I miss you most
In the early morning hours
Because I know
Dawn is on her way, coming to taunt me
That another day is beginning without you
Dawn is reliable, but she hurts me the most
Midday is the friend that brings hope
Along with your notification sound
It never fails to make my heart leap
Midday keeps me going with his joy
Nightfall... she always shrugs,
my brusque, realist friend
Maybe tomorrow?
The longing will end?
Don't count on it-- Nightfall replies
Dawn will be here soon to wake you again
You suck.
There's a part in my heart,
a little, tiny, minuscule part that knows
people as pathetic as you
should rehabilitate,
abdicate your throne of entitled reputation.
You should.
With any hope in this world, you will.
I don't hope you burn in hell.
I want to watch you fall like a single, silent star
from your respectable constellation.
I want you to live as you are
and slowly, your irrevocable journey of hate,
and take and take and take,
I hope for no reprieve,
that you cling to your flimsy beliefs
and that a hundred teenager girls gather as an army
to the hatred of you.
I want you to live indoors, shackled by guilt.
I want rage to twist your smarmy face,
and for people to say;
"There goes the screw-up."
I hope you become healthy and old
and addled by your putrid goals,
and that the world passes on without a doubt to
How insignificant you are,
How unlovable you are,
And you die like that.
And if not,
I hope your phallus falls off.
It seems like a fitting punishment.
Bestial Thoughts
Reality disturbed
Sideshow reflections
Questions arise
Deep, breathing
Rhythmic heartbeat
Temperatures rise
Within the mirror
Did you see
Unwanted compromise
Were you shocked
Perhaps disgusted
Or felt otherwise
Disappointed conclusion
Unclean thoughts
Innocence demise
Dark omens
Growing madness
Evil will proselytize
By the lake
Nature was showing off that day. The sky was bluer than a Robin's egg with nary a cloud to mar it. The lake was a brilliant mirror of the sky, the sun, the trees whose leaves rustled softly in the warm breeze. Birdsong filled the air. The ground was soft and warm beneath her back.
The hands around her neck were not.
"Please, stop," she wheezed.
"No talking, " he responded.
"Please, I'm sorry..."
"Of course you are. Now. Too late," he said in a singsong-y voice at odds with his size. Well, and with his actions one might say.
He squeezed until she stopped moving.
Then he sat back against a tree and listened to the birdsong and watched the dragonflies flit across the lake.
The Peculiarities of an Emotional Life
Suffering whispers
from happiness
that elusive bitch
she teases
while issuing
promises of grandeur
hinting at
peace of mind
what absolute bullshit
happiness cannot
compete with
life itself
as it will
force feed you shit
expecting you
to ask for seconds.
In moments of silence
hope sneaks in
the weak-minded
while silently
pushing towards
the abyss
one step further
from the insanity
of life
into the void
and to the freedom
of death.
I Am
I am the moment you decide to crumble, instead of continue to shove it all down
I am the whirlwind that comes in, makes a mess of the whole environment, then disappears before you can admonish it
I am a stubborn crumb, hiding in your keyboard, screwing with the letter p, until you finally wise up and get the can of compressed air
I am the name on the tip of your tongue
I am the cache of socks lost from the dryer
I am the ripple in the potato chip
I am the burst setting on an M16
I am the pole
I am everything you think I am, but not at all the way you think
But mostly, and completely,
I am.
At midnight
At midnight
I cannot sleep
and thoughts run
and wild
and deep
and tears
I cannot keep
and death
to me
oh so sweet
as knife-like
tears through
my heart
and rips
and tears
my soul
and fills
the cracks
with angst
and woe
for actions
long ago
I ask
and pray
and beg
and plead
God hear
these words
of them
take heed:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray thee lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray thee Lord my soul to take --
which leads
to existential doubt
and many-layered
does God exist
or is He just
a figment
of imagination
does it even
really matter
if there is
a something after
if who we are
will never know
what really is
till we are dust
or ash
or mist
at one
with what
is infinite..
such are
the thoughts
my mind
does weave
at midnight
I cannot sleep.
Good Morning.
I have to say that.
No one wants to hear
That it's not.
No one wants to hear
That I woke-up at 4:30 a.m.
Got up and ready for work
Then got back in bed
Until 7:30 a.m.
Because I have depression
Lingering from yesterday
And it was too dark
My mind
And the streets
Though they are never
As dark
As country roads
But I made it to my desk
Still before everyone
But not early enough
To get the cobwebs
Out of my brain
Or my work self
Out of my back pocket
So here I am
Smiling and saying good morning
Bleeding words
All over the internet
We sat in the doctor's office. The doctor looked at us with a straight face and said,
"You have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."
"What?!" I said not knowing what the **** he was talking about.
"You have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." The doctor repeated.
"Is it serious?" I asked.
"It's incurable, you are going to die." the doctor continued obviously not knowing
what the term "Bedside manner" means.
"What!?" I said again.
"There's no cure. We will try to make you comfortable in the time you have remaining?" The doctor went on.
"What!?" I repeated completely in shock.
"You should probably get your affairs in order." the doctor said finally.
"How long do I have?" I begged.
"It's hard to say, maybe a decade or 2, Maybe less" The doctor answered.
"What!?" I responded.