Hi! I miss everyone so much at Prose. I have been evacuated for the Florida hurricane and can't go back until there is electricity and water and phone and internet service. It is way to hot to stay in the house without a/c and my husband is ill so can't bring him back until it is cool. Our house is okay, thank goodness, although we had to remove a large branch from the roof and had a lot of debris and water in the yard because our canal overflowed. We pumped out the water from the lawn but can't go back yet. It is still hard here to get internet service but I can't wait to get back to all of you wonderful Prosers. Whenever I can, I will be back. Hope none of you had problems from the hurricane.
#DamnHurricane #ShowMetheWaytoGoHome
The Igniter of Passion is You...
Who will spoon feed your each and every fetish?
Could it be... could it be...
Don't like what you see, go ahead re-imagine me
Over there on the divan...
Fanning the flames of your fanaticism!
Like a proper Harem...
Call me Mary, call her Sue, any-name'll do
Absolutely what-have-you...
It's all about you, You cradled like a kiddo
Lusciously reminded...
Of the swell temptation of the Evening!
Well... you're just a Man...
And what should we say to you tonight
Love's for Everyone...
These sentences just shooting in the breeze
Imaginings undone...
All these empty realizations left to tease
But come draw near...
And you'll have exactly what you want to hear
Purred right into your ear.