on not being in love
you know how it feels to drive at night? how the
houses seem to change to shadows,
and, devoid of their daylight vibrance, they shift
in unfamilar circles around you?
think of all the places you've been. all the miles you've walked
filled with the sun, feeling one way
for one person all of the time, everywhere. and then
in the blink of an eye-- or, rather, over months of
distance and what your friends call growth,
it all begins to look different. but why?
you are lost in a crowd; you do not look for him
you are listening to music;; you feel far from him
you are writing;;; but not about him, now
you feel
less than
& then you choose to let the sun back in,
through a different window. or you
learn to conjure it within, all by yourself.
but you cannot shake the feeling that something has changed.
that without him, there is a piece of the puzzle
you lost along the way; a piece of yourself
eternally stuck between couch cushions
and impossible to find.
s o u r / b l u e be r r i e s
dear ex,
i know you don't care, but it hurts to call you that. it slits my throat, blood d r i p p i n g down my chin as the one -syllable word forces its arrival. i contort to the pain; i convulse to sight of blueberries at the store because they were your favorite. i was your favorite. what happened to that? fall-
was never my thing but you made me trip over the cracks slip between the rocks
of your abusive behavior, blaming me for everything but you had me so captivated
by your mystical eyes your enigmatic love your complicated history that i tripped & slipped over it all and before i realized it i was fall-
in love with someone who refused to kiss me because i didn't say yes to sex one night
in love with someone who forgot to love me because he was busy loving someone else
i fell in love with someone who treated me like i didn't matter even though he knew
that i already feel like i don't matter and all i wanted one day was a hug but i guess
you were too busy to love me i guess i wasn't worth your love i guess i'm not worth love
but i know that's not true because i know i deserve the sun&moon
you gave me the sun but forgot that it was burning me
you gave me the moon but forgot that it was blinding me
i don't know why i make excuses for you still like when i saw you kiss her
i just said "he must be drunk" as if that's a reason for your lips to be on anybody's
but mine i don't like being your ex because it reminds me that once i was your love
once i was your everything until you decided i wasn't worth it anymore
until you concluded i was only worth a sorry love of lies
i don't like being your ex because god,
i still miss you.
you burnt me and you blinded me and you hurt me. but i miss you because i hoped (hope) you would change maybe i would be worth that.
but clearly i was worth less than five-dollar blueberries because i still see you buy them in the store with a smile as if i wasn't the person who told you to try them.
loneliness sits in a chartreuse space, it
feigns happiness, its yellow-green brightness
weighs me down, I cannot hold it.
I rejoice in the dark red of alone
the nights to myself, oh the writing, the talking
out loud when no one can hear, but tonight
it folds in on itself, becomes a new color.
I cannot call it “mustard” or “dandelion”
for that implies it also has a shape, or a flavor,
when really it is nothing more than
years of empty heaviness and an impossibly ugly word:
chartreuse. I have begged for a comfortable gray,
but it does not hold comfort, holds only
all of the nights I wished that you were there
[with your sky blue shirt & worn black shoes] but
you weren’t. I’m afraid you never will be. not since
I’ve painted my house all the same shade of ambiguous yellow,
locked myself inside, told you to stop looking
for the chartreuse eyesore that sits just beyond
every neighborhood.
Though, it depends upon which
part, which section your lips
choose to caress first,
we dare not show the
entirety of ourselves at
once, we are a constantly
contradicting entity
Of the arms that hold
it is a sweeter taste,
one that exudes the
familial love between
blood and bond.
Of the legs it holds
a firmer, stout flavor
humming of the bark
that sheds from the
All-Mother's trees,
it is our love for this
world and beyond.
Of our head is a
sharp taste, akin to
our ability to think
and dream, we must
always be grateful for
our wit.
Though, that is not all
there is to a human soul,
each individual has its own
variation, a promise that
each of us are unique
and worthy of
While floating in this dreamless space
I discover that time is a multi-faceted beast
too fickle to hold the weight of my many dimensions
disappearing continuously, melting, solidifying,
creating an unrecognizable blur
I have promised to live unapologetically:
done my best to eliminate regrets
erased the most disgusting parts of my past
but in nights like these, what else is there to ponder over?
I want to put a solid image to this feeling,
to evaporate into the comforts of a metaphor.
but tonight there is nothing left but honesty; I have no poetry
left in me. tonight there is nothing but a singular fear:
that I will die without having ever lived;
that I will fall asleep without anything beautiful
to dream about.
Love Letters
the art of giving is
in the silent
unsuperfluous "k—"
that extra special
to the ever generous,
"now," like a kiss—
sound that seals
and makes acceptable
the entire gift,
in whole and in piece
addressed to the Who
that apprehends in thanks—
all there really is, to "no,"
with double jointed arms
that open, instead of fold...
like a partner, variable and
formulated as shown—
the too ambiguous other
character n...
in whose shoes to be candid
any figure can aptly stand
but then again...
there is only
and your mirror...
to receive in silence
"o!" the thing
yet immaterial—
the unenunciated
secret tied in black
satin ribbon...
We need more things.
OK, no prob
Let's build this bot
Let's turn this knob
A rush of industrialism my friend!
We'll make things faster
We'll progress, in the end
We need more hands
OK, no sweat
Let the labor force study
Let them wallow in debt
A surge of willing workers abound my friend!
We'll make things smarter
We'll progress, in the end
We need more power
OK, on it
Let's mine this field
Let's frack this $!@#
A bedrock of tappable energy my friend!
We'll make things harder
We'll progress, in the end
We need more supply
OK, right on
Let's drain this lake
Let's chop the Amazon
A motherlode of natural materials my friend!
We'll make things cheaper
We'll progress, in the end
We need more time
Uh-oh, too late
There's no more earth
To resuscitate
A graveyard of plastics await us my friend!
We'll make too many things
To progress, in the end
You're familiar on my way of greeting people, especially at school. So, yeah. Hi.
I won't be taking long, hopefully. But, I may be wrong.
I used to have dreams, with you in it. Almost every night when the tide's good, but when the tide's bad, you were somewhat always there. It's creepy, I know. But, I'm happy.
I used to told you my realistic dreams, especially those who gave me a chance to feel in love with someone; to feel like I belong.
I told you that all of them are vastly different people, but honestly, I was with you.
I don't expect anything from you, and I am not optimistic that you liked me back also. I was just.. I wanted to belong. You get what I mean, right?
I can only live in those dreams, and I thank you that you were the one.
I hope that you could find someone better than me. Out of all people, you were the one I never even hope and thought, that I could be with. Impossible, really.
Not because I don't like you or anything. In fact, I adore you so, so much. But, I can't. I won't let myself own you. Because, out of all the people in the world, I should be your last choice.
I hope you find someone you truly love and could give you as much happiness, as you have given me.
I truly hope that you can be happy. That's my wish.
Happy birthday.
To My Summer Fling
Thank you.
When you grabbed my arm and spun me around, cupping my face with your broad hands, I found out what passion was really like. Fire coursed through my body, and I realized that with him, I felt cold.
When you begged me to come back to you after I drove away, I knew what it felt like to yearn for someone again. I raced like the devil was on my heels just to feel your body on mine.
When you took me into that meadow after we snuck out and made me feel that burning again, I knew that I needed more than he could ever give. Thank you for caressing my body in a way that made every hair on the back of my head stand at attention.
When you made an excuse to come see me alone while I was napping, I understood how powerful desire could be with the right person. We were drunk on lust and short on time, and it was the most thrilling experience I had had for years.
When you broke my heart by pulling away and losing interest, I knew that I could never go back home to a loveless and faithless relationship. It hurt more than you would ever know, but I came to appreciate it.
Thank you for awakening in me something that I didn't realize I was missing. Because of you, I was reunited with the one my heart truly wanted. You led me into the arms of a man who wants me like you wanted me, but who loves me like you couldn't. I am forever grateful.
Formerly Yours,
The girl you didn't want enough to live in a yellow beach house with
P.S. Thanks for telling me about the beach with the wild horses. I think that he and I will go there someday.