These are my least favorite things...
-writer's block
-being sick
-sore muscles
-hot spicy food
-cold soup
-melted ice cream
-a fanfiction that leaves off on a cliffhanger that hasn't been updated for years
-unrequited love
-a cute guy who I'm into who isn't into me
-a cute guy who's fiction
-having a crush on a fictional character (cause we all know that's a thing)
-netflix buffering
-YouTube buffering
-long ads you can't skip
-cars with no working AC when it's 70 degrees of hotter
-not doing good on test that I studied hard for
I fall in love with every pretty thing,
every pretty little thing
in your soul
that sustains me
I fall for your charm
I fall for your manner
I dive into your body
I sleep on your skin
I fall for the molecules and particles
that swirl around in this universe
and collide into you
creating my perfection
I fall in love with every pretty thing
sunshine between the clouds
the first breath of spring
moonlight on my skin,
on a summer night
the way you smell
and the way you laugh
in a caring heart and a brave soul
I fall in love with every pretty thing
I was inspired by the line above and this song followed me through.
in me
I have this fear under my skin
I can't reach it,
I can't scratch it
it's just there,
sometimes it subsides
so I barely notice it
and on other days it fills me up
crippling my thoughts
freezing my heart
and slowing my movements,
I can't touch it
but I can sense it,
I know exactly where it is
it hides at the back of my throat
slides down my back
and lands in my stomach
it's a mover
it never sits still
vibrating and expanding
it makes me scared
as it should
for that is its sole purpose
it's not motivating
it doesn't want to make me whole,
I always had it
it's always with me
never leaving, never letting me go
and now it's got worse
with my loss,
with a new missing piece
as if my void had once again expended
moved and shifted,
I worry because of it
I never know if it's real,
or just pretense
does it mean anything
or is it just "my thing"
it pains me, it makes me shiver
shedding tears out of hopelessness
that I often feel...
but at times it fades
and I forget, smiling despite it all
good souls around me
giving me hope...
but today I just needed to let it go
so it falls off my chest,
because it's been circling around me
and demanded my attention,
so in this moment
I let it go
I let it fly,
so it no longer chokes me
and freezes my touch
it will return
for it is a part of life
but for now, I'm letting it go
I have a few...
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.
Women. They are a complete mystery.
I was not a good student. I did not spend much time at college; I was too busy enjoying myself.
People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
-Stephen Hawking (1942-2018)
Of course I could list more quotes, but these are my favorite, they remind me to enjoy life and enjoy being a mystery!
when you consider yourself a good person,
but feel that there is so much
selfishness under your skin
when you sense that you have a kind heart
yet feel the greediness of your own state,
time passes and you get yourself lost in the distractions
weighing down the love that has settled itself inside of you
and overflows your walls
debating how long would it take
to take the wrong turn
and had for the hills,
ending up in hate,
because it overpowers you
even more than
the love that you hold
in your open hand,
fingers stretched out and grasping to hope,
feeling the pretense behind your actions,
aiming for your own goal,
instead of really doing good for others
despising your feelings
even if they were born from the purest
and the best of notions
How much of us, makes ous selfless?
How many hours, days, and weeks
do we spend on contemplating our good souls,
if heaven is so far away?
How much does kindness weight?
And how many ounces of gentleness is
in a jar of cruelty?
Just because I don't cut myself,
Don't open my wrists with a blade.
Doesn't mean that I don't need some kind of beautiful escape.
Because although I laugh
and I dance and I smile,
I also have pain course through my blood for a while.
You cannot see my scars,
Bruises nor burns.
Because I find my escape in other ways.
Ways it doesn't have to hurt.
I lose myself.
In magic, with dragons and demons and beasts.
Fairies, that carry out miraculous feasts.
In love, with high schools and sweethearts and a race for the train.
A friend turned lover, and beautiful kisses in the rain.
In horror, with blood and gore and guts.
A running masked man, and a cabin in the woods.
I lose myself in the pages of stories these heroes called authors write.
I sink into magnificent world's each and every night.
But at some point...
As we all know.
Reality returns,
And the cracks again start to show.
dark points
the hollowness consumes me
the nothingness swallows me up
there is a pain in the air
and I crush down,
concealing my soul with loss
and filling my bricks with concrete
as I build my walls,
my temporary backup
for days with no light,
I stretch out my sorrow
to keep me warm
without my kin,
a part of my blood
I watch the time pass by
with ruthless turns,
making everything slower
as it speeds up,
loss surrounds my being
it digs through,
I can no longer stop
and stand my ground,
because my deepest sorrow
has finally caught up,
it slips through my cracks
as I hoped I had none,
an armor strengthened
with layers
that I added over the years,
I thought I was stronger
that my denial would last
my greatest power
and my biggest fail,
now the pain surrounds
my shoulders
covered with a soft shawl
that weighs me down with stones,
yet I need it to heal my wounds
because going forward
requires life,
the one
that you go through
with a beating heart
and one day at a time
"may we meet again"