living arrangements
bossy / adjective
fond of giving people orders; domineering.
I open my eyes as the faint light of the sun pours into the room and creeps under my eyelids finally waking me up. I hear the sounds of some TV show through the walls and roll over to my other side. My brain works on slow motion and the snooze button has already been pressed twice. I moan and sink under the covers. The afternoon shift - I think and after moment start to get up; slowing moving to a sitting position and rubbing my eyes. Yesterday was exhausting; I left the hospital around four in the morning, even though I was supposed to be done with my shift after midnight - so by the time I got out of the building, my eyes were barely staying open. Which wasn’t anything new in my profession, but this time it just hit me harder somehow. It was probably a good thing that Nora didn’t show up, I don’t know if I could have found even five minutes to spare. My thoughts start to wander off to her and just like on autopilot I begin to worry. In all the commotion of last night, I forgot to mention that I wouldn’t even be at work before noon. I stare numbly at the clock on the nightstand, it ruthlessly reads 9:58 a.m.
I had to hurry.
I drag myself out of bed and go to wash up, the whole thing takes me just ten minutes and now I am already standing in the kitchen. All dressed, eating a quick sandwich and drinking some cold, stale coffee. The sound of the news playing on TV finally breaks through my muzzled-up thoughts. I stretch my neck to the left and notice Robert snoring on the sofa. I only see his big feet sticking out of the side but then again, who else would it be. I check my watch - 10:28. Late.
Rob, you’re going to be late for your classes.
I shout out and hear a single, but a more distinctive snore.
What, where? Oh, hey bro. What’s happening?
The fact that it’s close to noon and you’re already late. And I will be late as well if I don’t get out in the next 10 minutes.
I look out the little window in the kitchen and stare at the darkening sky. Yes, nothing better to lift your mood than a little gloom and melancholy in the air. I rub my eyes again and finish the last of my coffee. I look up and see my brother stroll casually to the kitchen with just his boxers on.
Any more left for me in there? - He points to the nearly empty glass jug.
Sure, if you suddenly turn into a leprechaun*, then you should be fine.
Yeah, I was just about to spread some fairy dust on you. Why the mood, brother? Loosen up a bit, live a little.
I will live a little when you finish college and get a job as a decent vet. That’s when I will loosen up.
Robert lifts his hands up in surrender and then drinks the black tar straight from the jug. His face scrunches up and he shivers.
Yeah, that hit the spot... but seriously, what’s up?
I get up and look for the keys. I send him a long look but then just shrug.
A long night; feels like I’m still sleeping. Maybe try and catch me in a better mood again tomorrow?
I walk up to the door and put a hand on the knob.
Are you sure it’s not about that girl you have been seeing and working overtime for? - I turn around.
No, and mind your own business.
Easy, was just making small talk... and by the way, I don’t have the afternoon classes today, professor Walsh is on some kind of seminary in Seattle today.
I watch my brother as he gives me a self-satisfied smile and opens the fridge, looking around. Still just in boxers, scratching his side. I shake my head and just walk out. Why I even bothered a conversation with him, was a mystery to me. Should have never mentioned that I was helping a friend out when he asked why I wasn’t around as much at the flat. Ever since, he started to watch me like a hawk, waiting for a chance to joke at my expense. If he wasn’t careful, he might be turning into the next nurse Cormeum. I shiver at the thought and stumble out - I lived on the second floor so at least I didn’t have tons of stairs to pass each day. Honestly, I had enough of running around at the hospital to last me a lifetime.
I go to the bus stop and check my phone; three unanswered phone calls from the same number and two texts. I read the first one. “I am here, and you are not. Very unprofessional Mr. Evans”. And then the second one that states, “Do you think if I break through a wall, some time portal will get me to you?” I snort out but then start to get worried again. She must have been really desperate to call me first and send texts. I wait nervously for the bus and twenty minutes later I am walking past the hallways. I find her next to the reception in the waiting room, sitting on one of the plastic chairs; arms crossed, body tense. She looks up and sighs with relief. I can almost see her jaw unclench.
Hard night?
Mmm, I have more complains about this morning.
I told you to come in yesterday.
And I didn’t listen, go figure.
She snaps, her breathing very irregular. I look at the sweat drops on her forehead and how her hands tremble before she puts them in the pocket of her pants. I notice that she is wearing black clothes, top to bottom. Her hair hangs loosely and covers her face when she moves forward. I frown.
Come on, let’s go to the library. We will have some peace and quiet there.
She nods her head and follows behind me. I walk in and there is just a teenage girl there watching a little boy around eight, while he works on his puzzle pieces that cover the entire table. The girl seems bored but tries not to show it too much. I ignore them and walk up to one of the bookcases. I look back and watch Eleonore gazing at the girl with focus, even though she must be in a lot of pain. I clear my throat and she jumps, startled. She moves my way and lets me hold her wrist, body shivering and cheeks flushed as if she had a fever. I look at her face and one of her eyelids is twitching, and it’s obvious that she’s hurting - but then her features start to relax, the lines on her face disappearing. It takes longer than before. Finally, I loosen the grip and move away even though something in me says to not let go, never. I straighten my back.
She crosses her arms once more but nods this time. Her breath calms down, the colors on her face returning to normal. I watch this with amazement. How could someone’s health get so much worse and then just get better in such a short time? I had no answers to my questions.
Yeah, better. Thanks.
I look surprised as she walks up to the girl, still a bit hazy and says something to her. I watch as the girl’s confused face turns to boredom again. She nods and shrugs, her attention falls back to the boy. Nora walks out and I follow after her.
Hey, wait. What was that about?
I speed up and grab her shoulder. She looks up at me and sighs.
I just have her book, that’s all. I said I will keep it for a while.
Her book?
Yes, don’t look so shocked. I do read sometimes; I am not some Neanderthal. From what I hear, they weren’t really big fans of Jane Eyre or the lovely miss Austin for that matter.
Very funny.
I walk behind her until we are back at the reception. She walks up to nurse Cormeum and smiles at her. They start to catch up. How those two became best of friends still remains unclear. My stare must be focused on her back really intensely because she turns around.
Charlie, don’t fuss. It was just a book. The girl was done with it, so I took it for now. It’s hospital property and I respect that v e r y d e e p l y.
She stretches out the last two words. I look at Susan which tries to hold back a giggle. What was even going on around here these days?
Charlie, there is no bigger secret here. It just seemed that Morgan likes that book very much, so I thought I would let her know I was keeping it for a little while. That was all.
And you know her name how?
Because I am not a savage. I thought we had that covered. Are you ready to let it go?
Yes, I am. And now I must change my clothes and get to work - before someone fires my sorry ass.
I walk off and hear more laughs from behind me. I try to ignore it. Those two were dangerous together. All they needed now was to start a carrier in the show business or take over the world, whichever happened first. I look down at my watch. 11:32. Just great, and I still had check-in for the mandatory staff meeting and listen to the updates from last night. Then see how my regular patients were and all the new admissions for today. This is without even including all the medical notes I had to go through. I close my eyes for a moment. Just a day like any other, get on moving. I speed on down hallway but before I can get anywhere someone stops me.
Were the CT scans done for Mrs. Riley like I ordered yesterday, Mr. Evans?
Yes, they were done after two in the morning.
Then why don’t I have the results yet?
They should be on your desk, doctor.
Well, they are not. Can you look into that as soon as you get changed?
Of course.
Good. And later check on the patient, Clare Wilson.
The patient with the chronical depression, weight loss, and general apathy?
Yes, seems that her state has slightly improved and I want to know her current vitals to do further tests.
I watch him quickly step away before I can even answer; his glasses high on his nose, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes scanning new patient files. I look at his tall frame and dark messy hair with grey on the sides, as he disappears into his office - then finally I snap out of my daze. I needed another coffee to wake up before my afternoon rounds. Then I should be fine.
But things don’t go the way I planned and after about nine hours, I arrange with Stephanie, my supervisor, to have a shorter shift because I wasn’t feeling very well after last night, and promise to take extra hours next week and fill in for Maggie - a different nurse at the hospital. I sign in for Friday and head to the changing room for my phone. I rub my temples and frown again. I might have caught something and didn’t want it to affect my patients; I didn’t want to make any mistakes. Thankfully Stephanie was a decent woman, just in her early thirties but with a head on her shoulders and some common sense. That, plus enough of sense of humor to keep her sane in this place. Which I couldn’t have said about everyone here. She was one of the youngest nurse leaders in our hospital, where the average age on her unit was about 48. She had a lot of enthusiasm for her work and the willingness to listen and learn. That’s probably what got her the job, though there were a lot of voices against it.
I think of someone else that also hears voices and get my phone out of the bag. I dial and wait for a long moment. Finally, she picks up.
Are you at home?
Ehm, no. I’m actually back at the hospital.
To see you?
Is that a question or a statement? Anyway, you already saw me today... are you feeling worse again?
Chill Charlie, I was just bored and came back in for a little gossip.
I try not to moan into the receiver. This was the second time today that someone told me to “chill”. Was I really such a nag and a boring person to be around?
I hear you overthinking.
I snap out of my dark thoughts.
Excuse me?
You’re overthinking. I can sense it.
So not only are you an empath but also read minds?
The same thing if you ask me. Equally annoying. But beyond the point. Why are you calling; to check up on me?
No. I’m finishing up early today and was wondering if you wanted a bite to eat.
See? This is the argument you should have started with it. It would have made the whole process much easier.
Amusing as always. So, what’s the answer?
Food is like music to me. I like the sound of it... but, yeah. I’m all for it. I’ll be waiting by the entrance in 20 minutes. Does that work?
Yes, works just fine.
She hangs up before I can ask why she needs 20 minutes to get here. I shrug and put on some normal clothes that aren’t scrubs and don’t make me feel like I’m wearing sheets from someone else’s bed. I smile - I didn’t really mind, I was just feeling very off today and needed some rest. Soon I walk out and head for the entrance; she’s there waiting for me. Something about the look on her face makes me think she was keeping herself busy today, and probably wouldn’t share any of it unless I pushed on it - or maybe not even then. She sees me and her expression turns determined.
Yes, I just need to...
I say and look into my bag for something.
So where do you live anyway? I want to see your apartment. Let’s go.
She pulls my hand and drags me outside. I stumble and almost fall down on my face.
Why the sudden curiosity in my living arrangements?
I ask surprised by her eagerness. She wasn’t normally so pushy. Well, only when she was kicking me out.
I need to know where you live for future needs.
Future needs?
She lets go of me and sighs, looking tired now.
My other comfort pillows were less talkative... But jokes aside, Charlie. I need to know where to find you if something went wrong and I couldn’t contact you, alright?
I nod slowly.
Besides, today is as good as any other day, so let’s just get it over with. Unless you have something to hide; some skeletons in the closet? Dirty and steamy secrets? A bathroom in the living room? A table instead of a bed... or do you eat from your belly button because you don’t even have a table?
You know, that no place could be worse than yours, right?
She punches me in the shoulder but doesn’t use much force.
Come on, Mr. Evans. Invite me over and show a girl a good time.
Somehow the remark makes me tense but then I just shrug it off. Eleonore always meant something else than she said. I was used to it, even if often her words surprised me. She was like a closed book that I could only get glimpses of.
I open the door to my place and let her in. She walks in without hesitation, takes off her jacket and automatically heads for the kitchen. She leaves it there on one of the chairs and heads for the bathroom. I look amazed at her. How did she know her way around so well? She turns back to me for a moment, gazes at my place and then back at me.
Nice apartment. Clean and organized. Though not perfect and thank the lord for that. I will be back soon, leave the jacket where it is and maybe offer it something to drink. It looks thirsty.
Oh, I see. Tea?
No, orange juice. I hear that I need vitamin C in my system.
And who tells you that, if I might ask?
My nurse friends, apparently, they come as a package deal with you.
She disappears in the hallway, but before I can even reach the fridge, I hear groans coming from the bathroom, so I walk over there, alarmed. I see her looking at the mirror in frustration.
What’s wrong? Are you okay?
No. I look like a mess. Why did you even let me walk out in broad daylight?
First of all, it’s already dark outside.
She sends me a dirty look. I ignore it.
Second, you look fine.
Zombie fine or tax collector fine?
Neither. You’re just a bit tired.
That’s a pretty word to use in this situation. Mind if I wash up a bit?
Be my guest.
She returns after some time and sits down on a bar stool in the kitchen. I watch as she rolls up the sleeves of her sweater, puts her hair behind her so it falls like a curtain on her back, and moves the sides behind her ears. She runs her fingers through the hair and smooths out her clothes. She gives me a funny look and picks up her glass - she drinks half of it before I can even blink; then her stare returns to me.
This will have to do. As close as I can get to becoming a human being. Did you enjoy the show?
Yes, it was fascinating. Like watching a big black cat cleaning up.
Charlie, I am a guest at your house, so I am not going to hurt you, and make sure you and the end of my heavy boot won’t get too familiar.
Remind me what you said before about not being a savage?
And I hold my ground on that.
Oh, Eleonore, you are a real classy lady.
Why thank you, you’re too kind. Now, do you serve any food in this joint?
There might be something...
I don’t finish the sentence because I hear the lock in the door move. We both go silent and watch as the door opens and my brother walks in, not a care in the world. And he is
not alone.
*leprechaun /noun
(in Irish folklore) a small, mischievous sprite.
Last 3 chapters
next chapter :
































