Glass Chains of My Own Creation
Into my life fall heavy clouds of despair
bound with glass chains that make no noise.
Dingy basement on dark streets,
black boots in mud puddles splashing,
alone in my dreams of sweet release.
I do not see nor hear the dragging,
transparent chains of my own creation.
Key holder of locked chain dons mask
and hides furtively behind my back.
It dawns on me we are one and the same
as the closed chains of my mind veil me,
ethereal, suffocated by silence.
Chain bindings bite my ankles
jagged rocks beneath me invisible,
as I try to unlock chains of discord,
born of my own transgressions,
careless words in broken lines
pointing to a fractured destiny.
I rent asunder my bindings
realizing I have freedom of choice
as I fight the threatening links
radiating from desperate depths,
battle for growth and survival
and struggle upward toward light,
casting aside shadows of my mind.
To be or not to be?
To be rude to the man who cut in line
Who stands two feet in front of me
With an arrogant smile
Quite satisfied that he will get there
One minute before me
To be angry at the ignorance
Of the masses who don't know better
Who are willing to nominate a tyrant
Because they are being targeted
By those promising everything
But secretly know nothing
To be devastated by the violence
That is on our tv's
And is created by our dollars
At the movies and the taxes
That we pay
I choose not to be
Not to be the one
Perpetrating such ugliness
To fan the flames of retribution
And pour gasoline on those
So rotten from hate
For being rotten on the inside
Is its own punishment
Even if they won't
Consciously admit it
Wrath decays your heart
And late at night
They have to listen
To the voice that whispers
That their selfish motives
Will be the downfall of mankind
So, I choose not to be
Not to be anything like them
Otherwise I can't
Look my child in the eyes and know
The world I am creating for him
He Was Thinking
He was thinking
That lies came to his lips
Faster than they used to
And he wondered
At what moment
He became this way
He was thinking
That he used to listen
For birds out the window
Try to identify them
By their chirp
Now he only hears
The heater turning on
When he is staring at the wall
He was thinking
That it was all his thinking
That changed him
And he wondered
At what moment
He locked himself away
His smile never seemed
To touch his eyes
And so he went outside
And shut his eyes
And waited
For the next bird
To fly by
because you have her eyes
The next best thing to playing and winning is playing and losing
There's a coin toss in the distance. You've excused yourself to the hallway for phone calls I cant hear and I'm begging D.W through unending text to tell me NO.
But I looked at her. Helpless and alone. And you're so very God Damned close to it all and I'm dividing the pros and cons to who I save and who I destroy.
So I smoke a bowl and cut the line between you and her.
And put my defenses in check because you have her eyes and I am doomed to fail.
Weakness is in the soul and mine is Damned.