This is Halloween!!!
What I love:
1. People dressing up in costumes. It's the one time of year where everyone cosplays. Lol.
2. All the horror movies that I can binge watch.
3. The candy. No explanation needed.
What I dislike:
1. Fucking Christmas decorations trying to overshadow the Halloween decorations, or being placed right next to the Halloween decorations. Come on! Let's celebrate Halloween first, and then Thanksgiving, and then we can move on to Christmas. It's not that fucking hard, people.
2. People vandalizing houses during Halloween. Come on, have some respect for other people for Christ's sake.
3. People dropping religious comics into kids' candy bags. I'm not kidding, it does happen sometimes. Not often, but there are those very few houses that do. If you're someone who does that, congrats, you're an asshole. Parents just want their kids to get free candy, not be pushed into your religious agendas.
#halloween #happyhalloween
The 6 things
1) carving out pumpkins- I get a perverse pleasure in turning pumpkins, squashes oranges, pomelo, and watermelons into jack o’ lanterns. I can’t say it looks all that cool in the end, but i feel better after that. Maybe i can do this all year, burn off some of those carbs..
2) making costumes - I’m not that crazy about fashion, but for once i get to decide how I’m going to appear. Usually mythological or satirical get up.
3) parties and booze- make me feel young again, especially after I really start doing damage to my liver..Once a year I get to go crazy. .
1) people that buy their costume- how can you do that? This is what Christmas is for..
2) people that don’t let their kids have fun.
It’s not a religious thing, and if your kid’s in danger so much, then get out with him.
3) morning after hangover - if you need me to expand you didn't drink enough..
Things I love
1. I love, LOVE Halloween parties
2. I love handing out treats to the kids as they trick or treat even the teens
3. I love the creative costumes (at one of my parties, a lady I knew came as a brick and her husband came as the bricklayer!)
Things I hate
1. Those that do not observe the trick or treat hours
2. The older teens with eggs in there cars (they didn’t see me on the porch when I whipped one back at there car - the fastest I Ever saw car Skat!)
3. The end of the party...
H@!!0vv33n (Halloween)
What's Good:
1) Spoopy Memes
2) An Excuse to Party
3) Only Time It's Socially Acceptable to Dress Up in Fur Suits and Unleash my Fursona
(ignore that one)
4) Only Time It's Socially Acceptable to Dress Really Slutty or Disgustingly Lewd
What's Not Good:
1) Spoopy Memes made by 10-14 Year Olds that make them Feel like they're the best thing since sliced bread and they don't even realize that they're ruining the fun for people that actually understand the memes, and really just makes them look like cringy kids
2) People Using Halloween as an Excuse to Party, but End up just Throwing a
Non-Themed Party
3) Furries
4) Clowns
5) The horrible feeling that someone is in a fking clown costume and is chasing me right now. Please Help.