Oh to find a way, there is one
in this noise polluted partition of city
i can hear silent screams in various chambers
of city streets, and beneath
underground, behind closed vaults of torture
Victim’s innocent cries for help
my air conditioned, warm central heating
Carpeted floors, eggnog and song merry . . .
oozing with prickly restless pain man of sorrows
Can you too, hear the screams
of humans multitudes’ unseen souls’ squalor pain and abuse?
Familial fights, drunken rages, emotion’s hurts, angry threats
broken shattered scattered spirits’ right to live yet the archvillian
amok runs defying knowing his days are short
battle ’tween heaven and hell for the free will
choice of man’s duality Eden lost
punishing willing/unwilling confused, enchanted, betwixt vexed souls
the saver stands ready omni potent
paradoxically meek as lamb comin’ strong judah’s lion
this final age of man in his new age song
he waiting wanting waters bathe the willin’
empty desperate needy dyin’ souls reachin’
my sanity taxed so deep, a forlorn dirge
in melancholy yet holy heart in chant i sing
“leaves me helpless, . . . blood moon on the right,”
So quiet outside, steady rain falls
Misty cool beauty stillness, i feel smooth caress
of nature’s weather machine gentle this time relaxed serene . . .
Can you feel the frog’s metaphorical pain in proverbial pot
of boiling water with world’s incoming population boom
human young borne into age of techno mind
numbing modern chipped lambs to slaughter world?
freedom flies, cries of liberty dies with each act of patriot
gasping for feeble breath for human renaissance
forgotten Eden portal lost again and again rejected
casualties of innocent living, peace loving sheep breathing
large beautiful round pupil-ed eyes rolling back
earth’s beings strangled with marshal edict laws’, words and violence
sleep peacefully my love drink deep the gathering doom
shelter yourself in the bosom of the good shepard ‘til nights’ gloom passes
an’ he gathers you up to his wedding room
superficiality as onion skin deep
as in the gap ’tween a gnat’s eyelashes
human flesh paper thin vaporized dreams of pride
as strong as an iron pad lock on a cardboard fence
anger misdirected internal disequilibrium
mental flow conundrum
superficiality like broken promises
carried on yesterday’s winds it is me until
i see your face across shining seas’ sailings
it will take long stretches of struggle to cross
deserts, canyons ’n jagged rocks
along the way assaulted by emotions’ robbers
“you are not of this world yet i have placed you in it
the good along with the evil
i have found you a place, for you in the wilderness”
so it is, i see your face across a shining sea
atop high elevated bluffs rising like Masada
a fortress agin the builders of pyramids’ eye
superficiality as thin as the rants of scoffers
human flesh, paper thin vaporized dreams of pride
as strong as an iron pad lock on a cardboard fence
intelligence as high as the mountains of the Himalayas
contained within babes’ innocence acceptance of truth
expanse of reality so wide so infinitely far
as the glorious, unknown, unscaled universe
was blind, now i see
I lost my lampstand
followed it to the edge of a texas midnight stream
collapsed at the base of a gnarled tree
scratched ’n clawed at its roots
seeking my twisted mind entwined
felt for it it in this subterranean base
entangled placed beneath the humid earth
i lost my lampstand sought the key
a firefly floated hung over my eye n’ led
to find my bloodied corpse near edge of mocking brook
to my second death I nearly fell in a waiting sinkhole
both of them berated me refused to cleanse my soul
i stumbled o’er barren soil that led to desolate desert
where the rocks taunted me and skinned my stumbling shins
came upon the midnight midst where shadows phantom grey
shimmered red in a sea of rusting lanterns lay
i smelled the thoughts of ghouls whose bony clutches reached
then beyond and with the light of billion quasars shone
he have me back my lamp
a son of man stood bloodied in the center of the universe
his words stamped upon the face of he who took my light
the son of man stood in dazzling light
with substance' truth verily clothed
surrounded by countless ones
platinum rays, pearled pillars, precious chorus singing
he gave me back my lamp
he gave me back his lamp
You is Understood
You’re driving through chrome traffic,
bumper tunnel vision
glass bubbles insulate you from human forms
form after human form,
your ubiquitous routine, driving
daily, nightly, survival function human transport
incessant route,
some forms huddled forward
unseen communication device below eye line,
heads flick up, down, down and up
on this freeway
other forms hold fast to their device oblivious
they drive, some with both hands,
some, one with one; the other at wheel,
deadpan faces, mind fog reality escape
from the asphalt grind
even music bores you
AM, FM, XMradio, canned tunes makes no matter,
your thoughts wander here to there everywhere
your colors are grey, silver, black and rust
on railings of this asphalt vein of travel
You’re just going to work, nothing unusual
like you’ve done countless times
so what do you do now?
Your mind drifts, it’s got a mind of its own
you yield,
at first you enjoy it then feel conviction and attempt resistance
but in the end it wins with resignation
let it take me where it will
alarm, brakes, some jerk cut into your line of trajectory,
you curse call him or her, a few awful names for which you simultaneously ask forgiveness
and on and on you go into oblivion
led by a renegade mind
lost in a metallic cloud of traffic
trapped in a metal silicon glass cocoon
Your boss is an insensitive jerk a bitch, a witch an ass….e
is where your mind took you
you hate your job in fact,
road rage begins gritting your teeth
your shoulders tense, your head spins in anger
then you hear a still small voice: “I love you from the foundations of the world”
spend time with me, I am here, I know you’re thirsty. Take my yoke, it's not heavy"
you grab your wayward mind and shake it
reprimanding it with firm telepathy; you manage to commandeer it
takes effort; you’ve done before
you reign it in with a thing called prayer
or just plain old talk with him,
the invisible Christ who you know is always there
whether you feel him or not
you settle in and relax feeling more equipped
handle the freeway
the internal turmoil of modern stress
you yield but this time to the spirit of the true God
you begin pondering on matters of godly love
even in the midst of controlled chaos on this LA road
you feel peace
you begin singing as you
push the radio dial on
and punch preset for, KLOVE
Pale pink sadness
The smell of pennies filled the tiled floors and fluorescent lights with a thick, wet urgency that seeped from the cracks in the pale pink walls and weighed heavily on her broken wings. Blind heat shone through her fractured ribs and quarts of quarters billowed out between her lips. With her hands slick with metal and eyes tired with lead she began to slip; falling into comforting cool darkness that reminded her of the feeling of your temple pressed to a glass on the road to nowhere on a subway train or a car filled with people you've known all your life but have never really known. Her heart flew out of chest and reached up her throat. She could almost make out her own voice catching on the air as she gasped for redemption.
Crescendo Crescendo Crescendo.