Farewell! (for now)
I bring you sad news, fellow writers. I am leaving The Prose. :(
But wait; don't cry! It's only for the summer!!!
I can see the relief on your face. Come on! I wouldn't do that to you!
So, why am I doing this? Because I've got stuff to do.
Things like weddings, graduations, family vacations, writing (and writing contest entries), work, helping relatives (which I have a TON of) and DIY projects. (In other words: LIFE GETS BUSY THIS SUMMER! And yes, to me, this is a good thing. I like being busy!)
Yeah, I know that it's very sad for you.
Now, don't worry; I'll be back in the fall! And maybe, just maybe, I'll drop by now and then to check on what my favorite people are doing. (For example, I have to read any new chapters of Princess Undercover by PhelaTK that come out. If I don't, I'll go crazy!!!)
Other than that, I will be silent.
I might randomly enter a challenge or write a post.
But I doubt it.
There is a good thing about this, though!
This fall, you can get super excited when I rejoin you! :P
Anyway, I hope you guys don't miss me too much. You see, I've got this idea that there's a few people who might, but maybe I'm wrong. :)
(Hopefully I'm not too addicted to The Prose, or this will be extremly painful...)
So, friends and fellow writers, this is...
FAREWELL! (for now)
a man doesn’t need much to cling to life
A lone ant
crawled into his hair and went across
his forehead to
his eyelid
He woke up
Sand all about him and wood above
But this was so far
from hell
Hell was a thing of the past now
Now he had her by
his side
She was still sleeping
in her rugged sleeping bag
For the past few days
they slept under the cabin
to avoid being ambushed inside
He knew she wouldn’t be by his
for long. The infection in her
mouth was really getting out of control
putting her one outrageous fever
away from death
This was the world today
A warm wasteland full of predators
and no medical help of
any kind. Kill or be killed. Law of
the jungle. And so on
He liked to believe he
Too many didn’t
His luck stood in not having that much of
a fine life before the disaster
In fact
life was actually better now
in some aspects
For one
he had a cute companion by his side
A man really doesn't need
much to cling to life
She awakened a few minutes later
from another one of her fever dreams
All sweaty
Breathing heavy
Reaching out for his hand
“Do I smell?” she asked
“I said, do I smell?”
“Well, yeah, we both do. Just look at…
where we are. How we are. But hey,
one thing you can be sure of, I
really, really don’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“More than sure.”
“Good. Then hold me.”
He moved closer and circled her with his
arms. Buried his head in
her hair. “We can go inside. No one
came tonight either. It’s safe.”
“No,” she said. “Hold me for a bit longer.
This night… I had the worst of
them. Worst nightmare. A boat came
here on the beach. With saviors. They weren’t
even pirates. But actually good people.
They rescued us.
And among them… there was another woman.
A healthy, pretty one.
And the two of you fell in love. And I
lost you. And I killed myself. Threw
myself over the board. And drowned. My lungs
were burning.”
“Wow,” he said. “What a silly dream.”
“It felt so real.”
“You think I’d leave you for another woman
just because she’s healthy and pretty? After
all we’ve gone through?”
“Look,” she said, “my husband left me for
another woman
even before my gums and tongue started to
swell and rot. When I was still
healthy and… somewhat pretty.”
“Well… I’m not your husband.”
“Sorry,” she said. “I… shouldn’t have brought him
into the discussion. And you’re right. You
are… the most… You’re all I’m still
alive for, really. And I know
I won’t be alive for long.”
“Don’t talk like that,” he said
“It’s true. That’s why… I want you to know
that these past days…
I’ve been praying. For God not to send
us any rescuers. I prayed not to be
found by any other humans. I hate all other
humans besides you. I know it’s incredibly
selfish of me but… We’ve enough
provisions here to
survive… You know, in my case, for the rest
of my life. It’s all a matter of
days, really. I want these last days to be
spent with you alone.”
They made love there in the
dirty sand
and he didn’t mind covering that rotting
mouth with his
By the time she died
her belly
was quite swollen
And he made his peace
with the fact that he’ll never get
over it
Torrent dans mon âme
Je sens la confusion, un tel torrent dans mon âme.
Une tristesse à la fin de ma journée, qui rampe comme
un suintement noir suintait de ma peau.
Une voix dans ma tête qui n'arrête pas de dire.
Il est temps de rentrer à la maison.
Mais qu'est-ce que je dois aller à la maison.
Tout a changé.
La maison que j'ai connue n'est plus là.
Les lieux et les choses qui détenaient autrefois de la magie,
ne sont plus qu'une béquille inutile.
Dans mes rêves, je vois les champs et les forêts où j'ai marché autrefois
En été vert et or.
Le rêve est creux et vide.
Les champs sont devenus gris d'hiver.
La forêt a perdu son vert.
Une voix dans ma tête qui n'arrête pas de dire.
Il est temps de rentrer à la maison.
Une tristesse à la fin de ma journée, qui rampe comme
un suintement noir suintait de ma peau.
Un tel torrent dans mon âme.
D.Casabonne ( C ) 17.11.2021 Tous droits réservés
Rester (Version Alt)
Je conduis à la maison quand
tout le monde dort encore.
Il y a un silence qui enveloppe
le monde à 4 heures du matin.
La tenant pendant quelques courtes minutes
avant d'aller dormir, la meilleure partie de la journée.
Même si je sais, ce sera bientôt fini
Mon coeur me dit qu'il est temps d'y aller
Mon cœur me dit de ne pas lâcher prise.
J'aurais dû partir quand elle m'a dit
elle était amoureuse d'un autre.
Je suis resté.
J'aurais dû lâcher prise après les disputes
à propos d'elle me repoussant
je suis resté
J'aurais dû partir après qu'elle ait dit à quel point elle était malheureuse.
je suis resté
Mon coeur me dit qu'il est temps d'y aller
Mon cœur me dit de ne pas lâcher prise.
En regardant dans ses yeux, je vois la douleur
déception tous les jours.
Je l'entends grincer des dents quand je dis
Je vous aime.
Les espaces vides en conversation
grandir plus longtemps.
Les moments de silence gênants
chercher quelque chose à dire.
Mon coeur me dit qu'il est temps d'y aller
Mon cœur me dit de ne pas lâcher prise.
D Casabonne (C)10.08.20 Tous droits réservés
A Dream
Lizzy ran. She ran because he told her to. That wonderful, stupid old man, who looked so young. She ran from the machines as they screamed "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!"
"Need...to get...the sonic..." she panted as she ran. She ran past gravestones, barely registering the names: River Song, Rory Arthur Williams, Clara Oswald. Pale hands with eyes on their palms reached out to grasp her feet, and Zoe let out a sob. She knew she could never dance through them all.
Suddenly there was a wooshing sound, and she stood next to the TARDIS. Beside her was a young man with silver hair. "You didn't see that coming," he panted heavily.
"Pietro! Help me find the Doctor's sonic!" Lizzy cried. He nodded quickly, and she pushed her key into the door. It opened, and at once Pietro disappeared from her sight, zooming and dashing all over the inside of the TARDIS. In ten seconds he reappeared in front of her, holding out the screwdriver. "Why is it bigger on the inside?" He asked her, but she shook her head. "Get me back to the Doctor, now! He needs this!"
Pietro nodded, and in three seconds Lizzy and he were standing behind the Doctor.
"Hahaah!" The Doctor cried, putting his arms around us. "And this is why you should never let me talk, Davros! Unlike your very old self I have many friends, and they never, EVER, let me down!"
"I have no need of FRIENDS, Doctor," Davros retorted, his aged form slumped in the Dalek chair. "My children do my every bidding without question. And, unlike your human friends, my children do not easily die! Daleks! Exterminate the Doctor!"
The surrounding Daleks repeated Davros's words, and moved their weapons to target the three figures.
"Got a plan?" Lizzy murmured. "Because I am a teeny bit frightened."
"Ah, don't worry Liz. I've always got a plan. Though sometimes they tend to be a bit rubbish!" He yelled the last part as he pointed the screwdriver at the ground; a jagged crack materialized as the Daleks fired; Lizzy screamed as they fell down into a building. There were parts of smashed concrete and roofing scattered everywhere, and Lizzy saw two people looking astonishingly at the three of them.
"Where did you come from?" the Asian woman asked. The massive guy with her yelled a name and brushed past us to dig frantically at the pile of masonry that we had fallen into.
"Is somebody under there?" Pietro asked with his Sakovian accent.
"TURBO!" yelled the big man gleefully.
"Mack," came a weak reply from under the masonry. "I think...I think my legs are broken."
"Oh my God!" Lizzy cried. "It's you! Fitz, Mack, Agent May! Oh my God..." She covered her mouth with her hands. "Doctor...did we just kill Agent Fitz?"
"Like I said, Lizzy," the Doctor said sadly, "some of my plans are rubbish."
Lizzy gasped in dismay, and broke down crying when Mack lifted off a heavy rock to show the piece of roofing nearly cutting Leopold Fitz in half. The Doctor rested a comforting hand on my head. "The night's not over yet, Lizzy," he said, and the TARDIS formed around the two of them. He ran around the controls fiddling with them, but Lizzy slumped down and sobbed wretchedly. Leopold James Fitz...she had seen him from another universe. She had seen them all: Director Coulson, Melinda May, big Mack, Daisy Johnson the Destroyer of Worlds, and...Fitzsimmons. Jemma Simmons, oh how would she feel, how would she bare the news of her husband, dead in a flash...
"We killed him, Doctor." Lizzy said woodenly. "We killed Fitz."
"I'm sorry, Lizzy," he said quietly, coming over to sit next to me. "It was the only way..."
"To break the paradox?"
"Yes, to break the paradox. And Lizzy, I know you've been through so much, but please, hold on tight. You can do this, I know you can!" He kissed her on the head, and held her face in his hands. "My impossible girl," he whispered, and smiled at her.
And then, Lizzy fell.
She didn't just fall through air: she fell through scenes, and fell slower every time someone died. She passed Boromir , riddled with arrows, Aragon kneeling by his side. She passed Chuck pressing the bloodstained carving into Thomas's hand; then Newt, covered in black blood, whispering "Thank you" to Tommy as the knife stole his life away; then Teresa, she too falling into fire after saving Tom. Lizzy's tears fell more frequently each scene she came across. Kanan Jarrus, Fives, 99, Chirrut, Baze, Bhodi, K2-S0, Jyn and Cassian, Amy and Rory, Shrike, Wolverine, Ru and Finnick, Maul and Anakin...
It went on and on. Lizzy was crying so hard she could barely breathe. All of a sudden, she wasn't falling anymore: she was sobbing on the ground, her wet hands already covered with dust and tiny rocks. She raised her head, and her sobbing reached a crescendo.
It was Fitz again. Her saddest moment...of course it would be this.
"I think my legs are broken."
"No, Fitz!" She howled. "You're going to die! And it's all my fault!"
"No, no, it...it isn't your fault," he said, turning his head. "Loo...look at me."
Lizzy heaved in deep breaths as she crawled closer, and took his hand. "You sound...so Scottish," she blurted out, and her tears increased.
"Look, death is like...its like before I was born, I...that's what my mum used to say to, to me..." he trailed off, no more words to say. His hands were trembling badly: Lizzy held them tight. "Jemma should be here, not me. It should be Jemma."
"Shoosh, shh, Jemma would only worry, and Ma...and Mack can tell her once I'm, er...gone..." His eyes were glazing over. Lizzy wiped his dusty face clean. He wasn't even crying: he was peaceful, almost happy. "Liz...Liz. Lizzy, can you do one, one thing for me?"
"Yes, Fitz, of course, of course: anything!"
He paused to look away, then looked back into Lizzy's eyes. "Wake up," he said, and stopped breathing.
"NOOOO!" Lizzy bawled, curling up into a ball and holding Fitz's hand.
"My...my legs are broken..."
"...um, no they're not," Georgia said. "Wake up, sleepyhead! We'll be late for work!"
Lizzy uncurled herself slowly, opening her tear-crusted eyes. It was morning. All the crying had been in the dream...at least, she thought so until she saw her soaked pillow.
"I'm...coming, Georgia," she said quietly.
I look at the world and I see so many wasted lives.
I feel a rage well inside me.
The rage is only there to remind me of the
reality of pain of living the life.
I see them every day, living their complicated
lives like cock roaches in a giant maze looking for way out.
Looking for victory, knowing only defeat.
slipping into dark Insanity.
Hiding in all the dark places, walking in the shadows.
Looking for that next ride into oblivion, into Heaven.
Feeling the pleasure and then pain, as they descend into
that dark space between living and dying.
The empty shell that walks soulless, a stark gaunt image of
life and death itself.
Completing the circle
Looking for that next ride into oblivion, into Heaven.
Feeling the pleasure and then pain, as they descend into
that dark space between living and dying again.
The life of a junkie.......................A life in hell.
D. Casabonne (C)11/19/2021 All Rights Reserved
The Ocean Town
Let's take a walk through an ocean town.
Let's smell the breeze and listen to the gulls call
So that when we're apart we can remember ourselves here
Remember the time we had before the fall.
Let's take a walk through an ocean town.
As the smell of fish and chips flavour the air
Maybe one day we'll return and feast on them again
If we can find courage to mend the tear.
Let's take a walk through an ocean town.
We could go crab-hunting amongst the rocks
Using our size and scaring the little critters
Until the monsters landed on the docks.
Let's take a walk through an ocean town.
Death is cruel and cowardly, and so was I
I wish I could have done more
When your turn came to die.
Let's take a walk through an ocean town.
Alone now, through these streets I roam
Smashed buildings become new, seagulls and crabs return
But your tombstone is my home.
Let's take a walk through ocean town.
Let your ghost hold my bloodstained hand
Please forgive me for not loving you enough
Until God my soul demands.
Let's take a walk through my ocean town.
Torrent in my Soul
I feel confusion, such a torrent in my soul.
A sadness at the end of my day, that creeps like dark ooze seeping from my skin.
A voice in my head that keeps saying.
It's time to go home.
But what do I have to go home to.
Everything has changed.
The home I once knew is no longer there.
The places and things that once held magic,
are now nothing but a useless crutch.
In my dreams I see the fields and forests I once walked Through.
In Summer green and gold.
The dream is hollow and empty.
The fields have turned to winters grey.
The forest has lost its green.
A voice in my head that keeps saying.
It's time to go home.
A sadness at the end of my day, that creeps like dark ooze seeping from my skin.
Such a torrent in my soul.
D.Casabonne ( C ) 11.17.2021 All Rights Reserved