Pattern of the universe it exists
To be honest this is truth. There is many mes in this universe. There are many yous. The pattern of the universe within the Milky Way galaxy allows for no chaos. We all are part of the system of things. Meaning we all live on in parallel realities whether you believe me or not. Honesty is that there is no chaos. There is only the wheel of time in which you are part of a pattern of things.
He*ArT*Br*EaK H-o-T_eL
petaled hearts
cracked bottles
lost dawns
sleepless nights
strangers doors unlocked
hallaway light left on
creeping across the wall
tossed sheets
thrown tables
broken windows
baseless words
violent violets
vulgar vixens
yellowed eyed yarn tossled blonds
young youths hungover
popped pills
pyschedlic panises
crayola colored drugs
romeo to be or not to be
raging rage
crowbar cracked logic
crazy crackheads sniffting the same powder
wailing water works drowning the floorboards
wasted wages on dusty forevers
aging almosts
abused angels
cotton filled stomachs
trying to stop the blood from the gunshot
that grazed the heart on the 2nd floor
another sip
guzzling giggles
loose lips sink ships
liqiour late nights at the bar
mouth agape kissing the lips of strangers
to taste anything
touching the tangibleness of this pain
that could shatter the weakness of the amor that I let through my armor
untied the shoe strings
and set them on the welcome mat
the heart got too comfortable in the chest of another
tatterd seat cushions
chipped tables
cum stained toilet seats
used condoms thrown in the trash can
broken showers
stolen whispers
teared up tears
dagger through the ribcage
long drawn out cries
craddled in the crib
like a baby
holding your own arms
around that tiny soul
pull your own skin apart
to keep yourself warm
in the discomforting
of loneilness
dead roses
wrapped with an obiturary of love that was buried by the last person who stayed in this bed
used cigars
tilted to the mouth to taste the human left upon the edges of it
glass doves
half-eaten choclates
thongs layed across the tub
bent bra wires
champagne bottle
tilted to the side
red lipstick lingerd on the lips of a liar
cheaters covet
he stained with the words I love you
planted it on another bitch
maybe he was the salt she needed
and maybe it is ink that stained him
that made him stay
real tears melt plastic
true love
ain’t true
if isn’t filled with lies
veins filled with novacine
skin sweating morphine
wrist grazed with slits
cursive letters curved
my finger
like band
with words
of a lost forever
blue eyed boys
cause the blues
brown eyed boys
drag you to the grave
midnight curls
make you curse
your existence
brown haired boys
write poetry
break your heart
using the alphabet
you don’t have to cross over the ocean
to experince shipwreck
of the soul
dolly parton pink sheets
and babydoll nightgowns
mascara stained bedding
used tissues
lovers leftovers
black and white reruns
replaying the same scenes
the lines used from
your last lover
he was the cancer
that was spreading through your body
he was the pisces , that swam through your ocean
he was the leo , that devored your heart and left you hanging from your veins
the zodiac warned you about being a smart alec
crossing stars
with the devil
kissing the lips dusted in star dusts
red lips bleed blood when applied with pressure , see I asked for the truth but its funny all that came out of her mouth was lies,
she was weak in the heart
she rather sip on cough syrup to ease her guilty consicence
friends don’t slip sugar packets in a bowl of vinegar and try to pass it off as sugar water
see they forget
good liars don’t trip up on their own lies
see you thought I wouldn’t find out how dear sweet f , never mind lets not name drop.
you said
“lets not push each others for our own cause”
but really whats your cause
to strip him down and feed him
ambrosia laced with LSD
see you put theories in is head
about me that wasn’t there
see you have the voice of KAA ( jungle book reference the snake )
but you had the face of medusa
its funny the tricks beauty plays on you
karma lived here
she had the hips of sin
eyes of an demon
and her lover was revenge
Welcome to heartbreak Hotel
leave your heart at home
#they lies we tell in the midnight , all come to light in the morning #new year #exposed
Move on
He chose the desert over the city. He was chased out by the things the city had to offer. He was tired of the traffic, the job with its 24/7 of stress, He was tired of meetings and kissing ass, or avoiding coworkers who either wanted to kiss his, or to bitch.
His choice for the desert began as a germ, like a pollen grain fertilizing an ovary, deep in a plant. It developed on a tiny level and grew until it could not be contained by its surroundings and burst into swelling of fruit.
The fruit in his case spilled full on his office desk in the form of various species of cacti. Soon his preoccupation for the succulent plants so overran the surface of his desktop that his colleagues kidded whether he shouldn't have applied for the job of drought landscaper. His boss wasn't so gracious.
“Hate to break it to you on your evaluation here, Jeff, but you've wasted valuable time, the company's, yours and mine. Those blueprints for the Carter high rise have stagnated on your end. You've cost us millions. You hedged and daydreamed promises with errors in your work. I've been patient, known you personally many years, put up with your increasing ineptitude, . . .
“No need to go on. I know it would come to this. My apologies for dragging you through this moment. I appreciate your patience. Sorry about the money loss. You've got my vested earnings, all my stocks, they'll flow back into the firm. I'll see to it. All I need is time to load my stuff and I'll be out.”
“What's with the botany, Jeff? Why the plants, the cactus. Does it represent some kind of symbolic struggle you're going through? If you need . . . . "
“Help? No Max, the only help I need is your blessing. I don't want to leave on any more bad terms. I'm not meant to hang around any longer. I don't need a Dr. Phil. Shouldn't have let it come to this.
“Okay, been good while it lasted, Jeff. Good luck on whatever new career you're chasing.”
"Not chasing anything, Max. Just tired of the rat race. I need to get out into the outside, reconnect with Nature."
"Why don't you take a sabbatical. Get your head together. The Firm will pay for it. It's part of your benefits package. Hate to lose you Jeff."
"Appreciate your kindness, but my mind's made up. I'll let you know where I end up. Our friendship's worth that."
"You do that."
Max reached out to shake his hand. Jeff took it and shook. He grabbed his last load of personals and put them on the dolly. "See you Max."
Jeff gripped the Jeep's steering wheel and cried. His tears fell on his Levis. "The hardest thing is gonna be leaving town without saying goodbye to my kids. My wife, not so hard, but still hard. Yeah, I know we've had hard times, but I still love her deep inside. I guess I am a chicken shit for this, but it'll be easier for everybody."
He hit the ignition and jammed the vehicle into drive and drove out of the Firm's parking lot. He could smell his things in the back. He drove to the Wilmington Exit and merged onto the ramp heading for Interstate 10, Taos, New Mexico.
It was 1:00 a.m. He started tossing expletives out the window. With each curse he felt the weight lift correspondingly. By the time he reached the plateaus of the desert's marginal boundaries, he felt like a saint. He had purged the dross from his inner being as it were by smelting his innards with outburst of the angst.
"First thing I'll do when I get to my new digs is build me a greenhouse. It'll protect my succulents from the cold of the desert air. Second thing I'll do is build an underground bunker. It'll protect me from the elements."
I am not brave.
I will cower to your gods and I will bend to your laws.
I can't resist to do what I am told to do.
I am slowly eroding.
I'm too slow for time.
Every change -
I feel it.
Did you feel that?
I need it to be over with.
Time isn't kind to anyone.
And you will feel it with every second.
Sweet Recollections
Tea time, just my mom and me…
memories so sweet and dear,
knowing I was her first choice;
still her voice is crystal clear.
Some of my favorite hours.
fresh cut flowers in a vase,
aroma drifting after,
her bright laughter giving chase.
Drinks poured from a silver pot,
piping hot, a cup of tea;
made better than the others
my mother’s best, just for me.
Subtle taste of chamomile,
love revealed in Earl Grey.
My sweet tooth she would appease
“Two lumps please,” I’d smile and say.
Sweet drinks still can take me back,
down the track toward yesterday.
It’s been years we’ve been apart;
in my heart, she’ll always stay
© 2017 - dustygrein
*** This form is another old Welsh creation, the awdl gywydd. Not an easy form to work in, but its syllabic nature and cross linked rhymes make it powerful.
Such sweet supposition. My elegant uprise has sparked. Firing, and falling at will. All beginning within this. Within me, and my every last delinquent thought. Embedded, and engraved with my cosmically structured chaos. All that recklessly bound perfection. I've never felt my own life more. So, I keep onward through the pain. Through the miscalculation. Through the chemical imbalanced curse. I swerve through them all. One right after the next, all while regretting each investment that I make in their favor. Too much given. Too much taken. Too much lost. All in the name of nothing. I have to divide my devastation from my own compassion. Trusting that it won't always be this way. That someday I'll reach my own limitation. That i will find it's loophole, and push my way through it's boundries. With flying colors, and an impeccable acceptance that I'll invent all on my own. It just has to be enough. Enough to keep me. To keep me going. To keep me gone. To keep me ready for that ending that I inevitably await. Because I knew better. I knew the fiction of infinity. I knew that nothing gold could ever last. and that's alright. That's okay just as long as my life catches fire. Just as long as my death takes me home. I have to forgive. I have to forgive. I have to forgive them for their faults. I have to forgive myself for my sins. I have to breathe now. This life within me. It must live.. Cause no matter what, I need them to know. I need him to know. Above all, I need to know. So for now, I'll let it be enough. For now, I'll rest easy. I won't forget even a single second. I will enjoy it. I will revel in it. I will feel it all. Every last inch. Because this is all that's left. This is all that I have..
And I will make sure it is as divine as my fate will allow.
Corsets and wide hips
There is infatuation and obsession
And I am clearly obsessed with
everything you do
when you wear your
Corsets with your wide hips
There is no relief for these burning eyes
when the image appears before me
of laced panels and sheer stockings
that go with your garters
and your hips that knock me
to my knees
I wish there were a cure to this obsession
this malady of erotica, for you are my Venus
and I would dare touch your devine
shape as your bend your legs before me
just to touch your thighs
and taste the essence of your beauty
When I die from your touch
I beg you to lay your lips upon mine
and let me touch your face so I
can gaze upon it for eternity
and languish in the land
of your corsets and wide hips
Cotton Candy, Vanity & Pre-Eternal Rest
“Wise people die,
so do stupid fools.”
Whoever made that stark remark
must have been un-cool.
Mebbe it was Soc-ra-tes,
Homer or van Gogh,
Freud or Jung, Kim Jong-un;
Curly, Larry, Moe.
Proverbs & philosophers
rarely rule the day.
Perhaps we should (bad or good)
consider what they say.
Toothpicks are for cleaning teeth;
brushes brush our hair.
Sponges clean our bodies up,
scrubbing here & there.
So listen to my wizened words,
eat them if you can.
Chew them through (old & new).
Squeeze them with your hands.
For never has a dead man
touched love or hate or squirrels—
What’s gone is gone, what’s done is done,
all around the world.
Prudent people always die,
sometimes driving vans—
So live your life with zing & zeal,
Enjoy it while you can.