If a promise can't be kept but is still made, what trust can be left within the person? Will they still be able to trust people, still be able to hope? If, little by little, their beliefs are whittled down to the point where they no longer can open themselves up to others, is there really something worse?
Don't get me wrong, murder is horrible, so is sexual assult and bigotry. But people are still able to form trust in people as long as they live, as long as they haven't given up on trusting people close to them. Their last supports. Healing is still a possibility as long as there is trust and hope.
If someone is fooled multiple times, with multiple promises broken, can they continue to trust themself? They, as the person who has been fooled, will no longer be able to believe in their own actions, in their own beliefs. And will end up destroyed.
What could be worse?
I know what you’re thinking
I’ve had many instances where I caught myself doing this and seen others guilty of letting their emotions override their logical thought process. Arguments happen worldwide over what someone thinks the other person said, or meant, or their body language, which the other person interpreted as offensive.
Instead of letting this emotional response get the best of us, our world would be a better place if we all took a step back, breathed, and asked for clarification of what the person really meant. Instead of analyzing and taking offense of what we think they meant. So many hurt feelings, conflicts, and deaths could be avoided.
Every human thinks they are an accurate mind reader, but humans are too unpredictable to correctly predict one hundred percent of the time.
We Pretend
Worst things humans do,
is to make a song and dance of love,
we overrate the sex
"Look at me,"
says the wise little flea.
"I do it easily."
Reddest roses, shiny stars.
Trial and errors, Smoke and mirrors.
Penitent chocolate all so fine,
in forgettable spaces to wine and dine.
If Romeo-Juliet survived
would Shakespeare a comedy revive?
Erecting pedestals and monuments
we watch them crack like thin veneer.
The fling of accusations
of crimes unforgivable.
Forgot Saint Valentine?
The sting of omissions
Is only noise
in retrospect.
Hallmark of companies
purveying dreams in finest cards,
today's cost of guilt lies in the trip.
The briefest lingerie
pulls the maxi cover-up.
Honesty's wrapped in well-worn PJs,
sincerity lives in grandma bloomers,
Despite pesky wedged-in thongs,
Truth is derisive dismission.
Accentuate performance,
trade pleasure for much pressure.
He wills to “see Alice,”
standing firm on that blue pill.
Oh, what a chore,
this pharma panacea!
Real wood is that oaken bed,
where one perfect night
and a resounding snore.
Truth be told,
’tis much simpler being a bore.
It’s all is done,
when realization dawns.
Left with a spin,
a tangled weave.
It’s a web of deceit.
Warps of Illusion,
wefts of delusion,
and we call this fabric Love?
Worst thing humans do,
is to make song and dance of love.
Assassins of Truth, wilful victims.
It’s evolutionary propaganda.
We’re put here to procreate.
And that’s how we recreate,
recreate this wretched race.
Disclaimer: These words come from an eternal romantic.
The Worst Thing Humans Do to Each Other
What is the worst thing that humans do to each other? They fall in love of course. In doing so, they curse each to a bittersweet end. Both lovers may perish and never see each other again. Both may end up dying in each other’s arms. One may even perish without the affection of the other. Yet you may argue that true love is destined to meet a happy ending; I however beg to differ. True love cannot exist in such an imperfect world. A world where people envy the loved. Where people yearn to be loved. Where people suffer from malignant unrequited love. Where people may be spurred to harmful actions all in the name of love. Where people may be unfortunate enough to never meet their one and only. Thus, to fall in love is truly cruel and anything but lovely. To fall in love is to curse the other, or, at the very least, to damn yourself to an eternal Hell of your very own creation.
Whispered Joke
Solemn lays the cross, begging its soles Pierced!
Wonder away the pain executed, moreover—Revered!
I look to the ideal concept of building, its material sandy, foundation rocky.—Persevere!
Love the pasted glory of this pointed edge, so slowly does it cut, its blood oozing.
May your view of me change eternally, as I have made my sights grazed!
Bullets ricochet of plastered walled folk, leasing its rounds for the Octagon of Fate!
I say the madness enshrining this earth will not contend with those whom strives toward that unearthly Fiend!
They will look to the skies for hope and wonder but all that their, scared, fearful, deathly soul will receive is of the dull in spirit,—Defend!
Fools, must you then attack so flimsily, as a childhood tantrum ran past its due; Behold the Modern Human—Man-Child!
Understand thy selfish boundaries, collect your debts, and scatter your remains; as the child will reject none while the adult All—Return Alone!
I satisfy All those who come across me, does this mean anything? Only of the Maddening of Spirit will save our Childishly Immaturity from trained Fools—Ready to Stone!
I respond to the inept, Follow your Herd Master, lick His remains and smile in His Grace!
While those who surpass me in Madness, I become a humbled servant in Her sight; delighting in Her ethereal Face!
Behold, then, the Future Man—Childish-Man!
The 8th Commandment
Thou shalt not steal is the 8th commandment given to humankind. Eventhough it is 8th on the list it is first in importance. All of the worst things humans do to each other can be avoided if people kept this commandment. You're probably asking yourself, "how is stealing the worst thing humans do to each other? Stealing money or goods is bad enough, but it's the intangible things that can be stolen which are most important. Idolatry is the stealing of God's glory. Lying is the stealing of truth. Adultery is the stealing of one's love. Killing is the stealing of one's life. Rape is the stealing of one's innocence.
Painful Intention
Someone is bound to hurt another in their lifetime.
It's inevitable.
What's wrong is when one intends to hurt another.
You can kill;
You can destroy without meaning to.
But when you've done something with the intention of causing pain,
That's when you've crossed the line.
One should keep their pain-inducing imaginations to his or her self.
Genocide-The Human Conflict
The idea to purify something by murdering men, women, and children is something I do not understand. To gain power over a person just to destroy them. Either for land, political power, or to wipeout a group based on their nationality, ethics, race, or religion is the gravest of crimes a human can do.
Doing Anything That Makes Someone Seem As Less of a Person
The title really explains it all but I will go into detail on what I mean. There are a lot of possible examples that I can use honestly, as they can be easily interpreted as a way to portray someone as less than a human. One such thing would be looking at a person with a physical or mental disability. From what I have witnessed from one instance was when I was just writing something for a class in a cafe that I regularly go to, I noticed one day that their was a group of people with wheelchairs that were sitting by one of the tables by the entrance (it was one of the only tables that would allow all three of them to enjoy themselves and have enough room to move around). I glanced at them one time while they were there, since to me it didn't really seem out of the ordinary. Just three people sitting at a table, nothing strange about that. But what kept catching my attention was all of the people that were blantantly staring at them. It was bugging me that people were just staring for no particular reason at them besides that they were just in wheelchairs. From what I noticed, they didn't really look back but were just enjoying themselves. However I just think that they are just used to it from experiencing that from other locations and other times. While this doesn't seem that bad from the example that I have given, I just don't know how I would feel if I would have someone always constantly judging me on something that I am not able to prevent no matter where I go. After a while I feel like I would go completely nuts if I was in their shoes. At that point I feel like I would have been conditioned to be used to failure due to my disability. This isn't limited to just that though, but the idea also branches out to other forms that would also dehumanize someone. This also includes abuse, bullying, etc.
It happens to us all, whether unrequited or not. It may be as simple as looking left instead of right, going to the coffee shop or the book store, but miraculously and accidentally there she is: standing in all her beauty and grace. For that instant in time she is all there is and nothing more, every single atom in your body draws you to her. It is in this moment that all reason and sense escapes us, courage and our primitive nature takes over and if we are lucky love is born.
It is true what they say, love is the drive to all beauty in our world, an escape from all evil in its purest form. But I have also seen what love does to people. In the guise of love I have seen men and women, lie, cheat, steal, and hurt. I have seen brothers betray brothers for the love of a woman. I have seen the fists and the blood flying. I have seen love fade even when a family has been built. I have seen the faithful husband indulge in his depravity but it is only human to do so. I have seen love kill. Lovers torn apart by the simplest words spoken to another. Love has driven us to madness, to insanity, to depths we may never understand. Yet still, despite it being the worst thing we do to each other, we pursue it. We have all endured the pain of a heartbreak, the aching in the very pit of our soul, the crushing despair we experience when we are on our knees at the mercy of love. From the very beginning of humanity love existed and it will continue to exist; love will forever be the worst thing we do to each other and the best.