Alternative Realities
The technology becomes available to view your life within parallel universes. What do you see?
There are multiple prizes available: Winner gets $5, runners-up $4, and honorable mentions $2. Any format.
Monthly Sci-Fi Challenge for April.
You're deep in dream after drinking something in a bar in a different country while stopping through on your way to your destination. In dream, you're riding shotgun with Deckard, for the enitrety of Blade Runner. You start to understand this is not just a dream, it's aimed at you for a reason, and you won't awake from it until you know why you're there. What's the message, and why? Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -Tell us about the things you've seen.
Monthly Sci-Fi Challenge for March.
There's something strange about your significant other lately... After living together for two years, you're noticing quirky, if not bizarre behavior, in speech patterns, love-making, humor... You're not a paranoid or distrusting person, but it's built up to where you quietly follow your person out the door and lag behind them on instinct. They round the corner, take a sharp left into an alley, and vanish, literally. You run to the alley, completely disbelieving this is real. As you place your hand into the threshold of the alley, it is a hand no more. You pull back, and it's just fine, still your hand. You have no choice but to follow your love into this place, wherever it leads, whatever it is that keeps them and lets them back in. Let us know what's there, but more importantly, why. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -Give us the tour and reason.
Girl Meets World
A show released on the Disney Channel on 2014(wow)-- much younger than I'd thought. Anyway, I'm sure plenty of people expected, perhaps desired, the story of an alien girl literally meeting the world. So, let's do that today.
Use one of two prompts.
1. Lucas is our alien, coming into the lives of two friends Riley and Maya from Texas under mysterious circumstances and certainly has an-- off feeling about him, nice as he is. In teaching Lucas how to blend Riley, Maya, and Farkle(conspiracy nut optional) experience and learn about the world in ways they'd never dared before.
2. More directly, Riley is an alien innocently curious and clueless of Earth that has transplanted herself into the lives of beloved Boy Meets World sweethearts Cory and Topenga. Modifying memories and the like but she hadn't had enough information on the friends Maya and Farkle.
Ended June 9, 2023 • 0 Entries • Created by DanPhantom123 in Sci-Fi
Take Me to Your Leader
You land on another planet, Earth-like. As your hatch opens and the ramp lowers to the ground, you exit slowly, cautiously. There is a crowd of humanoid beings, and you also notice that the flora and fauna are the same as Earth. You quickly realize that there is convergent evolution here. A selected representative ascends the ramp to meet you halfway. Your research has prepared you well, and you say in their language, "Take me to your leader." He holds out his hand and leads you to a field, past the crowds, and presents you to a [animal of your choice]. Amazingly, it can talk! It says in perfect English, "Hello, Earthman." Describe your conversation with this [your chosen animal]. Bonus for including quirky rhetoric peculiar to this animal
Ended May 31, 2023 • 0 Entries • Created by GerardDiLeo in Sci-Fi
Love Across the Stars
Write a short story or poem about a long-distance relationship across different planets or galaxies.
Ended February 28, 2023 • 13 Entries • Created by Harry_Situation in Sci-Fi
Weekly Challenge!
You’ve traveled back in time to the dawn of man, just to find a futuristic world of teleportation as travel, flying vehicles, and zero disease. But your job is to end the world, while you try to understand why it’s important.
The Science of Madness
Write about a mad scientist whose latest experiment either goes horribly right or horribly wrong (depending on how the scientist sees it).
Ended October 28, 2022 • 5 Entries • Created by Harry_Situation in Sci-Fi
Sci-Fi Story outlines
Create your own outline for a sci-fi you have, it doesn't matter what it's about to give it some characters, a place, and set the scene, get your ideas out. Challenge part: try using real-world mythology without ever mentioning earth.
The Multiverse
With Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness arriving in theaters, write a short story about travelling and exploring the Multiverse.
Ended May 31, 2022 • 1 Entry • Created by Harry_Situation in Sci-Fi
Angst Story Starters
Hello! If you wish to participate in this challenge, you will have to write the first chapter of an Angst story that you wrote yourself. There is no limit to how long the chapter must be, but it must not be shorter than 500 words.
Ended January 27, 2022 • 1 Entry • Created by AlexiaGarcia in Sci-Fi
Angst Story Starters
Hello! If you wish to participate in this challenge, you will have to write the first chapter of an Angst story that you wrote yourself. There is no limit to how long the chapter must be, but it must not be shorter than 500 words.
Ended January 27, 2022 • 0 Entries • Created by AlexiaGarcia in Sci-Fi
Body Horror
Write a bone-chilling story involving body horror. Give me something grotesque and disgusting.
Ended November 1, 2021 • 1 Entry • Created by Harry_Situation in Sci-Fi
does anyone here like star wars?
I've recently become a little obsessed with the Star Wars universe. I'd love to hear about everyone's favorite characters, favorite plotlines, hot takes and more (please don't spoil for TCW/Rebels because I've just started it but everything else is fair game. I haven't seen the sequels but don't really plan on watching them).
Ended March 8, 2021 • 7 Entries • Created by shaynabryer in Sci-Fi
History Shows...
Earth reached full ecological collapse, humanity fled out into the galaxy and has settled in on anther planet. The collapse, turmoil and flight away is now taught to children as history. Write one of these histories, either textbook style, or more personal. Tag me in your post :)
Ended February 6, 2021 • 0 Entries • Created by KathrynMcgahan in Sci-Fi