I fell in love when I was very young
It was meant to be
Love at first sight
I fell in love when I was very young
They are kind
They are my beloved family by heart but not by blood
I fell in love when I was very young
Without them I don't know where I would be
Countless times they saved me
Countless times I saved them
I fell in love when I was very young
Together we rain mischief
Together we are invincible
No one can come between any of us
I fell in love when I was very young
And I love them to the very end
Because our love is stronger than any others
Because our love is external
words of wisdom.
here are five things i learned in 2019 that i will forever carry with me. i know it's a month late, but that doesn't really matter to me.
1. to get better from something you first have to accept that it's a part of you.
2 if someone doesn't accept you for everything you are, then they don't deserve you.
3. hold your friends very, very, very close. please don't be afraid to tell them you love them- you might never get to say it again.
4. mental illness isn't a joke, but it's also not something to be afraid of. it doesn't make you any lesser. we are all only human.
5. love is the thing that lets us connect with others. it is okay if it hurts; if it doesn't, at times, then it isn't really love. be patient with who you love; it's always worth it in the end.
She looked like the kind of girl who would give anything for something: lips pushed forward naturally, brow raised, sitting forward in her seat. She pointed her toes and crossed her ankles beneath her chair, intertwining her arms and resting her chin on her hands.
Her resting posture was a teacher’s dream. Nothing escaped her darting eyes, and no sound fell short of her lifted ears. If she stopped for a moment and thought deeply, she could even wiggle the muscles on the side of her head so that her ears perked up visibly, thrilling the lectures and babbling brooks who loved her devoted attention.
And it wasn’t just a facade. Every now and then, her intertwined arms would unfold, and she’d raise her hand high in the air to ask a probing question.
Watching her from a seat in the back of the room, I wondered how someone could maintain such constant utter commitment to the present moment. She inhaled the now, scarcely pausing to let out her breath into the past. Did the march of time, the promise of the imminent, even concern her?
She was exactly the type of person who would give everything for anything. If I had to guess, I bet her greatest fear was the empty moments.
Walk On.
"She's so dumb"
"As if you could taste a sound! "
"She's just so stupid !"
She walked through the hallway, their voices a flash of red and yellow, their faces the sound of static.
"Can't he sit still ?"
"He keeps fidgeting"
"He never stops moving"
"He's just so stupid !"
He walked down the street, his hyperactive brain catching snippets but not full sentences, content in his own self.
"She looks so sad"
"Can't she smile for once?"
"Leave her alone; she's just stupid"
She glanced about once or twice, then walked on, her brain carrying carrying the heavy burden of her life.
I Am Money
I live everyday of my life
knowing that to my father,
I was a product for sale,
not a human being who deserves to know my paternal side.
With dollar signs in his eyes
And zero thought to how I might cry
I live everyday of my life
knowing that to the sperm clinics,
my existence is a huge profit to their business.
I live everyday of my life
knowing that
my conception
My existence
was a transaction.
If You Were To Drown...
If you were to drown, I would jump down after you.
I would swim until my arms ache.
Pulling you up towards the glittering surface and hauling you to safety.
If you were to drown, I'd instantly jump after you without a second thought.
If you were to drown, I would to.
Because I am always going to be one step behind you.
You stand in thoughts
Drenched in mysteries
Exposing your eyes’ embers
Hungrily reaching
Anxiously willing
Silently dying
Before you the tides scream
Inside you the fears swell
Feverishly whispering
Romantically daydreaming
Vehemently kissing
You stand in awes
Smothered in questions
Soaring into his eyes’ hues
He always knows how to stop time...
#blueeyes #you #purelove #souls #intensity #energy