The weary days pass!
A myriad of thoughts
-None spoken!
Yet, the evening's mine
For each night
Here I traverse
To take delight
Of my silent voice.
To not hear
Disturbing utterances
Which bother my
Ears and thoughts!
To make
No meaningless noise.
And to dwell
In this world of yours! Where you-
Word-lovers live;
A home, a place
To store one's feelings;
A place with
Endless hope to give.
To be heard,
And to be valued!
For we shall leave
Something behind.
If not our lively bodies,
A tiny, little piece
Of our beautiful mind!
She of the Sky
More ethereal than the moment before the sun rises
The cumulus embrace you, raise you
Hair a soft halo
Around your luminous face
My center, my keystone
The dewy spider web
Strong despite (because?) of your beauty
The balmy heat of your breath
Caresses my ear
Torturous silence in the wake of you
Oh how I long to speak of your weather
My almost hurricane
Weather Forecast - Threatening Storms
Talking about the weather with you, alone
is better than you not saying a word to me
you talk to the butcher, the gas station clerk
but not a word to me- what is wrong?
your lips remain sealed no matter my pleading
I know I got angry, threw you against the wall
but you came home late without letting me know
dinner wasn’t ready when I arrived at six
You know I like it on the table when I walk in the door
And I don’t like cauliflower as you damned well know
You wouldn’t have served it if you cared about me
And now you’re not talking to me at all
Your eyes stare glassy, you’re holding your breath
It’s all your fault, you made me do it, you bitch
I’m getting angry again but your body remains still
If it mattered to you, you’d talk to me once more
now I sit, alone, talking about weather with no one.
Drip. Drip.
"It's raining." I remarked.
Always, silence.
The grass was damp beneath my shoes. I could feel the moisture soaking in through my soles. I didn't find that I cared.
My umbrella was deflecting most of the rain, but it was tilted back so I could see you in front of me. The water ran down my face.
I suppose it's poetic, this moment. Fresh water from the heavens mingling with my own salt tears.
"It's always raining." I said.
You said nothing.
"I thought of bringing you flowers, but they would've gotten soaked on the way here."
The rain fell. The clouds moaned, the wind screamed.
You slept in your grave.
As always.
The Secret
It began with anticipation and butterflies flickering within.
Embers of hope sparked. Shone off like fireflies in the dark.
The ever compassing romantic unfurled from her slumber, dreaming of softness and silk.
Of rich foods enjoyed by gleaming eyes. Of walks in old places. The memory of dark spaces .
The by and by of days gone by, startled touch, and moody scenes.
Chocolate kisses, blossoms, & giddiness...lovers sigh.
Le Moqueur
Those secret seafoam places that drip and
part in lovers' waves,
that's where she broke the bones.
The pelicans dance in midnight oils
to kiss the burn away,
And swells roll in their shade.
Hidden in-between cracks where tongue
meets haunted oblivion,
her spell is burnt in another's lips.
And when Poseidon calls to him that
nymph of gilded steel,
she melts away in clouds of cosmic
Slips and shards of coloured silk.
She is mine,
And in her there is a destiny encased
In eternal cloud and flame. It glints
heavy against the pane
Of tiny glass that holds us close together.
Et ainsi, le moqueur chante.
Let's kick the chair out from under.
We'll hope for a quick drop,
Married with a sudden stop.
Tie my hands behind my back.
Pull that noose in tight,
We can't afford any slack.
You've been in control.
The man you love,
Is the product of the heart you mold.
But I got this feeling,
That your feet are growing cold.
That you've got no end all goal.
I'll take to the stage.
I'll present to you my last words.
Get ready to turn the page.
Because I got this feeling,
That we ran out of luck.
That no matter what I say to you,
You'll treat us like we're fucked.
So when it's all said and done,
You won't be the one in harms way.
You'll walk out with face covered,
While my body hangs on display.
And I got this feeling,
You never intended to stay.
Can you blame me for feeling hurt?
Your words spoke with a sweetness to it.
Now I'm the one being lowered into the dirt.
Yet it's your innocence you struggle to assert.
And I got this feeling,
Your future isn't all that appealing.
Know before you kick that chair out from under.
There's still time love.
Time to reconsider.
My heart was never up for auction.
You were always going to be the highest bidder.
I'll love you until the day I die.
I can see you struggle not to cry.
There's still time love.
Time to reconsi—