are dreams memories
situations we can’t control
drooping eyelids
the difference between
time and space
between sheets and nostalgic reveries
do we dream about our lives
or alternate ones
a scattershot
of what we obsess about
are dreams memories
has this happened before
or is this deja vu
drunkenness or the moon’s
pull or maybe just a magical mystery tour
Abandoned Life
Rippling tide tickled in
Foaming cream embellished
frothing the creature
embraced within
curiosity piloted me
toward sodden shape
kissed by eddies
bathed by ocean tears
dusted with cinnamon sand
bedecked by sea creatures
flecks of sea worn shells
I extended my hand
to brush off the grains
recoiled in horror
threw caution to wind
excised the seaweed
sheltering her nose
pale lifeless eyes
resigned to fate
abandoning life
fearing its pursuit
too titanic to swim
through her misery
tide flowed out
taking the flotsam
the dregs of her life
leaving no traces.
I wondered with pain
if she had drowned
but my pith
sank with certainty
suicide with the tide.
#suicide #SoddenShape #Challenge #StrongPoem
Cosmicidal Fascination
Legs numb-boots hanging dumb
Dizzying elevation
Primordial isolation
Panoramic & glum...
My voice is cracking
Emotions straining when
As I down my last bottle
& draw my last toke...
Things arent what they're supposed to be
Social expectations still cling
All overly imposed on me...
Cascading kinetically-
Spiraling rapidly...
Pondering poetically-vividly my misery...
Glass-rock eyes absorb the glow
Of an electric skyline towering madness below...
In an endless second my soul is flaring
Whirlwinded devotion to free-falling motion
After hours flew by idle-vacantly staring...
Ass so cold from
The stoned-gothic parapet
Where my mind is
Frothing & freezing all of it...
'If you think you have issues
Then dude grab some tissues
Nobodie's problems
Scale greater than mine...'
If you feel
Or try & reveal
By layers you peal
In some futile appeal...
Before you go on
Just know man...
This is my moment in time
That no one can steal
My final act
Off stage & for real...
As I claw at the stress
I do so ironically confess:
'I'm talking to myself'
There ain't nobody left...
& there ain't much sense in
Comparing My hell...
A somber chuckle lightens some gravity
Of what lay below-beyond & in front of me
Look up-look down
It's all the same absurdity...
A savored & precious-
Deep labored breath
Where only I can press
The emptiness that I
So rigorously suppress...
Stubborn raging-ever caged in
Life abating-frustrating-hellbent
Fabric flapping-
Face slapping-
Neck snapping descent...
The good / The bad
The happy / The sad
I gave all that I had-
I'm spent...
Heap of mortality
Impacting concrete
Pooling puddle of peace
Afterlife complete...
Life & Her Art-
Death deepens Hearts-
Connected / Apart
Connected / Apart...
Deep Inside
My ever loving-looming Suicide...
Worldwide-nowhere to Hide-
Deicide totalling 'Cosmicide'...
Carefully crafted
& so delicately fabricated
Fom starving Spirits
Abdicated & Emaciated...
Thoughts & Fingers-creatively interlaced
Expressing Lines which are
So often hard to face...
A small push forward-
The Hero / The Coward-
Filthy rats race...
Envy this Object
Falling through Space...
talking to the “author”
So, I've heard that you're writing something new?
Uhm... - grumbles from the laptop.
Anything good...? - asks the friendly meddler.
Oh, yes. Very interesting, a lot of plot, action and romance/comedy and a lot of... - keeps talking, gesticulating wildly with her hands up in the air, her eyes still on the laptop, eyebrows furrowed as she tries to make a character do as he's told... and failing.
Facing definite rebellion as she writes.
That sounds great ! - unnecessary enthusiasm from the listener.
Sure, sure... - the sound of angry taping against the keyboard fills the room.
So how's it going to end ? - another question to interrupt the writing process.
Hmm... got absolutely no bloody idea... - click, click, click... tap, tap, tap on the laptop.
But aren't you the writer... the author of the story? If not you, then who, right? - The meddler sounds confused and dubious at the same time.
She finally looks up, her glasses reflecting the blue screen in front of her. She looks calmly and smiles for the first time this evening.
Oh, honey... I have no idea... I make this up as I go... didn't you know? - her smile turns darker and seductive somehow.
Why are you looking at me like that? - He asks nervously, loosening his up his tie.
No reason... just came up with a new character... a victim in a suit... perfect... now the rest of the story finally makes sense.
She looks one last time at him and starts to write again. A new lead to her story unraveling before her. Her characters filling up her head with new lines and a lot of snide comments.
The "author" taps away, the smile still on her lips.
Blind Faith
I stood in the dark, blind to the world around me. I tightened my grasp on the hand that was leading me. Scared of losing my way, I clung to it with desperation. For he alone, could see. I begged him to take the blindfold off. "It's not nessacary," I pleaded for the light of day. He responded with an air of annoyance, "trust me Cara." I had trusted him, in fact, I had trusted him with my heart, but this situation was new to both of us. He pulled me in front of him, so he could guide me through a narrow space. "Please, can you take it off?" I tried yet again, hoping for a different answer. "No, we don't have time," there was a hint of anger in his voice, "if you don't shut up, we'll get caught." I opened my mouth to object, but quickly shut it again. I could hear the voices of my kidnappers somewhere far off, and the smell of gunpowder was still strong in the air. I knew if I wanted out of here, I had to trust him. So I let him continue to guide me through the dark.
Some women's everything, is a gospel.
She has a ministry of a mouth,
Her eyes be the pews
The conversation be a scripture of truth
Be the twin verses of advice
Be the Quran of self correction.
Everything about her be God's work
Be Krishna's beatufiul fight
Praise be to Allah for her breathe and bones
For her in all her love
In all her sadness
In all her anger
In her immortal mortality
This much flawed holy
Has to be