Money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Money cannot buy happiness but it sure as hell buys food which is number 1 priority for being happy. An empty stomach cannot do the tango.
And so, if I won the dream lottery, I'd make sure that I can feed as many mouths as possible.
Of course, they say, "You give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach the man to fish and you feed him for life."
So, when I say I'd make an effort to help feed people, it means, help make them self-dependent and earn their food.
I'll also do two more things.
1. Create a big dog farm-cum-resort where rich dogs (read: their parents obviously!) pay for the poor dogs' food.
2. Create a plan for increased green cover with government help; thus, ensuring that there is more food for the food chain!
I look for pennies on the parking lots and in stores. They are special cash treats, if you add them all up. A penny rested upon the plastic container of lottery tickets. I saw it as an extra $50 bucks if luck was involved, and bought the silly ticket. Ba Jeezus I'm a billionaire. What do you do next? I sit. I tell no one but mom who doesn't believe me and I see the concern in her eyes. I Google how to manage millions. I go from there. But the main thing, I keep my mouth so shut, the angels would have to push the stone aside. It's easier to give without too many beggars up your butt.
I'm told I talk to much
The words from my lips pour out
Coaxing words from others
Encouraging them to speak
But everything to me sounds used
No new words
No new things to say
But I talk anyway
Trying to say something special
Seeking to be heard
Despite the meaning of the word
So I talk too much
Hoping to hit the right note to make everything ok
For everyone
But not for me
My words just flow
Cobweb Constellations
If you are lucky,
You will find fragments of your soul,
Reflected in the starry constellations
Projected endlessly in your lovers eyes.
If you are very lucky,
You will burn brighter than the sun,
A constellation in your own right,
Stretching endlessly through the galaxy.
With any luck,
You will be admired from light years away,
As your story twists and ties with the night sky,
You will wake up whole, by yourself.
Though you burn brightest with your lover intertwined in your cobweb constellations.
Prose Challenge of the Week #58
Good Afternoon, Prosers,
We hope this challenge announcement finds you well and writing!
It’s week fifty-eight of the Prose Challenge of the Week.
For the last week, you guys have been rewriting the creation story, and you all gave exactly what we wanted. Before we check out who is the deserving winner and the recipient of $100, let’s take a look at this week’s prompt:
Challenge of the Week #58: You are a victim of injustice, write a story about it. The most masterfully written piece, as voted and determined by the Prose team, will be crowned winner and receive $150. Quality beats quantity, always, but numbers make things easier for our judges, so share, share, share with friends, family, and connections. #ProseChallenge #getlit #itslit
Yes! This one is for a longer duration and for more $, so get yourself writing, now!
Now, back to the winner of week fifty-seven.
We have read all of your entries, and have come to a decision. The winner of the “creation story” challenge is @madbeyond with their piece, Out of the Blue
Congratulations! You have just won $100. We’ll be in touch with you shortly.
In the meantime, you have one week to get your write on!
Until next time, Prosers,
A Doggie Valentine
For love of a dog
I saved another
For love of another dog
I trained her well to be
At my side, to hold my hand
and stand with puppy pride.
For love of all dogs
I've rescued others, puppies, aunties
Fathers and mothers.
Gave them my love, my home and
some food.
This Valentine's Day I dedicate to all my
Doggie loves especially my newest
Puppy in training, Juno.
I do. I do not.
I like you. I do not love you.
You collect my secrets, siphoning them from me.
I collect your cares, and arrange them artfully.
I care about you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You put me aside when it doesn't really matter, and when it does.
I put you aside only when it matters most that I don't lose myself in you.
I find amusement with you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You wrap your arms around her and it hurts me.
I wrap my arms around myself as I struggle not to cry out for help and that hurts me too.
I envy you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You wage your indifference on the world.
I drink my emotional cocktail myself and try to keep inside of me.
I pity you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You hide yourself because God good forbid they give you help.
I hide myself because I know no one can help me.
I get angry at you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You are cruel and vindictive because you like it that way.
I am cruel and vindictive to try keep those that would harm me away.
I understand you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You have a soft heart that you try and callus.
I have a soft heart I've been working to defend.
I wonder at you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You hide your pain so none may gain.
I broadcast my pain to distribute its reign.
I admire you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
You are pale with eyes ice blue.
I am pale with eyes a muddy brown hue.
I lust for you. I do. I do not love you. I do not.
Soul Mates
I saw my soul mate
love at my very 1st sight
her red, sweaty Irish-skin
flushed and glowing,
imprinted in my D.N.A.
She smiled and called me hers
Her long piano-perfect fingers
held mine or a watercolor brush
Sometime sister, always mother,
dance partner, travel buddy, friend
I sang for my soul mate
Beatles and "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"
Our voices always raised in song
or debate, loud, Welsh-tempered
hold out for the last word debate.
Font of new knowledge, new passion.
Dad gave me his eyes
chocolate brown, wide-open to possibility
lit from within
dragon's breath and brimstone
I found my soul mate
She lived across the street from me as a teen
the tall, old lady,
skin soft and folded like laundry.
Serene in the knowledge God loved her
and me and mom.
She laughed loud and proud,
wicked Mid-Western idioms
shooting like "if I had my druthers"
"like ducks in a barrel".
I married my soul mate
I do and I still do love
this rock-god man still and steady
anchor of my crazy
Belly-sore, you crack me up
laughing at your own jokes
I went "there & back again"
to find the one who challenged me
matching quick wits and slow, lingering lips
tangled together, team us
I carried my soul mates
two souls half me, half daddy
born three years apart
but equally different in my
mother's heart
X came before W
the brain before the heart
Together they make mine
My boys, my sons, my raison d'être
There are more, so many more
friends of my soul still to name
Silver and gold, young & old
All intertwined tapestries of my life
Why limit to one when we are
really a sum of all who
touch our souls.