Let me define "Love"..... a word with a cliche meaning of romance. Love in this era is a sensation that preys like a vulture on the innocence, emotions and feelings of humanity leaving only the desire and craving for warmth and closure. In other words love is a monstrous act of mental torture and violence.....
I don't know who are you. I don't want to know who are you. I don't want you to know who am I.But, But I want to tell you that I am not okay. I am fed up with everything. This is the moment from the moments when I just feel like crying. When I do not see light anymore. When there seems to me an unending path of darkness in front of me. I have lost hope. I have no faith. I am just shattering like a broken mirror on a cement floor. Tears rubbing through the dirt on my cheeks vanish into the fabric of my clothes until there are no more tears. i start writing whatever comes into my mind. I want to tell someone to feel what I am feeling but I don't want to tell why I am feeling that. I myself don't understand what is happening to me but it is happening and it had happened before and this condition will come to me in future but I dont have the courage to face the realities. I don't know how I can read my own self. I sometime don't know myself who m I? What I want. My life seems to me like a thriller where every next moment is of something unexpected horror. I have lost myself somewhere inside me. I am nothing but I am something.
I was fifteen years of age when everything began. At first, it was fretfulness which brought forth shattering trust and after that doubt.
Life is not a luxurious situation, it is cliché but rather no one at any point said that it is hell hard to live. I recall the evenings, the limitless evenings, crying in the window of my room, taking a gander at the sky, sometimes and sometimes, looking into the window of the house at the back of my room whose glass was shaded mirror green demonstrating the impression of the street before my home. My home was not a tremendous house yet rather in the midst of my circumstance around then, it looked to me like a dull manor; a massive however grave castle.
What was that state? It appeared to me like it was not me or perhaps that was the real me. It was a condition of understanding myself who was I? Was it the individual who has no power over what so ever is going on to her? a person who in some cases didn't know why she is crying, a person who look at the sky and ponder was all this real. Or, on the other hand was it the individual who went to class each day, a person who laughed with others.
Should I continue this further??
Earn Your Respect
To guardians all over the world
Gracious! What have I said? I figure I have expressed an issue that will liable to begin a contention. I know guardians who will read it will loath me for what I am going to talk about. They will think of me as an "inconsiderate" lady who have no regard for guardians. Be that as it may, I will state something further and it will be viewed as more ill-bred and they will overlook the effect of the principal articulation. That is if you don't have the patience to bear each other then what is the purpose of living together?
My apologies for offending you. My expressions of remorse for expressing so bluntly the fact. And my sympathies that you took it on your heart. In any case, think it with a cool personality about the circumstance you are making before your youngsters. You are the characters who they will depict in future. Eliminate my perplexity by disclosing to me how a child can respect a father who is disrespecting her mom in front of him? Enlighten me about the ways through which a child can overlook and pardon her dad who does not give ear to the opinions of his mom?
Guardians are respectful. They ought to be respected on the grounds that they allowed us to experience this world. They made us what we are in the external world however; they additionally made us what we are in our private world. Our psyche is a truly dreadful organ of our body so enable it to become solid.
Attempt to maintain a strategic distance from little contentions. Make a few compromises. Try to be understanding and patient. Endeavor to be reasonable and sensible. Regard your marriage as a duty not a game of high temperaments. Expect less and try to give your best. Since your compromise today will make an amazing person with a sound mind, tomorrow. What's more, that individual won't just respect only you but every other parent on the planet.
Please don't remember this
For my inner peace and bliss
I know I have offended you
by committing an unforgiving crime
But I had given you a clue
That I will not let it go this time
You broke my blinded faith
Now you will have to endure my wrath
I know I am asking from you, a lot
But it's the consequence of when trusts fall apart.