Too many
And not enough
It’s like
Sitting idle
By dancers
We live
And we try
And we sigh
Every time
As the world
Slams on brakes
That could stop
On a dime
And it’s like
Every time
It’s a new
It builds
And it builds
As it adds
To the weariness
But time
Doesn’t stop
It keeps
And going
And you’re stuck
The paddles
Keep rowing
And rowing
You’re caught in
And going
And what falls
Out of
The boat
You could
You want to
Give in
Because living
But in truth
The water is
And becoming
More septic
You weren’t born
With a sail
So now it’s
Or swim
As your false
Is becoming
There’s no
Slowing down
And there's no
Giving up
Unless you
In this
Empty cup
Ripping and tearing
my life like a raptor
Shredded in sin
to begin a new chapter
There's something new
and a whole lot that's old
Just another crease shown
as you watch me unfold
A nightmare that deems
me back to "fuck all" it seems
Fiending for the dreams
that I cannot redeem
I feel the need to announce
my favorite color is black
And color or not I denounce
your evil contract
Now Darkness consumes
what's left of my heart
As the likeness resumes
a bullseye with hates dart
To compensate towards a day
for my life to start over
And desecrate all the wicked
lurking over my shoulder
Megalomaniacal sickening
heinous corrupt
This fucking abrupt volcano
is just waiting to erupt
I could go on and on
an endless metaphorical mile
But I'll just step away
and leave this rhyme
with a smile
And my fucked up mind
no one has seen true horror until they’ve seen a heaven without animals
a dog doesn't know
much about
the world,
as most animals don't
and they don't care
about the world
or about their inability
to comprehend it
Animals are perfectly
like human babies
Well I knew this girl
who was an animal rights
and couldn't make her
peace with
animals not following their
owners to heaven
Animals don't go to heaven,
is what religion stated
She had visited heaven
a few times
and came back. It's done through
intense meditation
and with the help of
a few special mushrooms
And every time she had
visited heaven
she saw no
animals there
If heaven doesn't have
then heaven is not worth
going to,
she concluded
and she meditated some
more and
had more out-of-body
and experimented with
new shrooms and herbs
It eventually became clear
to her
that animals don't go
to heaven
because they didn't have
a savior like
Jesus Christ
to die for them, to
redeem them in the eyes
of the creator
She loved her German Shepherd
more than she loved
anything in life, more
than she loved herself
But so did God love
His son Jesus
and still gave him as sacrifice
for a higher good
When she drugged her dog
and nailed its paws,
tail and tongue
to a timber board with a
power drill
she had not the least drop
of sadism in her
It was all for
a higher cause. It was to buy
the animals their
right to go to heaven
She named her dog
Jesus Christ, of course
Even after the local authorities
took her into
she was happy. She knew
that the humans who haven't
seen heaven wouldn't
understand and didn't
expect them to
"Forgive them, Father, for
they know not
what they do.
They thought they have seen
horror. Oh, but how wrong
they are. No one
has seen true horror
until they've seen
a heaven without animals!"
A Word Away
Writing has taken over just about every facet of my life, I cannot go out on a simple walk or just get out of bed without thinking about a couple of story beats for a poem or some future narrative that my mind spins up. I do not hate this of course being a writer, but I have found that inspiration is not a spark that just explodes in the center of your conscious but a gradual construction of odd bits and ends of your day. You write a quick line here and there about some idea that floats in your head and then you write another: "she was afterlife..." "when devil's play in my mind"...
Life is a grand story, and it is unique to your experiences, you will be inspired and you will steal for the better.
Overtime I learned how other artist "disciplines" go about creating, and I uncovered that it is a slow process of evolving a sound, an art style, a look, whatever it may be there is an evolution that is happening internally and externally simultaneously. I had several days where I wrote a couple of wonderful lines and then struggled to write anything else for the rest of the day, I forced myself to write and hoped that some grand idea would just fire out of my mind, but you have to take time to let your idea grow, it may be a great one but you need to be patient eventually you will learn how to properly craft it. There is no doubt that actually putting in the time to study on how to do it will help, but that may not always be the issue, sometimes you need to grow as a person to create an accurate representation of the concept, and not just force it into existence.
Tending Broken Stems
Dear Prose family,
I am excited to say that my first anthology is out and has been doing great rounds in US. I really thank this family of prose for giving me the support at early stages to express myself over here and that just lifted my confidence and i am glad to be a published author now. I would be glad if this family extends that support by purchasing the book and also leaving your precious reviews on amazon.
Below is the link of my book. I hope you enjoy and let me know about it.
Oh Boy, I have seen the Magic named Woman......
Oh boy!
Yes, Men are the strongest
As they are made up of a strong source
A source which resembles hardships
A source of love, care and sacrifices
In short,
A source beyond selflessness
Something which I would call as magic
As nobody has the power
To turn few drops into a life
I haven't seen a creator
But I have seen a mother
I haven't seen love
But I have seen a woman
I haven't seen innocence or craziness
But I have seen a girl
Yes, for me being a strong man
Is just the gift
From a source named WOMAN..
In a universe gifted by a woman
They have to fight for equality
And a right of their own
Succumbing to the failure of patriarchy
It's not a win of a dominance by a man
But a failure of a homeless wanderer
Who have forgot to recognise
Their own source to life....
In a world where she deserves to dominate
All she asks is a right to stand besides you
If this isn't an emblem of womanhood
Then there is no Manhood in a making....
-Born Maverick
...Brief is the
Of the thief,
When he's recalling
What he had
Stumbled on
In the dismal dark that
Had proceeded him
In this glade.
...Brief are her
Glances that
...Rousing his love,
And thus
Sealing fate...
Can we absolve our-
From all the
Murky mess we
...Brief was how
Little time
I'm allowed...
Listen to owls,
And watch
As they crowd
'round me in such
A way to draft
A confession
From out
My screaming soul!
...Please take a breath,
Or time will
...Watch as you purr
As I catch your
...Tonight, to be loved,
And to love is
My one only goal.
Bunny Villaire
Track Marks (in the Dark)
I was cruising through the sands
At a hundred per,
And I thought I'd maybe
Let you know...
...You were counting on a man
To invent the cure
With a dalliance that flanks
Death row...
Why, O, why, can't I see
What's behind?...
...I'm always out
For capital,
But I've side-tracked
Your gold-mine.
I was beaten to a pulp
When the sun set down,
Where each living thing
Could watch and learn...
...Now, stricken by an urge
Of the early bird,
I'm a fire that won't cease
To burn.
Why, O, why, can't I see
What's behind?...
...I'm always out
For capital,
But I've side-tracked
Your gold-mine.
...And the stars that swirl,
And sparkle
Are lodged here
In my spine...
...When I'm out of depth,
Feel the devil's breath...
I will hold you
On my mind.
Bunny Villaire
Diamond Lives We Lead
You're at the side view...
And I'm at the front...
...Now you see the bottom
That was covered
In mud...
I'm peering out,
With a view of the road...
...If you close off your
You may touch
What I hold.
All of our Diamond
Passing each mirror!...
...Often too quickly,
Or slow to
See clear.
I'm in the middle...
And you're at the peak...
...I'm still astounded that
We even speak!...
Each individual langauge
Is deep...
Hard to believe how we
Could crack the code...
...But when it happens,
My heart gushes full!
Diamond lives move me...
...We should not
Close them down,
Or cover their beauty
With the
Talk of the town.
You're at the side view...
And I'm at the front...
...Now you see the bottom
That was covered
In mud...
I'm peering out,
With a view of the road...
...If you close off your
You may touch
What I hold.
Bunny Villaire