Does It Still Hurt?
They always said falling out of love
Would be the hardest part
But they never said anything about driving past the local burger joint
Where we had our first date
Or the park where we used to sit and watch movies on my laptop
They didn't tell me about hearing your favorite song come on
And they never told me how I'd feel
Trying to fall asleep at night without hearing your breathing
Falling out of love was supposed to hurt the most
But nobody told me how much it hurt to be the only one left in love
The only one holding on
And the only one being taken advantage of
Letting go never hurt as much as holding on to something that could never be
Letting go was a relief
As if I was holding on to the very blade
That pressed into my skin
Tighter and tighter until I realized I was bleeding
You were the thorns on my rose
Thrust into my hands until I saw
That despite all its beauty
It still couldn't help but to hurt me
Falling out of love was a decision I made for myself
Because it hurts more knowing that my love was never enough
That there would always be a Someone Else
And a Someone New
No matter how many times you promised your soul to me
Falling out of love
Never hurt as much
As loving you
Actually did
Storm Chasers
Yeah it's me
You know the one you always ignore
never ever really thought about before
The one who you've hurt to the core because you care for others more
Yeah it's me
The last one standing
the one that's never demanding
always a breath of fresh air when compared to others
Why bother pointing out the obnoxious stares It's the attention you crave
How do they view me, the real me?
Is that me or am I just a reflection of them from within?
I didn't apply for this position but it's the one I've been enlisted.......IN
They told me this was a bargain otherwise I'd be subjected to the jargon of the norm
fuck the storm I was born to conquer waves a hundred feet high
Navigate the seas of life with strife and apprehension
I'm on a mission to separate, elevate and aggravate the naive
It's been planted in me like a seed
so I feel it like a need
I take shit to the extreme
like a drug dealer trying to get the most cream
Like Malcom we all "have a dream"
nightmares are also dreams
vivid stories of realty depicted in actuality not conformed by factuality
but just a dream
#poetry #challenges #prose #life #love
Painting Heartache
finding out your best was never good
enough and it hallows your gut and fills with
a tomorrow that tastes like dread as it
enters in against your will, now numb,
being beaten in the street for crimes
committed against yourself, bleeding clear
but they can see it with eyes full of pity
you never wanted. your strength walks
on feeble legs, shaking and falling down.
the color begins to fade from your dreams
and you become convinced that your fate
is a desolate path all the others will walk on
as they follow the map to bliss you etched
into your heart. the anguish feels like home.
you wrap your arms around the guilt
of wasting their time while you tried to matter.
Awakened from dream
By a storm last night
At peace with the rain
And the thunder's bite
My inner eye bright
In lightning's white light
My vision unmarred
By life's base deceptions
My mind unfettered
Blank slate at post inception
I see myself floating
Safe in my mother's womb
While the world rages
Like the weather
Outside my room
And yet I know peace
Wrapped in calm chrysalism
Yet to be touched
By the cut
Of poor decisions-
I am suspended
Within life's morn
Chaste in the eye
Of a living storm...
Daffodil Hair
kisses her
daffodil hair
fluff of the clouds
mirrors her cream face
her breasts are mounds
of rich earth, sowing my seed
of fertile need as I inhale her scent
of fresh grass. Red tulips open as I enter in
soft rain moistens and steams my ardor
I ascend to the top of tree of life
efflorescence builds in crescendo
blooming intensifies and flowers
prized petals of love
rest in my arms
bud embraces
my skin