Pondering Trust
Trust is a curious thing
And it's not as abrupt like a ding
Nor is it subtle like a slim ring
Neither is it bold like a dove's sing
They say you need to be ready to be destroyed but that isn't the case
For allowing something to break you but hoping it wouldn't again would hit your face
It's something so fragile and better kept clean
For if you break it behind someone's back, you know what it should mean
It means constantly pondering if they will do it again
You start counting strikes and reading into every little thing
Going this route in the end will destroy both of you
Till you must start again, fresh anew
In order to preserve such trust after such a blow
You must be able to communicate for both of you to show
Without communications, trust will be fractured beyond repair you know
You can't just expect things to get better without confronting, like pavement and snow
Some give away all their trust far too soon
To the point life will make them out a goon
Trust can be the holy grail
Or it can become the tear in the sail
Only give your trust to those who
Are willing to mend it back up while working with you
And put in the effort to be as honest as you do
And work problems out instead of repeating a cycle or two
Trust follows those who
Carry it with communication to prevent it's undo
Some disorganized thoughts about trust
Trust is one of the reasons I think that Sartre said what he did about other people.
You have to be willing to be destroyed in order to love someone completely, you have to forego your pride and your intellect. And you have to continue to be willing even after you are hurt, and you will be.
See, the thing is that people are not "trustworthy" by the means I think most people understand. Trustworthy isn't the quality of never letting someone down, and it definitely isn't someone who does everything you want or need. In fact, I find myself wary of people who are eager to please or compliment when I feel I haven't earned such treatment.
You will be manipulated in this life. People want security, they want things to work out in their favor. They want to be trusted, too. It's so odd this relationship we have to have with others in order to have our needs truly met. We have to give in, we have to be uncomfortable, and we have to be flexible.
You cannot approach relationships with a sense that your self appraisal is true and should thus be respected and followed by all. Expecting that you will not be disappointed is not the same thing as trust, it's closer to narcissism. You will be hurt, you will be challenged, this is how you grow.
Trust is the act of opening yourself up to pain with the faith that your pain has purpose.
It functions as a door between you and others. It can be open or closed depending on your wishes.
I've found life generally more difficult when I am unwilling to trust the people around me. That doesn't mean be stupid though, I've ignored my fair share of red flags and I know I'll be paying for it for a while.
Be discerning, don't cling to your comfort, don't be afraid to rebuke those that hurt you. Forgive when necessary (usually 100% of the time), and move on when necessary (More often than you might be willing to admit.)
is built on granite
Sandstone after a rain
breaks apart in your hand
like a smile once the love is gone
To trust
feels like building a fire
Even after the rain
the tinder can spark
if you nurture the flame
Trust what your hands have built
Shape yourself after the rain
Notice, what gets washed away?
Look, what remains?
Trust in
the light of your mind
Take time to practice being okay
with everything, all at once
just for a short moment
Just in yourself
for one short moment
Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash
#poetry #selflove #trust
It Hurts too Much
Trust no one.
To thine own self be true.
Unfortunately, these words have been true for me.
People I thought were friends stabbed me in the back, people I thought loved and cared about me, did horrible things to me.
People who were supposed to be family only care as long as they benefit from it.
It hurts too much to trust anyone anymore.
Trust is Truth, Personified
Truth is uncomfortable much of the time. The truth can hurt, or be a relief. Trust, on the other hand, takes truth and amplifies its best qualities. When someone has proven themself truthful they collect trust from those around them. Trust binds family and friends together. Love is trust, it's not complicated. You may disagree but you cannot deny that you cannot love without trust. Loving without trust becomes lust, an empty thing. How does one prove they are truthful? The definition of trust belongs to no one in particular, perhaps the Truth itself knows. But for an individual such as myself, I see trust as a characteristic of the truth. Trust is what it takes to reveal the truth.
Two Way Mirror
"Trust me, trust me won't you?"
Then tell me what is trust?
It's not kindness, it's not lies
Somehow it's a must
"Take me at my word."
I try to do it, but can't
You think you mean what words you spill
But it is often too scant
"I trust you with my entire being!"
I know that much is true
But you never paused to think
I can't mean what words I spew
Silence is not trustworthy
Because it puts us in a daze
Wake up tomorrow and try to remember
That trust has two ways
trust is long lost
As a little girl it was easy to trust, to believe in myths and fairytales.
It was easy to see the light through the darkness in people and times
Funny how that all changes as time grows, People tend to change you. Mold you into the opposite of who you were as a child. making you overthink every situation.
people leave that promised to stay and those close to you often are ones that betray.
I use to trust in everything and anything. But now I can say I love you without having trust. I can say I care without feeling completely feeling safe that you feel the same way too. I can give you all off me while my walls are still standing firm.
If Truth were Told
Likely my ears might bleed at its sound.
That progressive sonorous note ringing at the speed of light.
Within and about the amorphous dust cloud with hardened views still seeing you and they are cutting you down to what you are.
You are by far the things they see you as; because what more could ever be to the exterior and mathematically they will always be superior. It would seem youve been Preceeding past eyes being used to see and dodging the consciousness energy when applied and not being translated; Elaborated to the light you've reflected and the way they take it. Your lights hue due to the mind seeing you; and comes to pass that all of you is made in that moment, to that person, at that time. in time and just in time to undermind our truth shapeless sense of self , made up of dialouges of our synapses. Microbiological Odes to the all encompassing symphony that is our everything. We are moments on strands made of timeliness grains of Sand in the widest scope. That which is which you know; That is truth.
But trust?
Do I trust it?
I'll need proof.