Some Light Reading
As my world burned, I sat down on a soft patch of grass amidst its chaos. The citric scent of my steeping Earl Grey pierced through pungent fumes of ashen smoke that clung to everything it touched. The two odors blended together, invading my senses with a turbulent redolence as I turned to the next page of the book that was resting on my lap.
Darkness Falls
As my world burned around me, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, focused on a crack I always said I'd fix but never did. There would be so many of those unfinished things now - the words I didn't say, the trips I didn't take, the dreams I failed to chase. I took stock of my life like this for three more days before the power grid failed and there was no more time to think of regrets, only survival.
From the Moon
As my world burned, I held you in my arms, watching in silent awe and terror from the cold, lonely moon. Half of it blazed in a wave of red, orange, and stark black, the other drenched in the purest of greens and brilliant blues. Amazing how much you realize the beauty of something only when you're losing it.