falling, being, landing.
yearning for proximity
longing for your approval
carving every moment
into my soul
into the margins of my notebook
the forefront of my brain
etched out
in flowery cursive
“today, you smiled at me”
syrupy sweet
thick like a fog
breathe it in
sigh it out
a kiss
a hug
a glance
we share a smile
or a short chuckle
and all is right in the world
the lights have dimmed
a smile just isn’t enough anymore
the butterflies settle
the flowers wilt
the hearts sink deep into the earth
the world cools
freezes over
our souls weep
My heart cries out for you
You turn your back on me. You crush me with your selfish ways. You know I only want whats best for you. You know how much I love you! Why do you constantly lie and pretend I don't exist? Why do you hurt me so badly every chance you get? I know the life you think you want seems more exciting but it's going to cause you so much pain. Come back to me... let me hold you, comfort you, guide you, love you. I died a brutal and painful death for YOU and I would do it again in an instant. I died so you don't have to live in fear. I died so you can have freedom! This life you're choosing to live may feel free in the moment but it's a trap! It's going to chain you up and bind your heart in ways unimaginable, and when you realize it... it's going to be so painful to tear off those chains. Don't worry, don't be afraid.. I am here and I still love you, let me help you, let me hold you, let me love you through it all. I forgive you, come back home to me.
Silently loving you
I'm used to playing pretend
Hiding pain and holding back tears
This isn't any different
Yet I can't let myself lose you
Even though it burns
I hold on to the flame
While hiding it from the world
Hoping in a miracle
A distant future
With you by my side
Dreaming of dancing in black and white
Echoes of a life I don't know if I get to live
I'm already in mourning for the possibility
Of losing you
I write a word for every tear
I shed a tear for every moment away from you
What have you done to me, my love
I fall asleep thinking of you
And my thoughts turn into dreams
I finally have the hope of seeing you
Pictures don't do you justice
And after so much time
I'm forgetting your voice
And the way you move
Every part of you that I love
Is slowly slipping away
In my dreams you return
And I can see you again
But every time we are about to touch
On the brink of seeing sparks
I wake up and remember
That you are far away and not allowed
And I live with the fog of a memory
Of your hand touching mine
And of your breath on my lips
Tell me it’s okay
Tell me that the broken pieces of my heart will one day be mended. That if I just keep swimming I'll eventually reach the shore. Tell me that this isn't forever. That the crushing ache in my chest and the ever-flowing tears will stop, and I'll breathe again. Tell me I'll find my way, and that the days of wandering aimlessly through life without purpose will be long behind me. Tell me the sun will come out and light the darkness that imprisons my mind and cripples my soul. Tell me you see past my smile, and that one day it will be real.
Please, just tell me it's okay. Tell me because I don't believe myself. My once bright eyes have dimmed, and I'm struggling to swim. My arms have gotten heavy and my legs are numb. I'm in the middle of the ocean without a life jacket. The waves are crashing down on me without any breaks in between, and I fear I'll drown before I ever see the shore or the new horizons it will bring.
Beauty Witnessed
Fifty years of wedded bliss
Two as one, old and grey
A lifetime
Lessons learned
Triumphs, excitement
Wading through struggles
Children growing
An abundance
that only love can know
Who could think
that life would pass by
Coming to a close
Knowing one will wait for the other
A patience well learned
Two wrinkled hands
held for the last time
Not afraid to leave this world
but afraid for the one love
whom is left behind
Like she's said many times in this life
"Tell me it's okay."