Just trying to figure out life, one writing session at a time...
Pen a piece of micropoetry about some literary masterpiece, be it a novel, play, poem, etc. Please tag me!
Use only six words to create a STORY inspired by the sunset or sunrise, dawn or dusk.
Write the saddest sentence some one could say to you or you could say to some one....in only 5 words
Let's challenge ourselves. Our English prowess is obvious - so let's put it to the test by writing something math inspired. Numbers, equations, all things mathy. Very different from the Prose norm - so this should be interesting! I did one too - so don't forget to tag me!
Skew the distribution
Sitting in class with my professor so crass,
She says, "a normal distribution is the key,"
And something in that phrase strikes a chord in me.
I sit and contemplate, is normal our fate?
I dream of being an outlier, above or below
Just to mess with the status quo.
So I stand, face the board, and make my demand,
"Let's shift the distribution, let's add some skew."
And she looks at me like a heathen in a pew.
She's so devout, she kicks me out,
And as I leave, the class sighs as one,
but I smile thinking, at least outliers have some fun!
Write a micropoem to your secret crush! Use #secretcrush and please tag me! Happy weekend!
Write one word that describes you. This is a very easy and simple challenge, let's see how many people join in on this one :)