The Colors Just Don’t Mix
When we met,
I was a calm, light blue
mixed with dashes of royal purple
and flecks of bright green.
You were a deep, passionate red
dark red on the outside,
but on the inside I saw your horizon of bright red,
with hues of orange and sparks of yellow.
I saw your passion and desire to eat the world
that I wanted to follow you wherever you went.
Little did I know that your fire was all-consuming.
I thought that my water-like presence would tame your rampant fires,
but you saw it as quenching.
As we touched we created steam,
but you were afraid.
You thought that I would turn you into dull brown and dark grey,
ashes of what you once were.
As we struggled, we didn't realize that we were destroying one another.
My cool against your heat.
Slowly but surely,
we both sank
becoming a dark
1. light blue
2. royal purple
3. bright green
4. deep red
5. bright red
6. orange
7. yellow
8. dull brown
9. dark grey
10. black
I feel it in my fingertips
the rage
it is beginning to boil but i must not let it win.
The words ripple against my heart, echoing into my brain.
But I keep calm and carry on.
I feel it in my forearms, reaching up to my elbows
the pain
I smile and cross my arms, saying "it's fine"
I keep calm and carry on
but the echo
the echo
I feel it in my toes, in my knees, my hips
the fury
A thousands things I could say as I bite my tongue
we passed this conversation long ago but it keeps coming back
the echoes keep pursuing as i can feel my entire body tingling
but not my heart yet
it is locked in it's own cage separate from emotions
no matter how much the fury, the rage, the anger, the hurt, the sadness, the pain bangs bangs bangs on my heart, I must remain stronger
I must remain humble
I must remain in control
I know that if I keep control then no one can get hurt
no one will suffer
but it keeps coming back
the conversation
bang bang BANG
cages can't stay locked forever
Swallowed Up
I fade into background,
little drops of molten ash,
timid roots tunneling
in tangled webs
trapping my feet.
I feel red ants
crawling in my lungs.
Flawed words tumble
into my belly,
to let my panic
wrapped in feelings
of being born
upside down.
Hidden between walls
I shrink
into black ocean
of shyness.