mind matter......
I am operation
you can’t fix a broken thing
you can’t save a mermaid
I am not afraid of
drowning in my own ocean
you can’t unload the gun
if I am the bullet
I am a Victim by circumstances
Survior by choice
I am the embryo
still growing
outside my enviroment
I was placed in
you can’t abort
a living proof
I am a hyponthesis
you can’t answer an If
I am the haunting
that willows in the wind
do you know trees whistles ?
I am not bothered from the cold
my veins are iced
I am the hands that steady a keyboard
you can’t play a melody ,
that already knows the tune
I am alcohol
you can’t rub a wound that can’t heal
I am the iris’s of the devil
even god’s bleed
when burned by hell
you can’t banish me to hell ,
when I am born to withsand the heat
I am the seasons
you can’t spring me into winter ,
hoping fall into summer
I am the reaper
you can’t kill a dead thing
I am staravation
you can’t make me taste hunger ,
when theese lips only know the scent of blood
I am a child
you can’t steal my innocence ,
when I was born with my eyes wides opened
I am the peach that eve ate
you can’t devor sin unless it is a desire
I am the virgin hands dipped in holy water
you can’t wash away
the blessings of the mary
I am the walls of a church
you can’t bleach stains
that could never heal
I am the equation
you can’t solve
I am a nightmare
you can’t kill a dream ,
if you don’t have them
I am the past
you can’t time travel
I am liar
you can’t tell a lie
I am the anger
you can’t seem
to swallow
I am the quiet
you can’t hear the shadows
I am the stairway to heaven
you can’t reach heaven if u havent walked through hell
I am purgatory
you can’t be safe in fate
I am harriet tubman
you can’t free a slave
I am freedom
you can’t color it red white blue
I am a soilder
you can’t arm
I am a prayer
you can’t pray when no seems
to answer back
I am just
you can’t finish an almost
I am hurt
you can’t make me
I am human
you can’t be feel
I am a christian
you can’t make me serve
I am swear word
you can’t fill my mouth with soap FUCK
I am the sweetness of jam
you can’t turn me bitter
I am the underground railroad
you can’t find a northstar when the sky is dark
I am a bag of metaphors
you can’t feed me poetry
I am a voicemail
you can’t seem to reach
I am a spirt
you can’t lay a soul to rest
place the pen on the paper and let the ink trickle down the page
see painted a picture to distract you from the meaning
sometimes you have to fall into wonderland
cause even the cheshire cats makes sense , when frowns become upside down smiles
Covering herself from the misty cold,
With a cloak of feathers she has.
Standing unwavering amidst the wind,
as she sends off her
A look of sadness fills her eyes,
Yet filled with determination as well.
is courage in the face of trouble.
go and
come back.
I'll keep waiting for you,
Tears of Strength
Behind those eyes,
how many tears she hides,
With that slight curve of a lip,
Agony, carved deep,
Standing under the snowing sky,
Snow piles on her head
like sadness.
In times of trouble,
women don’t break,
they bend.
I’ll tell you why.
People only cry because they’ve been strong for too long.
I talk aloud, but nobody's there,
to you, no one can compare.
I want to call, say hello,
but after that I just don't know.
I think about the way we were,
wishing it'd all become a blur.
I say I love you, swear it's true,
but its more than that, I just need you.
Come back home, lay with me,
I can't stand being this lonely.
Take Me To The Unicorns And Rainbows...
That quote you see and hear everywhere:
"We have to see the storms and rain before we see the rainbow."
But why?
Isn't that just torturing us?
Why do we have to go through these "trials" before we live happily ever after?
Why doesn't God just bring us all home to Him and then we can pet adorable unicorns.
Unicorns with those sparkly diamond horns and the beautiful rainbow-dyed manes and tails.
Some may even have coats of all kinds of different colors besides white.
We can also ride the normal horses.
You know, the ones with the pretty white wings, that you really don't ride, you just hop on the back of one and they fly and do all the traveling for you, and you just sit back and relax while clinging onto their beautiful mane.
We can also dance on clouds and have family time with everyone, and celebrate the fact that we don't have to worry anymore.
Then, we can slide on the rainbows, as if we were always youngsters our whole lives, and enjoy the breeze directly from the sky as we enjoy the soft rainbow lines moving beneath us.
So tell me, why do we have to keep doing this?
I know God means well, and he is an amazing God, and he loves us more than anyone.
But just explain to me.
Why can't we be with the unicorns and rainbows right now?
They're beautiful.
God is beautiful.
Heaven is beautiful.
And Earth?
Where we are now?
Well, at the moment, it's all about war.
And it's bad.
But up in the sky?
The best place to be.
The Other Side
Forlorn, she stands behind
cracked pane of glass.
Glass stares back
with soulful eyes -
broken reflection
sealed in ice.
Secrets hidden within,
she can’t recall.
Glass slashes her hand
plunging through
struggling valiantly
to find her truth.
For minutes, the night
has no sound as she
gasps in gulps
of dead skin flaking
onto frayed edges
on the other side.
Swept away by
splintered glass,
drops of sadness
in river of tears.
She envisions hundreds
of souls straining
to come through
the windowpane.
But she was her
own reality –
No one was
on the