"Where are we?" I asked groggily as Colt shook me awake.
"I have no clue," he said. "Looks like we're in some sort of cell."
"Go figure Genius," I muttered.
"Why thank you," he said in a voice that sounded mad.
"It wasn't a compliment," I said.
"I recognize this place," He said. He ran his hand over the walls and then pulled sharply away.
"Really?" I ran my hand over the wall too but didn't pull back. I left my hand there, letting my hand feel the wall. A vision passed before my eyes. Slower. I thought. The vision went slower and I saw it.
"Did you see it?" I asked Colt.
"What do you think it is?" He asked. He looked at me expectantly.
"I slowed the video down so I could actually see what was going on. It was a ceremony of some sorts and I was there and so were you. You had a really good haircut though," I smiled at him as he ran his hand through his blonde hair. He blue eyes scanned the room.
"Anything else?" He asked. He sat down up against the wall and sighed.
"What?" Colt asked. He stood up and sighed. "We need to get home."
"We need to find out what that vision was about," I said. I slipped my hand into my pocket and then laughed.
"What?" he asked.
"You're worried about getting home and there is literally no way to get out," I said. I felt along the wall and the vision re-flashed in front of my eyes. My hand ran over a bump and then there was a click.
"What'd you do?" Colt asked, worry written all over his face.
"Why do you have to be such a worry wart?" I asked. I pushed against the the wall and then it gave way. I pushed it some more and it swung open like a door. I walked through and Colt followed, cautiously.
"Should we......?" he asked.
"Shhhhhh!" I shushed him and continued. Little lights lined the walls so we could see. I rounded a corner and stopped short. Colt bumped into me as he rounded the corner.
"Who goes there?" A guard asked. He pointed his gun at me. "How did you get out?"
"Go," the guard nudged me with his gun barrel and then pointed towards the door.
"Okay, we'll go," Colt said.
"Wait," I whispered.
"Wha?" the guard stammered. I pinned him to the floor and then knocked him with the gun barrel. Since I had four brothers, I know how to do it. Thankfully.
"Come on," I motioned for Colt to follow me and rounded the corner again. Colt hesitated, looked down at the unconscious man, and then followed.
"What were you thinking?!?" Colt asked in an urgent whisper.
"Calm yourself," I opened a door. It was a plain room like what we had just in. I walked in and Colt came in after me.
"What it this place?" I half-asked myself.
"I don't....." Colt stopped short when he heard a click. He turned around and saw that the door had closed behind him, sealing us in. "Uh,"
"Colt?" I said. "Come here." He what was the matter instantly. There was a portalish thing that was coming from my hand.
"What is it?" he asked. I shook my hand and the portalish thing came off and hovered in mid-air.
The portal sucked me and Colt in and we found ourselves standing in the middle of space. Comets shot past narrowly missing us. That's when it made sense. I was a timelord.
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