sweet in stars and the blood in salt
to somehow be queen and bishop and knight and pawn
to never faint at heart for those who never faint at fault
Corpse Road
One day I'll make my final passage
Moving through a green landscape
Men carrying my body along the corpse road
The Reaper I couldn't escape
As I lay in my soft coffin
Away from home my feet will point
I'll be lowered into the ground
Upon my head gravel and mud will anoint
Bystanders will watch
As into the soil I'll disappear
Having completed my journey along the corpse road
Into my final resting place I'm now there
Body bag
When my life is over
Upon my toe they'll hang a tag
My eyes have been eternally shut
As they place me inside a body bag
My breath has stopped
Won't be able to pull one last gag
My tongue is forever silent
As I am placed inside a body bag
I'll lay there without any movement
No longer able to salute my flag
From this life my soul has left
As I am placed inside a body bag
Death of stars
I remember a girl,
She'd smile at the sun,
Laugh when she fell,
Never asking for too much,
Always dreaming but still living,
She was kind but naive,
Saw the world in shades of light,
Forgetting there was darkness.
She saw beauty in the pain,
Love where there was none,
Gave second chances without thinking,
Drew flowers and swans,
Put smiles on childrens faces,
Playing for hours,
Never tiring, never stopping.
She was a small star,
Shining light on those around her,
But as they cast their shadows,
She slowed down and found pain,
As the scars formed,
Her light was hidden,
Gradually, it diminished piece by piece,
So she hid the last spark away,
Protecting the last reminder that she once glowed.
With the light,
Her trusting nature dimmed,
Warmth was replaced by wall of ice,
Shielding her heart from hurt,
Morning came with sleep,
Silence came with falling,
She dreamt to escape,
For in her fantasies she shone like the star she had once been.
This world feeds on light,
Until only darkness and shadows remain,
In artificial, distant illumination,
Trying to protect innocence as it grows,
While tainting it with the lack of their own.
This was for a school assignment, but I don’t think I can turn it in. Maybe it is too upsetting for some people to read.
I may be Russian, but I'm unconventional Russian. My parents grew up in the Soviet Union, but that does not make them akin to the villain in the movie you just saw. The Russians are not the automatic enemies of the Americans.
Even if a comment is not intended toward me, I still feel hurt when the Russians are mocked or made to be the worst antagonists of the beautiful United States. What has that beautiful country done recently?