Hook Me
Write the best hook to the beginning of a novel. Must start with the words "As my world burned...". No longer than three sentences. Tag me!
Pen to the Paper 17
Sit down and write without planning! No genre restrictions, no word limit restriction, all you have to do is write! You do not have to submit the first draft if you would like to go back and edit it.
Write a short Horror Story SCARIEST WINS!
If you want me to be scared (Again scariest to me wins) choose dolls or clowns, I hate those!
Offer a blessing onto someone
It's a new year, why be negative? Wish nice things to others. Make it funny.
Verbally vanquish thine enemies.
What you should've said to that (those?) villainous scumbag(s) who wronged you. Make it as ridiculous as possible. Preferably in rhyme, but as always, the rules are bendable.
make me smile :)
write the sappiest love story you can think of and make sure to include a flower (real or metaphorical, your choice)