I Am Me
I guess I don’t know where this is going
I guess I don’t have a purpose
I guess I don’t have as many friends as I would like,
But I know how to be happy
I know how to forget it all, if only for a little while
And when I do this, when I achieve happiness,
Nothing else in the world matters
I don’t care if anyone’s watching
I don’t care what I say
There are no consequences, no repercussions
I am free and wild, young and careless
And then I go home at the end of the night
I look at myself in the mirror
And all my responsibilities and insecurities
Come rushing back all at once
I don’t have a second to prepare
I go immediately from being happy
To being me
But it’s ok
Because I got to be someone else,
Even if it was only for a night
I got to be the person I wish I could let out more often,
The person more people would like
I can’t be her always
But it doesn't matter
I’m fine with who I am
I’m fine with being shy and easily stressed
I’m fine with keeping everything bottled up inside
I like me
I don’t need everyone else to
I am content
Getting Somewhere
She doesn’t know quite yet
Who she wants to be.
She doesn’t know quite yet
How all her pieces fit together.
But she knows she’s getting there.
She knows she isn’t standing still anymore.
She knows she can’t let anything or anyone
Stop her from living
The life she’s always wanted.
Behind her blue eyes
And her forced smile,
She has a dream.
And finally,
She’s done giving up her dreams
For people who don’t really want
What’s best for her.
For the first time in her life,
She has a plan
That she won’t change for anyone.
For the first time in her life,
She won’t be standing on the sidelines
Watching everyone else
Find their happy endings.
For the first time in her life,
She knows it’s all going to work out.
Stuck at School
Death came fast,
I could barely hear,
The screech of tires,
And screams.
Now I sit in a little room,
There are other kids,
I look around.
Desks are everywhere,
Some kids are slouched,
Others alert and happy.
I guess it depends how long you've been here.
I'm confused as the teacher arrives,
She stands in front of us,
And writes on the chalk board,
Never talking.
The scratching hurts,
My ears are bleeding,
But there is no blood.
My head is ringing,
While I try to figure things out.
We are all dead here, aren't we?
I had many.
Fear of not waking up.
Fear of not going to sleep.
Fear of falling in love.
Fear of falling out of love.
The fears, over the years,
piled on high,
and I asked myself why?
Why do I let them get to me?
Why don't they just leave me be?
Now, I'm in the Autumn of my years,
no longer fearing all the spilled beers,
FDR said it best,
and in truth its the best test.
The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself.
I can walk on a crack,
and won't break my back.
I can walk under a ladder,
laughing like the Mad Hatter.
Now, nothing is the matter.
My fears, over the years,
have slowly disappeared,
and there are none left
to make my heart rate soar,
well there is one ...
I don't want to be a bore.
I am a daisy in the center of a field of daisies.
The one no one can get to
That no one can see
That no one even knows is there.
I’m just waiting for the right person
To come and see
That I am no less than everyone else
Just because I am hidden.
I’m just as beautiful
As all the other daisies.
You just need to look a little harder.
I’m just waiting for the right person
To take me away
To a place where I’m the only daisy.
To a place where I stand out
As the unique and special person I am.